CNS Unit-Ii
CNS Unit-Ii
CNS Unit-Ii
Mathematics of Symmetric Key Cryptography
Introduction to Modern Symmetric Key Ciphers
Data Encryption Standard
Advanced Encryption Standard
Prepared by
multiple letters
the Playfair Cipher is an example
Whatever process we following in the encryption that
process is used for decryption also but the order of key is
changed on input message (cipher text).
Reverse order of keys are K16, K15 ,……, K1.
Answer: a
3. Discuss any four Substitution Technique and list their merits and
demerits . Oct/Nov – 2018
4. Draw the general structure of DES. Explain the encryption and
decryption process. Oct/Nov – 2018
5. Compare Substitution and Transposition techniques. Oct/Nov – 2018
6. What is a block cipher? Oct/Nov - 2018
7. Explain the DES algorithm in detail. Oct/Nov - 2018
8. Discuss various transformation functions of AES Oct/Nov - 2019
9. List the parameters of three AES versions. Oct/Nov - 2019
10. Compare the substitution in DES and AES. Oct/Nov - 2019
11. Compare the round keys in DES and AES. In which cipher is the size
of the round keys the same as the size of the block. Oct/Nov - 2019