Prepared By: Sarah Diana Rise S. Manalili, RN
Prepared By: Sarah Diana Rise S. Manalili, RN
Prepared By: Sarah Diana Rise S. Manalili, RN
• Problem
• Hyperthermia
• Etiology
• R/T release of endogenous pyrogens
• S/Sx as evidenced by flushed skin, sweating and increase respiratory rate.
P E S Secondary
• Problem
• Hyperthermia
• Etiology
• R/T release of endogenous pyrogens
• S/Sx as evidenced by flushed skin, sweating and increase respiratory rate.
Secondary mastitis
• Specific
• Measurable
• Attainable
• Realistic
• Time bounded
• That within my 1-2 hours span of care client’s temperature will decrease from a
temperature reading of 38.6 C to a normal body temp range of 36.5 – 37.5 C.
• Evaluation
• Goal met clients 9:20 client’s body temp dccreased from 38.6 C to 37C.
• Goal unmet clients 10:25 client’s body temp did not decrease and is still on from
38.6 C.
• Partially met – 1 goal meet for 3 goals
Variations in writing nursing diagnosis
statement formats include the following:
1. Using “secondary to” to divide the etiology into two
parts to make the diagnostic statement more descriptive
and useful. Following the “secondary to” is often a
pathophysiologic or disease process or a medical
For example, Risk for Decreased Cardiac Output related
to reduced preload secondary to myocardial infarction.
2. Using “complex factors” when there are too many
etiologic factors or when they are too complex to state in
a brief phrase.
• For example, Chronic Low Self-Esteem related to
complex factors.
3. Using “unknown etiology” when the defining
characteristics are present but the nurse does not know
the cause or contributing factors.
For example, Ineffective Coping related to unknown
4. Specifying a second part of the general response or
NANDA label to make it more precise.
For example, Impaired Skin Integrity (Right Anterior
Chest) related to disruption of skin surface secondary to
burn injury.
• Problem
• Impaired comfort: Pain
• Etiology
• R/T damaged on hepatocytes
• Problem
• Impaired comfort: Pain
• Etiology
• R/T damaged on hepatocytes
• S/Sx as evidenced by facial grimace, elevated liver enzymes,
P E S Secondary
• Problem
• Impaired comfort: Pain
• Etiology
• R/T damaged on hepatocytes
• S/Sx as evidenced by facial grimace, elevated liver enzymes,
• Secondary to Liver Cirrhosis