Role of Safety Officer
Role of Safety Officer
Role of Safety Officer
Role of Safety
● Topic Outline: Role of Safety Officer
As a safety Officer, Supervisor and Management in-charge what will you do?
● Other Section of DOLE 13:
Section 6. Personal Protective Equipment
Every Employer shall, at his own expense, furnish his workers
with Protective equipment for eyes, face, hand, etc. and barriers
whenever necessary by reason of the hazardous work process or
environment, chemical and so on…
Section 7. Safety Personnel
• Rule 1033 (Training and Personnel Complement)
•Construction Safety and Health Officer for every ten (10) units
of heavy equipment
•The contractor sub-contractor must provide for a
representative, who shall have the same qualification as a Safety
Man to oversee the Management of the Contractors Safety &
Health Programs
● Other Section of DOLE 13:
• Periodic updating of man-hours lost.
● Other Section of DOLE 13: