CHAPTER 2 - 1 - LP-graphic Solution
CHAPTER 2 - 1 - LP-graphic Solution
CHAPTER 2 - 1 - LP-graphic Solution
II. Proportionality---
The contribution of each variable to the left-hand side of each
constraint is proportional to the value of each variable.
Labor hr. 2 1 40
Machine hr. 1 3 45
Marketing/demand 1 0 12
Profit $300 $250
1. Formulation of mathematical model (LPM):
Max Z=300X1 +250X2
st: 2X1 +X2 < 40 Labor hr.
X1 + 3X2 < 45 Machine hr.
X1 + < 12 Marketing hr.
X1, X2 > 0
2.Convert constraints inequalities into equalities and calculate
intercepts by simply assuming both sides (RHS & LHS) are equal
2X1 +X2 = 40 ==> (0, 40) and (20, 0)
X1 +3X2 = 45 ==> (0, 15) and (45, 0)
X1 = 12 ==> (12, 0)
X1, X2 = 0
3. Draw the graph using the intercepts
Constraints Amount of Hrs used Available hrs Slack hrs = (Av – used)
Labour hrs 2 (12) + 11= 35 40 5
Marketing 12 = 12 12 0
Machine hr. 12 +3 (11) = 45 45 0
Note the constraint that includes the feasible solution always have zero slack
Slack …Cont.
• Thus, the complete solution tells management that
the production of 12 Model A TV set and 11 Model B TV set will
all available Machin hours ( 45 hrs) &
all available demand (11), and
Unused /idle/ 7 hours of labour time
• Thus 7 hours of unused labour time is referred to as slack.
LP Modeling & GS --Maximization case 2
• Application: Product Mix
• A company manufactures two products: forklift and truck. These
products require the following machine resources. The resources are the
capacities of machine M1, M2, and M3. The available capacities for the
machines are 50, 25, and 15 hours respectively in the planning period.
Forklift requires 1 hour of machine M2 and 1 hour of machine M3. the
truck requires 2 hours of machine M1, 2 hours of machine M2 and 1 hour
of machine M3. The profit contribution of products X and Y are Birr 4
per unit and Birr 5 per unit respectively.
• Formulate the LP model to the optimal values that maximize the profit of
the company
• Step 1: determine the decision variables
• Let the company manufactures x units of forklift and y units of truck.
• Step2: determine the objective: Max(Z): 4x + 5y
• Step 3: determine the constraints for each product and machine
Const. M1 = 0x + 2y ≤ 50
Const. M2 = 1x + 1y ≤ 25
Const. M3 = 1x + 2y ≤ 15
St. M1. 0x + 2y = 50 (0, 25) => horizontal line
M2 1x + 2y ≤ 25 (0, 12.5), ( 25,0)
M3. 1x + 1y ≤ 15 (0, 15), (15, 15)
Step 5: Draw the graph & determine the
Max Z = 4x + 5y M1. 0x + 2y ≤ 50
M2 1x + 2y ≤ 25
M3. 1x + 1y ≤ 15
Corners OF values
A(0, 0) = 4(0) + 5(0) = $0
B(0, 0) = 4(0) + 5(12.5) = $62.5
C(5, 10) = 4(5) + 5(10) = $70
D( 0, 15) = 4(0) + 5(15) = $75 The Optimal value
Interpret the result
The exact location of the optimal solution point is x = 5 & y= 10
Hence, the optimal production quantities for manufacturing company are 5
forklifts and 10 trucks, with a resulting optimal profit contribution of
$6,350 (optimal value)
Constraints Amount of Hrs used Available hrs Slack hrs = (Av – used)
M1 0 (0) + 2(15) = 30 50 20
M2 1 (0) + 2(15) = 25 30 0
1(0) + 1(15) = 15 15 0
Maximization case 3.
• Par, Inc., is a small manufacturer of golf equipment and supplies whose
management has decided to move into the market for medium- and high-priced
golf bags. Par’s distributor is enthusiastic about the new product line and has
agreed to buy all the golf bags Par produces over the next three months.
• A golf bag, management determined that each golf bag produced will require the
following four operations: cutting and dyeing the material; sewing, finishing
and inspection and packaging.
• The director of manufacturing analysed each of the operations and concluded that
if the company produces a medium-priced standard model, each bag will
require 7⁄10 hour in the cutting and dyeing department, 1⁄2 hour in the sewing
department, 1 hour in the finishing department, and 1⁄10 hour in the inspection
and packaging department.
• The more expensive deluxe model will require 1 hour for cutting and dyeing,
5⁄6 hour for sewing, 2⁄3 hour for finishing, and 1⁄4 hour for inspection and
• Par’s production is constrained by a limited number of hours available in each
department where the director of manufacturing estimates that 630 hours for
cutting and dyeing, 600 hours for sewing, 708 hours for finishing, and 135
hours for inspection and packaging will be available for the production of
golf bags during the next three months.
• The accounting department analysed the production data, assigned all relevant
variable costs, and arrived at prices for both bags that will result in a profit
contribution of $10 for every standard bag and $9 for every deluxe bag
• Required tasks:
• Formulate the LP model
• Determine the optimal solution and the optimal value using corner points method of
graphical method
• Interpret the result
• Determine the slake amount.
