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Analytical Chemistry
Paper Chromatography
Presented By…..
1. Thu Wai 1-IC-
2. Khin Phue Pyae Pyae Zaw 1-IC-
3. Wint Phyu Sin Moe 1-IC-
4. Yamin Wint War 1-IC-
5. Theingi Wutyi 1-IC-
6. Nyan Lin Htet 1-IC-
7. Htet Htet Youn Me 1-IC-
8. Htet Htet Htoo San 1-IC-
9. Min Phone Thant 1-IC-
10.Kaung Myat Win 1-IC-
11.Saw Myat Phone Kyaw 1-IC-
12.Yan Naing 1-IC-
13.Lae Yin Win Htet 1-IC-
14.Kar Yan Kyaw 1-IC-
15.Yadana Su 1-IC-
16.Chu Nandi 1-IC-
17.Phone Myat Zaw 1-IC-
18.Kyi Nyue Point 1-IC-
19.Myat Min Khant 1-IC-
20.Khine Mon Htut Swe 1-IC-
“ Hope You All Pay Attention
Enjoy Ours

Presentation Outlines
- Chromatography
- Paper Chromatography
- Experiment Set-up
- Purpose
- Preparation of Paper
- Separating the Different Pigments of the Ink of the Marker
- The Retention Factor Rf
- Detection Agents
- Uses
u Separating two or more dissolved solids in solution can be carried out by
u The separation of substances by slow movement through or over a separating
material is called chromatography
u Two kinds of chromatography- preparative and analytical
u There are four types of analytical chromatography-
u - paper chromatography
u - thin layer chromatography
u - column chromatography
u - gas chromatography
Paper Chromatography
Column Chromatography

Gas Chromatography

u A technique for separating mixture.

u The word chromatography is derived for two greek words
u chroma means colour and graphein to write
u There are different types of chromatography but all of them are based on the
same principle
u The different molecules or ions in the mixture will interact differently with the
stationary phases the chromatograph and get separated the process
u The different techniques of chromatography use different substances as the
stationary and mobile phases
Paper chromatography

u An analytical method
u Used to separate colored chemicals or substances
u very useful for separating complex mixtures of compounds having similar polarity
for e.g. amino acids
u The simplest form to set up
u very useful if we want to analyze the substances present in a solution
u Example; contamination of food and drinking water
Experiment set-up

u Mobile phase; water, organic solvent, acid, base, buffer

u Glass container with a cap or beaker
u Something to hold the chromatography paper
u Stationary phase; chromatography paper
u Dropper

u The mobile phase is a solution that travels up the stationary phase due to capillary
u Cellulose layers in filter paper contains moisture which acts as stationary phase &
organic solvents/buffers are used as mobile phase
Ke tan nat pone
Purpose of Paper Chromatography

u To analyze the substances present in a solution

u To tell us whether the solution has become
contaminated ( this is very because contamination of
food or drinking water ,for instance may be dangerous
for our health ).
Preparation of Paper
▪ Cut the paper into desired
shape and size depending
upon work to be carried out
▪ The starting line is marked
on the paper with an
ordinary pencil 5cm from
the bottom edge
Separating the different pigments of the ink
of the marker
u stationary phase; water
u mobile phase; ink
u 1. Pour a small volume of water in a beaker
u 2. Take a strip of chromatography paper
u 3. Draw a line with a pencil close to the lower edge of the paper
u 4. Put a small drop of ink on the center of the line. Let it dry for some time
u 5.Put the filter paper in the beaker just
above the water level

u 6.After sometime, the water starts

gradually rising up by capillary
u 8.As the water moves up, it takes the
dyes present in the ink along with it

u 9.As the water rises up, we see different colors on paper.

These are the different dyes present in the ink. Different
dyes have different solubility levels and travel at different
speeds as the water rises up.

u 10.The substance that is most soluble

moves fastest up the paper. An insoluble
substance would remain at the origin. The
run is stopped just before the solvent
reaches up the top of paper(the solvent
The Retention Factor Rf
Rf = distance moved by centre of solute spot /
distance moved by front of mobile phase

u Rf values are usually expressed as a fraction of two decimal places.

u It is used in chromatography to quantify the amount of retardation of a sample in a
stationary phase relatives to a mobile phase.
• Detecting / Visualising agents (locating agent)

▪ Originally paper chromatography was used to separate solution of

colored substances
▪ However the usefulness of chromatography has been greatly increase
by the use of locating agents
▪ If the substance are colored, they are visually detected easily
▪ But for colorless substance, physical and chemical methods are used to
detect the spot
Locating Agent u ninhydrin
u Iodine - spots will turn brown
u UV light - spots will glow

u With colorless substances the are often detected under utter-violet light
u Spots will show up as blue or purple spots after the paper is sprayed with
Uses of Paper
u Is a simple chromatography technique which has many application
u Is main advantage is that is not very expensive that to perform the provides clear

(1)Separating Colored Pigments

-used in the separation of plants pigments
(2) Obtaining pure compounds

(3) Qualitative Analysis

Uses of
Paper chromatography

(4) Pathology and Forensic Science

- used in DNA & RNA fingerprinting
- Pathological laboratories use paper chromatography to detect the presence of
alcohol or chemicals in blood

(5) Analyzing complex Mixtures

- used in the separation of amino acids and anions

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