ECMO and Foot Drop
ECMO and Foot Drop
ECMO and Foot Drop
Dr Himanshu Patel, MD
Dr Vindhya Koneru, MD
Dr Robert G Smith, MD
• 25 yo female presented to the ER with 2 day history of shortness of breath.
Neurology/Stroke was activated for altered mental status.
• After admission, she had 3 bouts of emesis for which she was given phenergan and
ativan. She then became hypoxic with a SpO2 of 70%. CERT was called. She was placed on
BiPAP with improvement in SaO2 to 95% which also improved her mentation. On bedside
evaluation, no new focal deficits were noted except for chronic bilateral foot drop. Patient
was alert, oriented and able to move BUE.
Constitutional: Well-developed
Eyes: No scleral icterus.
HENT: Normocephalic/Atraumatic.
Neck/Back: Supple w/ full range of motion.
Cardiovascular: Regular rate and rhythm.
Respiratory: No stridor, no respiratory distress.
Gastrointestinal: Soft. Mild distension, no tenderness
Musculoskeletal: + pedal edema
Skin: Warm and dry.
Psychiatric: Insight adequate, mood anxious.
Mental status: A/OX3 (partial to date). Follows complex commands, able to cross
Language/speech: Fluent w/o dysarthria. Comprehension intact.
Cranial nerves: VFs full. PERRL, no APD.
Gaze conjugate w/o deviation. EOMI. No
V1-3 equal to light touch.
No facial droop.
Hearing equal bilaterally to finger rub.
Symmetric palate rise .
SCM/Trapezius 5/5
Tongue midline. Movement intact.
Motor system: Normal appearance of the muscles.
Normal muscle tone. No pronator drift.
RUE: antigravity, 3/5(+pain IV)
LUE: antigravity, 4/5
RLE: 3/5 proximal and 2/5 distal muscle groups
LLE: 3/5 proximal and 1/5 distal muscle groups
Plantars unreliable
Sensory: Intact sensation to LT
Coordination: No tremor. FTN intact.
Gait: Not tested due to weakness, acuity
• Next day, at approximately 7:15pm, OBG residents were called to the bedside to
evaluate the patient as the RN was unable to find FHTs. The tracing was
obtained for approximately 5 minutes. So bedside ultrasound was performed
which showed slowed FHTs at approximately 100 to 110 beats per minute. This
was a change from her baseline of 120 beats per minute. FHTs showed moderate
variability with accelerations and no decelerations. The fetal heart tracings were
felt to be non-reassuring fetal bradycardia for approximately 3 to 5 minutes. So
the patient was taken for emergency C-section.
General anesthesia was then given without any difficulty. The patient was intubated without any difficulty
and the Foley catheter was already placed in the bladder. She was then prepped and draped in the usual
sterile fashion. A vertical skin incision was made with a knife. This was carried down to the rectus fascia
bluntly and the rectus muscle separated bluntly. The peritoneum was entered and stretched. Bladder
blade was inserted. The knife was used to make a classical uterine incision on the uterus then stretch was
accomplished, the infant's breech was delivered, the remainder of the baby was delivered without any
difficulty. The cord was clamped x2 and cut. The infant was handed off to the waiting neonatologist. A
segment of cord was clamped and given off so that blood gases could be obtained. We then exteriorized
the uterus. The placenta was removed and the uterine incision was then repaired quickly with 0 Vicryl
suture in 2 layers. The second layer being a baseball stitch. Hemostasis was confirmed. At this point, right
as we closed the hysterotomy, the patient went into cardiac arrest. Thus, CPR was started and chest
compressions were initiated by anesthesia and the cardiac team came to resuscitate. Please see their
separate dictation for there is part of the procedure. After the patient was resuscitated and placed on
ECMO and the CV surgeon performed an emergency pericardial window enclosure.
Vascular Surgery Note
After C-section, she had cardiopulmonary arrest requiring CPR and
emergent placement of VA ECMO. The venous side was placed on the
left and arterial side was placed on the right. She subsequently was
able to recover and sent to the FICU for recovery. At the same time
also during this procedure, she also underwent a pericardial window
due to concerns for tamponade. She was transferred back to the FICU
after completion of the procedure and during that time, she was noted
to have decreased signals in the right lower extremity. We were
consulted for antegrade sheath placement.
Vascular Surgery OP Note
• This is a 20-year-old female with VA ECMO (secondary to cardiopulmonary arrest) with decreased perfusion to right lower extremity due to secondary small
vessels and a large cannula. Our team has been asked to place antegrade arterial sheath. We attempted multiple attempts at percutaneous placement with
ultrasound guidance and we were unsuccessful. At this time, we opted to do cutdown. Once we passed the wire and placed a dilator with a 5-French sheath
into the vessel directly through the skin and confirmed its placement with backbleeding as well as with visualization.
EMG/ NCS : 7/21/2020
• Nerve conduction studies:
1. Normal motor conductions for the left upper extremity. Normal upper
extremity F wave latencies.
2. Lower extremity F wave and H reflex responses are absent.
3. Absent peroneal conductions bilaterally, with absent Rt tibial and Rt peroneal
TA conductions. Severely reduced Lt tibial and peroneal TA CMAP responses
with normal motor conduction velocities for for size of CMAP response. Lower
extremity H reflex is slowed on the Lt and absent on the Rt.
4. No conduction block was noted, while temporal dispersion was best observed
in Rt peroneal TA response.
5. Sensory conductions are largely present, and normal, except for the
superficial peroneal responses, which are slightly reduced on the Lt side, and
absent on the Rt.
