GZ Curve OOW Ship Stability

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GZ curves

Capt. Amin Al Qawasmeh

This term was considered in Section 6.

Transverse statical stability is a term that describes the ability of a ship to return to the upright when it has been forcibly
heeled by an external force and is momentarily at rest when that ship is floating in still water.

Righting Moment (t-m) = GZ(m) * Displ .(t)

At any angle of the heel, it is the horizontal disposition of G and B that will determine the GZ value.

As a ship heels over, the righting lever (GZ) increases to some maximum value and then decreases until, at some angle of
heel, it becomes negative, ie it becomes a capsizing lever.

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Calculating the value of GZ at specified angles of heel for a ship s specified condition of loading will allow a curve of
statical stability, or GZ curve, to be produced.

It follows that the greater the values of GZ, the greater will be the area under the curve.

Minimum standards with respect to the area under the curve (and other criteria)are specified in the Code on Intact
Stability (IMO). These are incorporated in the government legislation of most countries that adopt the IMO conventions.

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Assessing compliance of a ship s loaded condition is considered in Section 17. It is the aim of this section to introduce the
learner to the method of actually producing a curve of statical stability and to be able to extract basic information from
it. This is all that is required at the first OOW certificate level.

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On completion of this section, the learner will: 
•Understand the term KN and how KN values may be used to obtain GZ values at specified
angles of heel. 
•Know the procedure for producing a curve of statical stability. 
•Identify the basic features of a curve of statical stability and do simple calculations based
on it. 
•Understand the terms Stiff and Tender with respect to the curve of statical stability. 

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Calculating GZ Values
As a ship heels in still water, the center of buoyancy (B) constantly moves, its transverse position being dependent on:

•the displacement ( draught) of the ship.

•the angle of the heel at any instant.

The righting lever GZ depends on the ship's KG but, because of the many possible positions of G, it is convenient to
consider the GZ that would exist if G was at the keel, termed KN, and to make a correction for the actual height of G
above the keel.

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Cross curves of stability (KN curves) are provided by the
builder to allow GZ values to be determined for any value of
displacement and KG. Sometimes the values may be tabulated.
It is usual that KN values are given for angles of the heel at 10°
or 15° intervals.
The KN values for the fictitious ship MV Almar are given in
both tabulated and curve format.

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For the purpose of all self-assessment questions and examples in this section, the tabulated KN values for M.V Almar (pages
of the handbook) will be used. This will ensure that the values you extract from the data match exactly with those in the
solutions. In some cases, interpolation of values may be necessary.

Follow the working of the GZ values in this next example.

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M.V Almar completes loading with a displacement of 29000 tonnes and a KG corrected for free surfaces of 8.92 m.
Calculate the GZ values and GM if the KM for the loaded displacement is 9.36 m.
(Use tabulated KN values for MV Almar )

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Using the formula GZ = KN - (KG Sin θ), calculate the GZ values for the loaded condition.

The GM calculated allows for free surfaces since the question

gave a fluid KG. Fluid KG must always be used to calculate GZ

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Procedure for Constructing a Curve of Statical Stability

The following steps should always be undertaken when producing a curve of statical stability:
•Determine the ship's displacement and effective KG for the condition being considered (effective KG being that taking
into account free surfaces in tanks).

•From hydrostatic data, find the value of KM for the ship's displacement.

•Find GM FLUID using:                               GM=KM - KG FLUlD

•Using: GZ=KN-(KG.Sinθ) determine GZ values for angles of heel given.

•Plot the GZ values.

•Before joining all the points on the curve, construct a vertical at 57.3° and, from the base upwards, mark off the value
of the effective GM (using the GZ scale). From this point, draw a straight line to the origin of the curve to be drawn.
•This will indicate the initial trend of the curve at small angles of heel and will assist in sketching the actual curve between
the origin and the first plotted GZ value. (GZ and GM are closely related at small angles of heel.)

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Having calculated the GZ values for M.V Almar in the previous example, the curve of statical stability may now be plotted
for the loaded condition.


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Information Available From a Curve of Statical Stability

Consider the curve in the previous example.

The following information can be extracted from it:

1- The GZ value for any angle of the heel.

 This can be used to calculate the moment of statical stability for the ship at that particular angle of heel if the formula: 

Righting Moment (t-m) = GZ(m) x Displ.(t) is applied.

2- The maximum GZ and the angle of the heel at which it occurs.

3- The range of positive stability and the angle of vanishing stability (AVS).

4- The approximate angle of deck edge immersion (θDEI)Consider the ship shown:

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The angle at which this occurs is identified on the curve as the point where the curve trend changes from increasing
steepness to decreasing steepness.

This is known as the point of Inflexion of the curve. It is often difficult to estimate but consider the curve shown:

It helps to identify the point of Inflexion if a series of vertical lines are drawn on the curve. If each slice is taken in turn, it
may be considered whether the trend is one of
•increasing steepness.
•decreasing steepness.
It is only a very rough approximation and open to interpretation.
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From the curve:
The maximum GZ value is 0.57 m, which
occurs at an approximate angle of heel of 39°.

The range of stability is from 0° to 64° (the

angle of vanishing stability being 64°).
The angle at which deck edge immersion takes
place is approximately 29°.

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Curves of Statical Stability for Stiff and Tender Ships

A stiff ship is one with a very large GM caused by KG being too small. This occurs if too much weight is placed low down
within the ship. The ship will be excessively stable and righting moments will be so large as to cause the ship to return to the
upright very quickly when heeled. The roll period will be short.

A very large GM should be avoided for the following


- loose gear will be thrown about.

- it is uncomfortable for the crew and injury may result

from the ship's quick motion.

- structural damage to the ship may occur clue to racking.

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A tender ship is one with a very small GM caused by KG being too large. 
This occurs if too much weight is placed high up within the ship. The ship will have insufficient stability and righting
moments will be very small when heeled, causing the ship to be sluggish and slow to return to the upright. The roll period
will be long. (A tender ship is still a stable ship, ie M is above G.)

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A very small GM should be avoided for the following reasons:

- Because of the small righting moments, the ship will offer limited resistance to being rolled, causing the ship to be
rolled to larger angles of heel. This will increase the risk of water being shipped on deck.

- the ship will be slow to return to the upright and will tend to remain at the extent of the roll for a comparatively long
time. This will create greater and more prolonged strain on cargo lashings and increase the risk of cargo shift.

- rolling to excessive angles of heel is also uncomfortable for the crew and injury may result.

As a guide, a GM of between 4-8% of the ship's breadth is desirable. Container ships that have containers stowed on
deck may be more suited to a GM value on the tender side of these limits to minimize the stresses on deck container

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