Regional Integration Functions and Forms
Regional Integration Functions and Forms
Regional Integration Functions and Forms
Functions of Integration
Forms of Integration
Functions of Regional Integration
Initiatives- What are the ultimate goals?
1. Creation of an appropriate enabling environment
for private sector development.
2. The development of infrastructure programs in
support of economic growth and regional
integration. Electricity Plants, transmission lines,
oil and gas refineries, storage reserves, ports,
nuclear plants
Functions of Regional Integration
Initiatives- What are the ultimate goals?
3. The development of strong public sector
institutions and good governance.
4. The reduction of social exclusion and the
development of an inclusive civil society.
Functions of Regional Integration
Initiatives- What are the ultimate goals?
5. Contribution to Peace and security in the region.
6. The building of environment programs at the
regional level.
7. The strengthening of the regions interaction with
other regions of the world.
Forms of Regional Integration- An
Overview- Scale of 1-10.
0 5 10
Economic Political
Integration Integration
Meaning of Economic Integration
There is economic cooperation as in a Free Trade Area.
Barriers to trade are removed between countries. The
main difference is that members agree to treat trade with
non member countries in a similar manner. Example- The
Gulf Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf.
They address the problem of re- exports; using
preferential tariffs in one country to enter another
Meaning of Economic Integration Cont’d
Sources: John McCormick. The European Union: Politics and Policies. Westview Press: Boulder Colorado,
Trade Diversion- members may trade more with each other than non
member nations. This may mean increased trade with less efficient or
more expensive producers because it is a member country. In which
case weaker companies get protected as the trade agreement acts as
a trade barrier.