Role of Safety Officer

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Construction Safety

Training for Safety Officers

Role of Safety
● Topic Outline: Role of Safety Officer

● Section 1. Definition of Terms… DO 13-s.1998

● Qualifications of Safety & Health Officers … DO 16- 2001

● Rule 1047: Duties of Safety Officer/ Safety Man

● Section 5. Construction Safety and Health Program … DO 13-s.1998
● Other Section of DOLE 13:… DO 13-s.1998
Rules of the Occupational Safety and
Health Standards
1000 General Provisions 1170 Unfired Pressure Vessels
1010 Other Safety Rules 1180 Internal Combustion Engine*
1020 Registration
1030 Training & Accreditation 1200 Machine Guarding
1040 Health & Safety Committee 1210 Electrical Safety
1050 Notification & Keeping of 1220 Elevators & Related Equipment
Occ. Illnesses & Injuries 1230 Identification of Piping System
1060 Premises of Establishments 1240 Power Piping Lines *
1070 Environmental Control 1410 Construction Safety
1080 Personal Protective Equipment 1420 Logging
1090 Hazardous Materials 1940 Fire Protection & Control
1100 Gas & Electric Welding & 1950 Pesticides & Fertilizers
Cutting Operations 1960 OH Services
1120 Hazardous Work Processes 1970 Fees
1140 Explosives 1980 Authority of LGUs
1150 Materials Handling & Storage 1990 Final Provisions
1160 Boiler
● Section 1. Definition of Terms DO 13-s.1998

“Construction safety and health officer”

- means any employee/worker trained and, in addition to
their regular duties and responsibilities, tasked by his
employer to implement occupational safety and health
programs in accordance with the provisions of the
Occupational Safety and Health Standards (OSHS). (Rule 1032)

“Construction safety officer/Personnel”

- Refers to any person engage by any constructor, trained,
accredited by DOLE and task to provide occupational
safety and health services for the workers/employees in
any construction project. (DO 13)
● Qualifications of Safety & Health Officers DO 16-s.2001

● Rule 1033: Training & Personnel Complement

1.) All safety officers must complete the Bureau-prescribe
training course prior to their appointment as in their respective
places of employment.
2.) All Full-time Safety Officers must meet the requirement of
duly-accredited Safety Practitioners or Safety Consultants by the
3.) Not less than the following number of supervisors or technical
personnel shall take the required trainings and shall be appointed
as a safety officer on a full-time or part-time basis depending on
the number of workers employed and the hazardous or non-
hazardous nature of the workplace pursuant to Rule 1013.
● Qualifications of Safety & Health Officers DO 16-s.2001

● For Hazardous Workplaces

● Rule 1047: Duties of Safety Officer/ Safety Man

The principal function of the Safety Man is to act as the

employers' principal assistant and consultant in the
application of PROGRAMS to remove the HAZARD from
the workplace and to correct unsafe work practices. For
this purpose, the Safety Man has the following duties:

(1) Serves as Secretary to the Health and Safety

Committee. As such, he shall:
a. prepare minutes of meetings;
b. report status of recommendations made;
c. notify members of the meetings; and
d. submit to the employer a report of the activities of the
committee, including recommendations made.
● Secretary to the Health and Safety Committee (Sample)
● Rule 1047: Duties of Safety Officer/ Safety Man

(2) Acts in an advisory capacity on all matters pertaining to health

and safety for the guidance of the employer and the workers.
(3) Conducts investigation of accidents as member of the Health
and Safety Committee and submits his separate report and
analysis of accidents to the employer.
(4) Coordinates all health and safety training programs for the
employees and employer.
(5) Conducts health and safety inspection as member of the
(7) Provides assistance to government agencies in the conduct of
safety and health inspection, accident investigation or any other
related programs.
(8) For purposes of effectiveness in a workplace where full-time
safety man is required, he shall report directly to the employer.
Other Types of Health and Safety Organization
 1048.01 Line Type
A form of organization where the general manager or head
of the establishment directs the health and safety
programs and assumes overall responsibility for the
safety in the establishment. He in turn delegates the
application of health and Safety programs to plant
personnel occupying line position.

