Financial Statement Fraud
Financial Statement Fraud
Financial Statement Fraud
But when it does occur, it is the most costly type of crime, resulting in
a median loss of $954,000.
Compare this to the most common and least costly type of fraud asset
misappropriation, which accounts for 85% of cases and a median loss
of only $100,000.
Perpetrators of this kind of fraud may reverse the false sales at the
end of the reporting period to help conceal the deceit.
Other forms of this type of fraud are posting sales before they are
made or prior to payment, reinvoicing past due accounts and
prebilling for future sales.
Types of Financial Statement Fraud
Inflating an Asset’s Net Worth
Refusal to take time off for fear that their “pinch-hitter” will uncover
the scam.
Warning Signs
Organizational Warning Signs
Profitability and/or operating margins that are out of line with peers.