Cep Katrina
Cep Katrina
Cep Katrina
Katrina –
calm eye is
August 28th
1 New
Orleans 2
on the Gulf
of Mexico
coast, USA
After crossing southern Florida -
where it left some 100,000 homes
without power - it strengthened ared/spl/hi/americas/05/ka
further before veering inland trina/html/default.stm
towards Louisiana, eventually
making landfall 90km south of Animation
New Orleans, at 10am local time features in
on 29 August. hyperlink
The track
of the
23rd to
Storm Surge:
Sea level
about 9metres
above normal
Initially it was hoped that New Orleans had weathered the
worst of Katrina, but within hours of the storm passing, it
emerged that several key levees had been breached …..
… causing
to pour into
the low-
lying city.
Much of New Orleans lies below sea level. The
city has a system of canals and levees topped
with concrete floodwalls to keep water out.
These are designed to withstand a category
three hurricane, but when Katrina - a category
four storm - hit, they were quickly
overwhelmed. Within 24 hours, 80% of the city
was flooded.
By August 31,
2005, 80% of the
city was flooded,
with some parts
under 6.1 meters
of water.
Four of the city's
protective levees
were breached,
including the 17th Street
Canal levee, the
Mississippi Delta Industrial Canal levee,
and the London Avenue
Levees broken and land flooded Canal floodwall.