• In ischemic monomelic neuropathy, distal axonal infarction can occur without significant
muscle necrosis, supporting the hypothesis that in humans the distal nerve fibers are more
vulnerable than muscle to acute noncompressive limb ischemia.
• Peroneal nerve palsy may be a result of prolonged immobilization and external compression
during ECMO. In VA-ECMO, limb compartment syndrome can cause irreversible tissue damage
and permanent neuropathies. Whereas compartment syndrome is initiated by limb ischemia,
it is aggravated by other factors such as reperfusion injury and secondary tissue inflammation
and swelling. Limb ischemia may be due to inadequate ECMO flow to the affected limb or due
to the precipitating event.
Incidence of distal limb ischemia with ECMO
• Distal limb ischemia is a well documented complication with femoral VA-
ECMO cannulation, however its true incidence remains underreported.
• A large meta‐analysis of 12 studies involving almost 1800 patients
showed an incidence of 10% for limb ischemia.
• A literature review involving 28 studies found an incidence ranging from
10 to 70%. This highly variable incidence is due to studies performed in
populations that are different in baseline characteristics, ECMO
indications, cannulation techniques, limb ischemia definition, detection
tools, and distal perfusion cannulation modalities and timing of insertion.
Distal limb ischemia and Compartment
• Acute compartment syndrome can develop as a result of limb ischemia or
reperfusion during ECMO
• Proinflammatory phase: Reduced arteriovenous gradient results in limb ischemia and
thus hypoxic damage to vascular endothelium. This induces peripheral leukocytosis
and inflammatory mediator release causing further microvascular impairment. WBC
migrate into interstitium and thus risk of reperfusion injury is increased.
• Reperfusion phase: Reperfusion of ischemic tissue causes reactive oxygen species
and enzyme cofactors to reach the ischemic tissue. There is reduced vascular
permeability due to interstitial inflammatory cells resulting in no-reflow phenomenon.
Blood flow is not fully restored after reperfusion. Increased platelet-leukocyte
aggregation and interstitial fluid accumulation result in target organ damage.
• Potassium, AST, and myoglobin showed peak values at about 10-16 hours after ECMO
Mechanisms of limb ischemia in ECMO
Clinical Manifestation of distal limb ischemia
• Distal limb ischemia manifests as one or more of the “six P's”:
pulselessness, poikilothermia, pallor, pain, paresthesia, and paralysis.
• Pain, paresthesia, and paralysis may be difficult to assess in sedated
or unconscious patients.
• Capillary return of less than 5 seconds is considered normal.
• Significant temperature difference between two extremities may
herald ischemia.
• Calf firmness may be a sign of compartment syndrome.
• Near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) monitors
difference between oxy- and deoxy-hemoglobin
and reflects oxygen uptake in the tissue bed and
is defined as regional oxygen saturation (rSO2).
• rSO2 drop below 40 or more than 25% from
baseline is clinically significant requiring
• All patients with clinical evidence of limb
ischemia had rSO2 below 50% for longer than 4
min, and a positive predictive value of 86% was
Options to reduce distal limb ischemia
(Prevention vs. Treatment)
• Smaller bore systemic outflow cannula (blood will flow around the cannula to
distally perfuse the limb)
• Vessel-sparing cannulation (prosthetic graft stitched to the femoral artery)
• Distal perfusion cannula (antegrade vs. retrograde perfusion)
• Via Cannula
• Via Introducer Sheath (5-8 Fr)
• Conservative management of distal limb ischemia by increasing ECMO flow,
decreasing vasopressor infusion, external limb warming, treating cause of
circulatory shock, vasodilator infusion (epoprostenol).
• Revascularization vs. Amputation.
Preventing distal limb ischemia
• If Seldinger technique is used, avoid placing the arterial and venous
cannula on the same side in order to avoid venous congestion from
compression of the femoral vein by the adjacent arterial cannula.
• The best way to decrease distal ischemia is to insert the arterial
cannula into an end-to-side graft or inserted a DPC to perfuse the
distal extremity at the time of ECMO insertion. The earlier the
intervention, the better: don’t wait for compartment syndrome to
develop to perform fasciotomy.
Distal perfusion catheter size and Outcome
• Distal limb perfusion was achieved with an introducer sheath or with a distal-
perfusion cannula. Incidence of limb ischemia (30.6% vs. 15.6%) and limb
ischemia requiring surgical intervention (15.4% vs. 6.25%) were significantly
higher for the introducer sheath compared with distal-perfusion cannula.
• Moreover patients supported on ECMO with a distal-perfusion cannula spent
a significantly longer time on ECMO compared to those with an introducer
sheath (11.9 vs 7.7 days).
• The mean cannula size was significantly greater than the mean introducer
sheath size (11.1 vs. 7.0 Fr). The cannula can ensure adequate and smooth
perfusion of the limb owing to its large caliber, its less turbulent flow, the
ability it provides to monitor the flow, and the option to attach a side port.
Healthcare Matrix: Care of Patient(s) with….
Yes Yes, vascular Yes, primary goal Yes, institution Yes Yes, family updated
(Overall Assessment)
surgery notified of life preservation of ECMO in
Yes/No when pulse not with ECMO was timely fashion
detected achieved
Yes, ECMO …in a timely …that was effective in ECMO initiated in Yes Yes
MEDICAL KNOWLEDGE evaluation initiated manner preserving the emergency situation
(What must we know) patient’s life
N/A There are Unclear if placement Knowing that young N/A N/A
PRACTICE-BASED LEARNING AND monitoring of introducer sheath is females with
IMPROVEMENT strategies which can associated with pulmonary disease
(What have we learned, what will we be employed for significant reduction in are at higher risk,
improve) early detection of limb ischemia DPC could have been
limb ischemia placed initially