• Describe the Objective: The objective is to maximize the total contribution to
• Describe Each Constraint: Four constraints relate to the number of hours of
manufacturing time available; they restrict the number of standard bags and the
number of deluxe bags that can be produced.
• Constraint 1: Number of hours of cutting and dyeing time used must be less than
or equal to the number of hours of cutting and dyeing time available.
• Constraint 2: Number of hours of sewing time used must be less than or equal to
the number of hours of sewing time available.
• Constraint 3: Number of hours of finishing time used must be less than or equal
to the number of hours of finishing time available.
• Constraint 4: Number of hours of inspection and packaging time used must be
less than or equal to the number of hours of inspection and packaging time
Formulation of LPM-E.g. 2 ….cont’d
• Define the Decision Variables:
• The controllable inputs for Par, Inc., are (1) the number of standard bags
produced, and (2) the number of deluxe bags produced.
• Let S = number of standard bags and D = number of deluxe bags.
• In linear programming terminology, S and D are referred to as the decision
• Par’s total profit contribution comes from two sources: the profit contribution
made by producing S standard bags, and the profit contribution made by
producing D deluxe bags.
• If Par makes $10 for every standard bag, the company will make $10S if S
standard bags are produced. Also, if Par makes $9 for every deluxe bag, the
company will make $9D if D deluxe bags are produced.
• Thus, we have Total Profit Contribution, Max Z = 10S + 9D
Formulation of LPM-E.g. 2….cont’d
• Point B is the intersection point of the two graphs, which is found when
the two constraints are equal. Use elimination procedure to determine the
values at the point of intersection.
30X1+40X2 = 1,200 - multiply by -3 30X1 + 40( 9) =1200
90X1+ 50X2 = 2970 30X1= 1200 - 360
c. The radio station representative says that the audience for one of the station’s
commercials, which costs Birr 6000, is 15,000 customers. The break down of the
audience is as follows.
Male Female
Old 1,500 1,500
Young 4,500 7,500
• Marketing Application
• The store has the following advertising policy:
• Use at least twice as many radio commercials as news paper ads.
• Reach at least 100,000 customers
• Reach at least twice as many young people as old people
• Make sure that at least 30% of the audience is women.
• Available space limits the number newspaper ads to 7. The store wants
to know the optimal number of each type of advertising to purchase to
minimize total cost.
• Required:
• Formulate appropriate linear programming model.
.2 2x1 +x2 ≤ 40-Labor hrs.
Constraints Amount of Hrs used Available hrs Slack hrs = (Av – used)
Labour hrs 2 (12) + 11= 35 40 5
Marketing 12 = 12 12 0
Machine hr. 12 +3 (11) = 45 45 0
Note the constraint that includes the feasible solution always have zero slack
Par. Inc.- Deluxe (D) and Standard (S) bags
• From the graph, we can see that:
the cutting and dyeing and the finishing constraints restrict, or bind, the feasible
region at these optimal points. These constraints are called binding constraints.
Thus, this solution requires the use of all available time for these two operations. In other
words, the graph shows us that the cutting and dyeing and the finishing departments will
have zero slack.
On the other hand, the sewing and the inspection and packaging constraints are not
binding the feasible region at the optimal solution, which means we can expect
some unused time or slack for these two operations.
These constraints are called non-binding constraints.
In addition the sewing capacity constraint in particular, did not affect the feasible
That is, the feasible region would be the same whether the sewing capacity
constraint were included or not.
The sewing constraint does not affect the feasible region and thus cannot
affect the optimal solution; it is called a redundant constraint.
The amount of Slack variable of hrs at S = 540, and D = 252 for each
• In the above graph, there is no
common point in the shaded area.
• therefore, all constraints cannot be
satisfied simultaneously and there is
no feasible solution to the problem.
4. Unbounded Solution
• Is the situation/case when the value of decision variables in LP is permitted to
increase infinitely without violating the feasibility condition
• The polygon indicating feasible region is not closed one i.e., the feasible area is
• Hence the line can be moved indefinitely, still containing a part of the feasible
• there is no finite maximum value of Z. That the value of Z can be increased
• Unbounded solution and objective function happens in case of maximization
model only.
• In minimization case there is unbounded feasible region but the optimal value
can be definitely determined at minimum point.
Example- Unbounded Solution
Max. Z = 3x1+2x2 St:
x1-x2 ≤ 1
x1+x2 ≥ 3
x1, x2 > 0
two corners of the region are A (0, 3) and B (2, 1).
The value of Max Z (A) = 3(0) + 2x 3 = 6 and Max Z
(B) = 3x2 + 2x1) = 8.
And 8 is the optimal value in ideal case.
But there exist a number of points in the shaded
region for which the value of the objective function is (1, 0)
more than 8.
For example, the point (10, 12) lies in the region and (0, -1)
the function value at this point is 70 which are more
than 8.
Mixed Constraints
• The constraints for linear program model are all same types, then such lp
models are not mixed constraints problems.
• But if linear programming problems contains constraints that involve two or
three types ( ≤, ≥ and/or =) are called mixed-constraint problems.
• Mixed constraint problem can exist for both maximization and minimization
Mixed Constraint Problem-Maximization case
• ABC gasoline company has two refineries with different production capacities. refinery a
can produce 4,000 gallons per day of super unleaded gasoline, 2000 gallons per day of
regular unleaded gasoline and 1000 gallons per day of leaded gasoline. on the other hand,
refinery b can produce 1000 gallons per day of super unleaded, 3000 gallons per day of
regular unleaded and 4,000 gallons per day of leaded.
• The company has made a contract with an automobile manufacturer to provide 24000
gasolines of super unleaded, 42000 gallons of regular unleaded and 36000 gallons of
leaded .the automobile manufacturer wants delivery in not more than 14 days. the cost of
running refinery a is $1500 per day and refinery b is $2400 per day.
• required:
a) Formulate this problem as a LPP
b) Determine the number of days the gasoline company should operate each refinery in order
to meet the terms of the above contract most economical.(i.e. At a minimum running cost)
c) Which grade of gasoline would be over produced?
Solution: a) Model
Let X1 =The No of days refinery A should work & =>T o simplify the problem divide by 1000 the
X2 =The No of days refinery B should work. constraints
a. LPP of the problem Min Z =1500x1+2400x2 St:
Min Z=1500x1 +2400x2 St:
4X1+1x2 > 24
4000x1+1000x2 > 24000
2X1+3x2 > 42
2000x1+3000x2 > 42000
X1+4x2 > 36
1000x1+2000x2> 36000 x1 < 14
x1 < 14 x2< 14
x2 < 14 x1, X2 > 0
b). the number of days the gasoline company should operate each refinery in order to meet
the terms of the above contract most economical:
. 24
Delivery time: X1=14
SUG: 4X1+X2 =24
A (2.5, 14) B (14, 14)
Delivery time: X2=14
• The dietary requirements of the special feed are at least 30% protein and
at most 5% fibre. Ozark Farms wishes to determine the daily minimum-
cost feed mix.
Mini. Cont.
DV: Because the feed mix consists of corn and soybean meal, the decision variables of
the model are defined as
x1 = lb of corn in the daily mix
x2 = lb of soybean meal in the daily mix
OF: The objective function seeks to minimize the total daily cost (in dollars) of the
feed mix and is thus expressed as Minimize z = 0.3x1 + 0.9x2
Constraints: The constraints of the model reflect the:
daily amount of feed needed and
the dietary requirements.
Mini. Cont.
• Because Ozark Farms needs at least 800Ib of feed a day, the associated
constraint (daily feed) can be expressed as x1+ x2 ≥ 800- total feed mix
needed per day
• As for the protein dietary requirement constraint, the amount of protein
included in x1 lb of corn and x2 lb of soybean meal is 0.09x1lb + 0.6x2 lb.
• This quantity should equal at least 30% of the total feed mix of protein (x1 +
x2) lb-that is, 0.09x1 + 0.6x2 ≥ 0.3 (x1+x2)
• In a similar manner, the fibre requirement of at most 5% of total feed mix
of fibr is constructed as .02x1 + 0.06x2 ≤ 0.05 (x1+x2).
Mini. Cont.
• The l.p.p. model
• Minimize z= .3x1 + .9x2
• Subject to x1 + x2 ≥ 800
.21x1 –.30x2 ≤ 0
.03x1 - .0lx2 ≥ 0
x 1, x 2 ≥ 0
Mini. Cont.
• Because the present model seeks the minimization of the objective
function, we need to reduce the value of z as much as possible in the
direction shown in Figure below.
• The optimum solution is the intersection of the two lines x1 + x2 = 800
and .21x1 - .3X2 = 0, which yields X1 = 470.591b and X2 = 329.41 lb.
• The associated minimum cost of the feed mix is z = .3 X 470.59 + .9 x
329.42 = $437.65 per day.
Mixed constraint- Maximization case
• Calculate the maximal value of z = 5x + 3y for the following constraints.
x + 2y ≤ 14
3x – y ≥ 0
x – y ≤ 2
x, y ≥ 0
First: find interception points
x + 2y ≤ 14 (0, 7), ( 14, 0)
3x – y ≥ 0 (0, 0), ( 1, 0), (2, 0), (3,0)
x – y ≤ 2 (0, -2), ( 2, 0), (3, 1)
x, y ≥ 0
B(6, 2)
C(6, 4)
0 )
2 ,
A(0, 0) D(
• Now pair the lines to form a system of linear equations to find the
corner points.
3x – y = 0 <--------- multiply by 2
x + 2y = 14
x + 2y = 14
3y = 12 6x -2y = 0
y = 4 x + 2y = 14
X -4 = 2 7x = 14
X = 6 X=2
C( 2, 6) 3(2) -y = 0
Y= 6
B( 2, 6)
Coordinates Max Z = 5x + 3y
A(0,0) 5*0 + 3*0 = 0
B(6,2) 5*6 + 3*2 = 36
C (6, 4) 5*6 + 3*4 = 42
D( 2, 0) 5*2 + 3*0 = 10