Richel Flores-Learning Styles

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Learning Styles

Learning Styles
 Refers to the concept that individuals differ in
regard to what mode of instructions or study is
most effective for them.
Learning Styles
 The various preferences and methods
employed by learners in the process of
Visual Learners

Someone with a preference

for visual learning is partial
to seeing and observing
things including pictures,
diagrams, written directions
Also referred to as the
and more.
“spatial learning style”.
How to cater the visual learners?
The blackboard/ opportunities to
whiteboard is your draw pictures
best friend when and diagrams on
teaching these
the board.
types of learners.

Ask learners to
doodle examples
based on the topic
their learning.
Auditory Learners
Tend to learn better
when the subject This learners would
matter is reinforced much rather listen
by sound. to a lecture than
read written notes.

Prefer reading
out loud to
How to cater the auditory learners?
Involved in the
lecture by asking Invoke group
them to repeat new discussions.

Watching videos and

using music on audio
tapes are also helpful
ways of learning for
this group.
Kinesthetic Learners
They like to get
Sometimes called involved by acting
out events or using
tactile learners,
their hands to
learn through touch and handle
experiencing or in order to
doing things. understand

These types of
learners might
struggle to sit still
and often excel at
sports or like to
How to cater the kinesthetic learners?
The best way Instruct learners to
teachers can help act out a certain
these learners scene from a book
learn is by getting or lesson you’re
them moving. teaching .

Learning games that

involve moving
around the classroom
or having learners
write on the board as
part of an activity.
Reading/ Writing Learners
According to the VARK
Modalities theory,
developed by Fleming and
Mills IN 1992, reading/
writing learners prefer to
learn through written
words. These types of learners are
drawn to expression through
writing, reading articles or
books, writing in diaries,
looking up words in the
dictionary and searching the
internet for just about
How to cater the reading/ writing

Probably the easiest to cater

since much of the traditional
educational system tends to Give them opportunities to
center on writing essays , get their ideas out on paper
doing research and reading as well.
Thank you for listening!!!
God Bless!
Prepared by

MAEE 112 Student

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