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A cc e pt e d by : S h oi man o va M
P e rf or me d b y: B az a rb ay D
G ro up :P h i -20 -3 K 7
Definition of Formative Assessment
Advantages and Disadvantages
Types of Formative Assessment
Formative Assessment Strategies
◦ Formative assessment is an ongoing process used by teachers and students
for teaching and learning; to improve student understanding of planned disciplinary
learning outcomes and help students to become self-directed learners. The main purpose
of formative assessment is to monitor the process of learning and to provide ongoing
feedback that can help learners to improve their learning and help instructors to improve
their instructions. More precisely, formative assessments:
◦ help learners recognise their weaknesses and strengths and work on areas that need
◦ help instructors identify where learners are struggling and dealing with the problems.
◦ Formative assessments provide instant feedback for teachers, allowing
them to see how well students have grasped the material and to
immediately adjust their teaching styles and curriculum. Formative
assessments also can encourage students to participate and can increase
cooperation among students. For students who “test poorly,” this type of
assessment gives teachers a more accurate view of what students are
actually learning, not just what they’re able to recount in a test. Best of
all, formative assessments are effective tools in personalized
learning.The disadvantage of formative assessments is that they can
take time, more time than teachers might perceive that they have. To
repeatedly check students’ learning takes more time than to administer
one test at the end of a lesson or unit. The more time the formative
assessments consume, the less time there is for teaching. Also, some
students don’t respond to formative assessments as well as they do to
summative assessments. Students accustomed to earning points and
grades might not be as motivated if their “achievements” aren’t
Types of formative assessment include informal
observation, worksheets, pop quizzes, journals and
diagnostic tests that enable the teacher to assess how
students are performing and how well the particular lesson
plan is working. In fact, some teachers like to use formative
evaluation as a prompt to design courses of instruction.
◦ One form of formative assessment is observing the
students as they work on a specific project. The teacher
roams around the classroom, occasionally offering
guidance and encouragement as the students work. The
observation works well when the teacher wishes to
monitor how students work together in groups or
individually. She takes notes on how students are
performing and also whether or not modifications need to
be made to the assignment
◦ Journals
◦ One effective means of formative assessment is the journal. Students are required to periodically write their
thoughts and feelings about how they are progressing in the class. They can also tell what they liked or
didn't like about a particular assignment. This information gives the teacher a quick look at how effective a
certain lesson plan was. If the majority of the class journals that they had a difficult time with a particular
lesson, then the teacher knows he needs to make changes to that lesson.
◦ 5 Diagnostic Tests
◦ Generally used toward the beginning of the class term, diagnostic tests are a type of formative assessment
that allows the teacher and administration to determine the proper level of instruction for students.
Diagnostics can be used in almost any subject to assess the level of proficiency, comprehension and
mastery of information. It is helpful to inform the students that this is a diagnostic tool that will not be
graded but will be used to help them see their strong and weak areas in a subject. Informing the students
reduces test anxiety and produces more accurate diagnostic results.
◦ Examples of Formative Assessment Strategies
◦ Formative assessment strategies help teachers determine if more instruction is needed.
Using formative assessments in the classroom prevents both teachers and students from
getting any surprises in the form of poor final grades. Some of the most significant formative
assessment strategies are:
◦ 1. Analysis of Students Work
◦ Students' homework, quizzes and standardised tests can be used as evidence of student
learning. When teachers carry out the analysis of student performance they get knowledge
◦ A student's current level of skills, attitude and knowledge about the subject matter;
◦ A student's strengths and weaknesses;
◦ A student's need for special assistance; and
◦ How to modify their teaching methods and make their teaching more effective in the future.
◦ Admit/ Exit Tickets
◦ An Admit / Exit Ticket provides a simple but useful 
formative assessment type. An Exit Ticket is a
small index card or piece of paper, on which they provide
an accurate interpretation of the current topic taught in
the class, and then they discuss more of the topic. The
learners deposit their exit slips when leaving the
classroom. Admit Tickets are used as the students enter in
the class. They are used to check student learning by
answering questions about the homework or what was
taught the day before.
◦ Think-Pair-Share
◦ It is one of the simplest formative assessment strategies. As a classroom practice, the teacher
asks a question, and students write down their responses. Then students sit in pairs to engage
in effective classroom discussions about their answers. The teacher moves around the
classroom and gains insight into the student learning process by listening to students'
responses. Then, the students share their answers with the whole class
◦ One-Minute Papers
◦ One-minute papers are mostly carried out before the day ends. They provide an opportunity
for students to answer a brief question. Then, these papers are collected and assessed by the
teacher to gain insight into the student learning process. One-minute papers provide
the formative assessment practices that are found to be more beneficial when done on a
regular basis.

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