Advance Reading Skills
Advance Reading Skills
Advance Reading Skills
Among the others, reading is being defined as the most considerable academic
language skill (Carrell, 1988a; Grabe & Stoller, 2001) as “learning to read is
foundation for literacy and a gateway to education” (Paris, Wixson & Palincsar,
1986, p. 91).
Purposes of reading
The first attempt of examining the reasons of reading mostly probably dates back to Rivers and
Temperly’s (1978) efforts on reading in daily life
What is Skimming?
“To read quickly to get the general idea of a passage”
Scanning is rapidly running your eyes over the text in order to locate specific details.
Three steps to scanning include: search for key words, move quickly over the page Less
reading and more searching
According to Frith’s (1985) four-stage acquisition process are:
They maintain that reading appears as a distinctive skill different from oral language in this stage.
In case of a failure in one of these steps, readers cannot jump to the next one.
Carver (1990, 1997) indicates that readers maintain the process of reading by engaging in one of the
strategies presented in Table 2. Since Carver calls these strategies as gears, it would be reasonable to
illustrate them associating with cars. The illustration that appears on the left hand column of Figure 3
reflects principles of a manual transmission car in which the driver is required to adjust the gears in
accordance with the speed. On the other hand, the illustration on the right reflects the principles of an
automatic transmission car in which the gears are adjusted automatically in accordance with the speed.