 1048.01 Staff Type

Staff safety organization or safety engineers type consists
of line organization with specialized personnel employed
to advice and assist management in all matters of
safety. Said personnel are responsible to the exercising
staff functions, serve all departments in an advisory
capacity and supervise the application of the health and
safety programs in the workplace.
● DO 13 Section 5. Construction Safety and Health Program

Every construction project shall have a

suitable Construction Safety and Health
Program which must be in accordance
with these rules, and other orders and
issuances issued by the DOLE.
● DO 13 Section 5. Construction Safety and Health Program
5.1 The Construction Safety and Health Program shall state the ff:
a.) Construction Safety and Health Committee
b.) specific safety policies which the General Constructor
undertakes to observe and maintain in its construction
site, including the frequency of and persons responsible
for conducting toolbox and gang meetings;
c.) penalties and sanctions for violations of the
Construction Safety and Health Program;
d.) frequency, content and persons responsible for
orienting, instructing and training all workers at the site
e. the manner of disposing waste
Scenario (Workers, Supervisor, Safety & Management)
 The workers in the company is working without PPE, as a safety officer part of our job is
to ensure and check that the workers comply the safety requirements in terms of PPE
and it is the responsibility also of the supervisor to ensure that his/her workers are
The safety officer conducted a daily inspection and found out that in every
inspection, the workers did not comply with the PPE requirements.
The safety officer conducted an investigation on the possible root cause of the non-
compliance, also the safety officer inform the direct superior/supervisor why his/her
workers did not comply with the requirements.

The results of the investigation has the following;

1. Supervisor did not fully check his workers compliance in terms of PPE
2. Workers did not follow the instruction of the supervisor to comply/wear the required
PPE in the area
3. Workers are the one paying their own PPE in the area thru salary deduction
(Note: the workers are contractors in the company)
4. Workers does not have proper training and is not certified by DOLE
5. Workers are not aware on the required PPE in the area
6. The company does not have policy on the possible sanction or penalties in terms of
Non-compliance to Safety.
7. The company is not aware of DO-13 section 6 requirements.
8. The contracts did not include the agreement for PPE and its payment terms.

As a safety Officer, Supervisor and Management in-charge what will you do?
● Other Section of DOLE 13:
Section 6. Personal Protective Equipment
Every Employer shall, at his own expense, furnish his workers
with Protective equipment for eyes, face, hand, etc. and barriers
whenever necessary by reason of the hazardous work process or
environment, chemical and so on…
Section 7. Safety Personnel
• Rule 1033 (Training and Personnel Complement)
•Construction Safety and Health Officer for every ten (10) units
of heavy equipment
•The contractor sub-contractor must provide for a
representative, who shall have the same qualification as a Safety
Man to oversee the Management of the Contractors Safety &
Health Programs
● Other Section of DOLE 13:

Section 8. Emergency Occupational Health

Personnel and Facilities
-certified first-aider (<51)
- registered nurse (51-200)
-part-time physician and a dentist, and an
emergency clinic (201-300)
-full-time physician, a dentist and an infirmary or
emergency hospital with one (1) bed capacity (> 300)
● Other Section of DOLE 13:

Section 9. Construction Safety Signage’s

• PPE Requirements
• Areas with Potential risks of:

- Physical hazards falling objects, risks of falling,

tripping or slipping hazards
- Chemical Hazards
- Electrical Hazards
- dangerous moving parts of machineries or
- Emergency Facilities - fire alarms and fire fighting
• Instructions on the usage of specific construction

• Periodic updating of man-hours lost.
● Other Section of DOLE 13:

Section 10. Safety on Construction Heavy Equipment

 certification from DOLE or duly accredited
organization for heavy equipment and operator.
 All heavy equipment must have inspection certificate
Section 11. Construction Safety and Health
• enforcement of OSH rule & Construction Safety &
Health Program
• Composition of S&H Comm.
• regular meeting
● Other Section of DOLE 13:
Section 12. Safety and Health Information
12.2 No person shall be deployed in a construction site
unless he has undergone a safety and health awareness
seminar conducted by the Occupational Safety and
Health Center (OSHC), BWC and other concerned offices
of DOLE or by safety professionals or safety organizations
or other institutions DOLE has accredited or recognized.

12.5 Each supervisor or any designated person (e.g.

foreman, leadman, gangboss, etc.) shall conduct daily
tool box or similar meetings prior to starting the tasks for
the day to discuss with the workers and anticipate safety
and health problems related to every task and the
potential solutions to those problems.
● Other Section of DOLE 13:

Section 14. Construction Safety and Health Reports

•Monthly construction safety and health report
to the BWC or to the DOLE Regional Office

- safety and health committee meeting

- accident investigations/reports
- periodic hazards assessment
- dangerous occurrence

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