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Network Science

Bipartite graphs and Two-mode networks

“I think the next [21st] century will be the century of

complexity” – Stephen Hawking
Types of network projection
Binary method

 The simplest method of projecting a binary two-mode network is to select one set of
nodes and connect the nodes if they are connected with the same node of other set

 For example, in case of scientific collaboration network (Newman, 2001a) two scientists
are considered to be connected if they are the authors of the same paper from the set of

 Through this method, one-mode network is created with entries representing the
presence of interconnection (ciβ =1 where at least one paper is shared) and c iβ =0 when there
is no sharing
Types of network projection (Binary
Binary method

 Through this method, one-mode network is created with entries representing the
presence of interconnection (ciβ =1 where at least one paper is shared) and c iβ =0 when there
is no sharing

Types of network projection (Weighted
Binary method)
Weighted Binary method

 Further, we can transform two-mode binary network as weighted one-mode network by

defining the weights as the number of co-occurrences of nodes

For example, in case of scientific collaboration network, the number of papers those two
authors had collaborated on

Thus, the method is formalized as given in equation (Padro´n et al., 2011):

Types of network projection (Weighted
Binary method)
Weighted Binary method

Where wij is the weight of link between node i and j, and p is the nodes of the other kind
that node i and node j are connected to, their co-occurrences

Types of network projection (Newman

 Newman argued (Newman, 2001b) and proposed another method during his research on
scientific collaboration network

He stressed on the point that the social bond weakens as the number of authors increase
in collaboration

According to him, collaboration can be formalized as given in equation

where, Np is the number of authors on paper p

Types of network projection (Weighted
newman method)

 According to him, collaboration can be formalized as given in equation

where, Np is the number of authors on paper p

Types of network projection (Weighted
newman method)
In the context of scientific collaboration networks, this implies that if two scientists who
only write a single paper together with no other co-authors get a weight of 1 (e.g., node B
and node D)

Moreover, if two scientists have written two papers together without any co-author, the
weight of their tie would be 2 (e.g., node B and E)

However, if the two scientists have a co-author, the weight on the tie between them is 0.5
(e.g., node A and node C)

A more complicated example is the tie between node A and node B in the diagram

Types of network projection (Weighted
newman method)
 They have written two papers together: one without any other co-author and one with
node C as a co-author

The first paper would give their tie a weight of 1, and the second tie would add 0.5 to the
weight of this tie

Therefore, the weight attached to their tie is 1.5.

By discounting for the number of blue nodes attached to the same red node, this methods
creates a one-mode projection in which the strength of a node is equal to the number of ties
originating from that node in the two-mode network (e.g. the sum of weights attached to
ties originating from node A in the one-mode projection is 2, and node A is connected to
two red nodes)

Types of network projection (Sum method)
 Therefore, by including weight of links in the network make the analysis richer as
compared to network analysis with simple binary links in the network

 The weighted two-mode network projection can be formalized as given in equation

Where wi,p is the weight of ith node to pth event where i and j participated together

Through this method, it can be observed that how two nodes interact with common node
in different sets and project it onto a directed weighted one- mode network

This method will not create truly directed network as two directed links exists between
any two nodes connected with each other
Types of network projection (Sum method)

This method will not create truly directed network as two directed links exists between
any two nodes connected with each other

Types of network projection (Sum method)

 The Figure shows that user A has posted 4 messages in a blog where B has also posted 2
 Similarly, 2 messages has been posted by user A in a blog where user B has posted 1
 Here, link number shows the weight as from user A to blog

 With such a method it is possible to differentiate how the two nodes interact with the
common node, and to project it onto a directed weighted one-mode network

 In this way, the data used for analysis is richer if the tie weights are included in the two-
mode network than if they are discarded

Types of network projection (Sum method)

 In this type of projected network, the weight of a link from a node to another node is not
necessarily the same as the weight attached to the link from the latter node to the former

It is not a truly directed network as two directed links exist between any connected node

The direction shows the difference that how two nodes interact with the common node in
the network

We can say that 6 messages from (A) as compared to 3 messages from B as link weight

 Through this method, no any link is made up of single directed link (asymmetric) in
projected one-mode network 13
Types of network projection (Weighted
newman method)

 In a similar spirit as the method used by Newman (2001), it is also possible to discount
for the number of nodes when projecting weighted two-mode networks

For example, it could be argued that if many online users post to a thread, their ties
should be weaker than if there were few people posting to the thread

 The weights can be calculated based on this approach by using generalization as given in

Types of network projection (Weighted
Newman method)

 This method would create a weighted directed one-mode network in which the out-
strength of a node is equal to the sum of the weights attached to the links in the two-mode
network that originated from that node

This will also not create truly directed network as two directed links exists between any
two nodes connected with each other

Types of network projection (Commands in
# Load tnet
# Binary one-mode projection
projecting_tm(net, method="binary")
# Simply the number of common red nodes
projecting_tm(net, method="sum")
# Newman's method
projecting_tm(net, method="Newman")


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