Food and Agriculture Organization: Group No 2
Food and Agriculture Organization: Group No 2
Food and Agriculture Organization: Group No 2
04 05 06
Hanzala Abbas Tooba Majeed Mamoona Ahmed
FAO Tasks FAO Departments FAO Acheivements
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What is FAO?
The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)
is a specialized agency of the United Nations
that leads international efforts to defeat hunger.
Oldest permanent specialized agency of
the United Nations, established in October
Its Headquartered in Rome Italy and
maintain offices throughout the world
The organization has more than 194
The Motto of FAO is “let there be bread”
FAO Members
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FAO Members?
Matching FAO’s expertise to Albania’s development priorities,
FAO assistance in Albania is shaped by the 2019 ‑2021 FAO
Country Programming Framework (CPF), which is center on
two priority areas. Increasing rural income and improving
support to smallholders and family farms.
Strengthening legal and institutional frameworks for agrifood
For many years Spain has been an important partner and worked
closely with FAO.
Focusing on the fisheries sector and the promotion of policies
that guarantee the right to food.
Protect plant genetic resources and food security.
FAO Members?
Strategic partnership:
Framework Agreement (2018-2021s) renews the partnership
between FAO and France, including the following priority
➨ Improving food security and nutrition governance and policy
➨ Strengthening the economic, social and environmental
performance of agriculture food systems.
➨ Strengthening health safety in the plant, animal and food
sectors . Food security as a catalyst for achieving the SDGs.
Promoting the role and rights of women as a key to thriving rural
Placing farmers at the center of agriculture development.
FAO Members?
Partnership between Germany and FAO have certain Priority
➨ Food and nutrition security.
➨ Famine prevention.
➨ Innovation in the agricultural and food sectors.
➨ Structural transformation in rural areas.
➨ Natural resource protection.
FAO Global Goals
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Global Goals
Reduction of number of people suffering from hunger.
Eliminate of poverty.
Sustainable management and utilization of natural resources.
Leads international efforts to defeat hunger.
Act as a neutral forum.
It is a source of knowledge and information.
Helps developing countries improve agriculture, forestry, fisheries,
and ensure good nutrition for all.
Public –private partnership.
FAO Tasks
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FAO Tasks
● Help eliminate hunger, food insecurity, and ● Providing a meeting place for nations neutral
malnutrition. forum FAO provides the setting where rich and
poor nations can come together to build common
● Make agriculture, forestry, and fisheries more understanding.
productive and sustainable.
● Bringing knowledge to the field thousands of field
● Reduce rural poverty. projects throughout the world.
● Enable inclusive and efficient agricultural and food ● FAO mobilizes and manages millions of dollars
systems. provided by industrialized countries, development
● Increase the resilience of livelihoods to threats and banks and other sources.
crises. ● FAO provides the technical know-how and in a
● Creating national strategies to achieve rural few cases is a limited source of funds.
development and hunger alleviation goal.
FAO Departments
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FAO Departments
There are seven department of FAO. These are
● The Agriculture and Consumer Protection Department
It promotes agriculture to eradicate human poverty while also protecting the
environment and ensuring safe food practices and standards .
● Codex Alimentarious:
Also called Food Code
Aim: contribution to the protection of public health and fair practices in the food
FAO Achievments
● The Green Revolution in Asia: