Tle8 CSS

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Learning Module 3
Week 3
Computers in a Changing World
Years ago… Today…
Classification of Computer
• 1. Supercomputer - is the fastest and most
powerful computer in terms of performance and data

• Research and
• Weather forecasting
• Nuclear weapon testing
Classification of Computer
• 2. Mainframe computer is not as powerful as the
supercomputer. It is designed to run multiple
programs concurrently.

• Banks
• Educational Institution
• Insurance companies
Classification of Computer
• 3. Minicomputer, also known as “Midrange”
computer fill the space between the mainframe and
Classification of Computer
• 4. Microcomputer, is the most widely used
computer – desktop, laptops, tablets, and
smartphones. It is the cheapest among the
different classes of computers. This computer is
design for general usage such as entertainment,
education and work purposes.
Elements of Computer Systems
• A computer system is a collection of entities that
are designed to receive, process, manage, and
present information in a meaningful format. It has 3
elements that will make a computer really useful.

Elements of a Computer System

Hardware Software Peopleware

• refers to the physical, tangible computer
equipment and devices which provides support
for major functions such as input, process,
output and storage.

Components of Hardware

Input Device
Output Device
Process Device
Storage Device
• are composed of a device that accepts data and instructions
from the user or from another computer system.

Keyboard Mouse Scanner Microphone

It is the primary used to point and use to capture a used to input sound
device used to enter select objects on source document that is then stored in
text. the computer and converts printed a digital form.
monitor. data
• is any piece of computer hardware that displays results after
the computer has processed the input data that has been

Monitor Printer Speaker Projector

an electronic visual The printer is a is an output is an output device

computer display that
includes a screen, circuitry, device use to print hardware device that projects an
and the case in which that texts and pictures. that produces image onto a large
circuitry is enclosed.
sound. surface
• is the computer’s circuitry in the system unit. It plays an
important role in processing operations. It is used to process
data, using instructions from the program.

Brain of computer

Central Processing Unit Random Access Memory

Motherboard is volatile, meaning it
holds data only when
the main circuit board the power is on.
of a computer. Video Card/GPU
also called a display card, graphics card, display
adapter, or graphics adapter is an expansion card
which generates a feed of output images to a
display device
• stores data and programs. These hold data, information, and
programs permanently.

Magnetic Storage
also known as hard drive, is a magnetic
storage device that is installed inside the
Hard Disk Drive
computer. The hard drive is used as
permanent storage for data.

is a removable data storage magnetic

medium that housed in a rigid plastic
Floppy Disk
cartridge measuring 3.5 inches square
and about 2millimeters thick.
Optical Storage
is simply called as Blu-Ray, a digital
optical disc data storage format. It was
Blu-ray designed to supersede the DVD format,
and is capable of storing several hours
of video in high definition.

(Compact Disc) also called optical disc is

a nonmagnetic, polished metal disk used
CD/DVD to store digital information.
(Digital Versatile Disc) an optical disc
technology with a 4.7 gigabyte storage
capacity on a single-sided
Flash Memory

is a storage medium that uses non-

Solid State Drive
volatile memory

is a solid-state electronic flash memory

Memory Card data storage device used with digital
cameras, handheld and tablet/mobile
computers and other electronics
is a plug-and-play portable storage
USB Flash Drive device that uses flash memory and is
lightweight enough to attach to a key

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