Unit 5

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5.1 Overview of
• Database is a collection of organized information, so that it can be
easily accessed, managed and updated.

• In Relational Database Management System, every database is consist of

one or more tables inside it.

• Thus you can say database is collection of one or more tables which are
related with one another.

• A table in database used to store records. The records in the table are
organized in the form or rows. Each row in the table represents
particular record.

• A record that is contained in the table is collection of one or more

columns. Each column in the record represents field of specific type in
the database table.
5.2 Introduction to
• MySQL is open source relation database management system.

• It is easy to use database management system for small and big

business applications.

• MySQL is developed by a Swedish company named MySQL AB. It was

first released in January 1998.
5.2 Introduction to
• Advantages:

• It is an open source database system, so you do not need to purchase

license version of it.

• It is based on Structured Query Language (SQL).

• It can run on almost all platforms such as Linux, Unix and Windows.

• It can work with many programming languages such as PHP, C, C++, JAVA,
PERL etc.

• It supports large database.

5.2 Introduction to
• Data types (Field Types) in
5.2 Introduction to
• Data types (Field Types) in
5.2 Introduction to
• Integration of PHP with MySQL:
• It is possible to execute various commands of MySQL from PHP application.

• PHP provides various built in functions that allow you to use MySQL
commands from PHP page. Thus you can integrate PHP with MySQL.

• Following are the frequently used PHP functions that allows the execution
of MySQL commands:

– mysql_connect (“servername", "user", "pass"): Connects to

the MySQL server.
– mysql_select_db("database name"): Equivalent to the MySQL
command USE; makes the selected database the active one.
– mysql_query("query“,”connection”): Used to send any type
of MySQL command to the server.
5.2 Introduction to
• Integration of PHP with MySQL:

– mysql_num_rows("results variable from query"): Used to return

number of records available in the results of a database query.

– mysql_fetch_rows("results variable from query"): Used to return

a row of the entire results of a database query.

– mysql_fetch_array("results variable from query"): Used to return several

rows of the entire results of a database query.

– mysql_close (“connection”): close the connection with the MySQL


– mysql_error(): Shows the error message that has been returned directly
from the MySQL server.
5.3 Creating Database using PHPMyAdmin
& Console

Covered in
5.4 Connecting with Database , Creating
& executing queries using
• 5.4.1 Connecting with Database

• Before you start working with MySQL database server, you first have to
establish connection with MySQL server.

• PHP allows you to connect with MySQL server using mysql_connect()


• Syntax: mysql_connect (“servername", "username", "password")

5.4 Connecting with Database , Creating
& executing queries using
• 5.4.1 Connecting with Database

– Servername: Indicates name of the MySQL server with which you want
establish connection.

– username: Indicates name of the user using which you can logs on to
MySQL server.

– password: Indicates password of the user using which you can logs on
to MySQL server.

• This function returns a boolean value TRUE or FALSE.

• If connection with MySQL server is established successfully, then it

5.4 Connecting with Database , Creating
& executing queries using
• 5.4.1 Connecting with

• Example:

$con = mysql_connect(“localhost”,

“root”); if(! con)

5.4 Connecting with Database , Creating
& executing queries using
• 5.4. Creating & executing queries using
2 mysql_query()
• mysql_query() function allows you to specify and execute SQL
commands) on MySQL server.

• Syntax: mysql_query ("query“, ”connection_name”)

– query: Indicates the SQL to be executed.

– Connection_name: Indicates the name of the connection that

is established using mysql_connect() function.
5.4 Connecting with Database , Creating
& executing queries using

5.4.2 Creating & executing queries using
• Example mysql_query()
$con = mysql_connect(“localhost”, “root”);
$db = mysql_selectdb(“KDP”);

$res = mysql_query(“create table Student(Enrollment integer, Name

varchar(20), Semester integer, Department varchar(20))” , $con);

echo “Table Created Successfully.”;
echo “Error while executing query.”;

5.5 Creating table, inserting data in to
table through HTML Forms
• 5.5.1 Creating table


$con = mysql_connect(“localhost”, “root”);

$db = mysql_selectdb(“KDP”);

$res = mysql_query(“create table Student(Enrollment integer, Name

varchar(20), Semester integer, Department varchar(20))” ,

echo “Table Created Successfully.”;
echo “Error while executing query.”;
5.5 Creating table, inserting data in to
table through HTML Forms

• 5.5.2 inserting data in to table through HTML Forms

• From. php:

<form action = "addrecord.php" method="POST">

Enrollment : <input type = "text" name = "enroll" >

Full Name : <input type = "text" name = "fname" >
Semester: <input type = "text" name = "sem" >
Department: <input type = "text" name = "dep" >
<input type = "Submit" name = "submit" value = "SUBMIT"
5.5 Creating table, inserting data in to
table through HTML Forms

• 5.5.2 inserting data in to table through HTML

• From. php:
5.5 Creating table, inserting data in to
table through HTML Forms
• 5.5.2 inserting data in to table through HTML Forms
• Addrecord.php:


$con = mysql_connect("localhost", "root");

$db = mysql_selectdb("KDP");

$enroll = $_POST["enroll"];
$name = $_POST["fname"];
$sem = $_POST["sem"];
$dep = $_POST["dep"];

$res = mysql_query("Insert into Student values ($enroll , $name , $sem , $dep)",

$con); mysql_close($con);

echo "Record inserted Successfully.“;

5.6 Retrieving data from Table, using
mysql_numrows(), Printing the output using PHP
and HTML
• displayrecord.php:

<TABLE border = “1”>

<th> Enrollment </th> <th> Name </th> <th> Semester </th> <th> Department


$con = mysql_connect("localhost", "root");

$db = mysql_selectdb("KDP");

$res = mysql_query(“Select * from Student", $con);

5.6 Retrieving data from Table, using
mysql_numrows(), Printing the output using PHP
and HTML
• displayrecord.php:

while ( $row = mysql_fetch_array($res))
echo “<tr> <td> $row[Enrollment]
</td> <td> $row[Name]
</td> <td> $row[Semester] </td> <td> $row[Department]
</tr>” ;

echo “</TABLE>”;


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