Helping Process in Social Work With Groups
Helping Process in Social Work With Groups
Helping Process in Social Work With Groups
1. Assessment
2. Planning
Middle Phase
1. Plan Implementation
Ending Phase
1. Evaluation
2. Termination
1. Conceptualizing the Group
2. Announcing the Group Service
and recruiting members
3. Preparing Logistics
4. Enlisting community support
Individual Focused Assessment and
Involves information gathering and
information-gathering and analysis
towards an understanding and
consequently a definition of the need
or problem of the client
Pre-group Interviews/Intake – done
prior to group formation.
Individual client’s profile: (should
contain the following
1) Name and other basic identifying
2) Need(s)/concerns/problems
relevant to the group program
3) Strengths/resources and
limitations, if any
4) Worker’s observations
Case Assessment/Problem Definition
dysfunctional (inadequate), to
eufunctional (optimum)… continually
able to move up this scale in a life-
long developmental process of self-
Basic characteristics:
1. It is humanistic. The worker and group share one
over-riding characteristic – common human condition;
the group’s common purpose and integrity as a group
are respected by the worker.
2. It is phenomenological. Its crucial focus is on what is
happening currently, in the life situation in or outside
the group, or in both.
3. It is developmental. It sees people as being
continually able to move forward in a life-long process
of self-realization, or fulfillment of potential in social
The worker has three basic areas of operation:
1. the group goal-achieving process;
2. interpersonal relations;
Instrumental behaviors – those consciously directed
toward common goal efforts;
Expressive behaviors - unintended behaviors which are
emotional in nature that individual members manifest in
the course of performing instrumental behaviors. (likes
and dislikes, approval and disapproval, concern for
others, apathy, fear, etc…
3. individual self- actualization
Target to benefit from this model are those
who are headed toward deviant paths unless
given timely attention.
A distinguishing characteristic of this model
A. Direct Means of Influence : there is a face-
to-face contact between the worker and the
group member to effect.
B. Indirect Means of Influence : interventions
client status.
2) “Significant Others” – refers to those
4) Social environment of the treatment group
Extragroup relations - “refers to the
behavior or attitudes of persons in
the client’s social environment or to
large social systems within which both
clients and others occupy statuses”
There is a symbiotic relationship
between people and their
environment, and therefore the
function of social work is to “mediate
the process through which the
individual and society reach out to
each other through a mutual need for
Individual or
Agency, or
The group is seen as mutual aid group that is
focused on a specific problem or problems .
The group in this approach has four major
1) The group is a collective in which people
face and interact with each other;
2) The people need each other for certain
specific purposes;
3) People come together to work on common
tasks, and
4) The work is embedded in a relevant agency
Used with individuals, groups and
communities, that are in a state of
disequilibrium because of a crisis they
have experienced.
A crisis is an “upset in a steady state”,
1) in social transition (provide service
socialization ,
3) for people in the midst of social
Its distinguishing characteristic is its
psychosocial orientation i.e., emphasis is on
the relationships between psychological and
social forces and the interaction between the
person, the small group of which he/she is a
member, and the environment.
Aimed at prevention and enhancement as well
as restoration or rehabilitation, and is therefore
applicable to persons with actual or potential
problems in psychosocial functioning.
The major problem focus is inadequate
opportunity for role-learning in the social
The social worker’s challenge is to provide
opportunities for changed role performance
and interactions in new/unusual situations .
The GOAL: is social competence through
teaching and learning in social roles (those
which all adults are expected to assume in
their families, work groups, and communities).
TCA is brief and time-limited for problems
of daily living.
Its intervention is concentrated on