Real Estate Service Act (Resa Law) Republic Act 9646
Real Estate Service Act (Resa Law) Republic Act 9646
Real Estate Service Act (Resa Law) Republic Act 9646
The law protects the rights of those who call themselves real estate
professionals, and also lays down the rules which these professionals have
to adhere to, so that they may be registered under the Professional
Regulation Commission (PRC) and be allowed to continue their practice.
1. Who are those deemed to be
practitioners of real estate services and
what do they do?
Section 3(g) of the RESA Law lists five types of professionals who
are considered to be in the practice of real estate services: (1) real
estate consultants (2) appraisers (3) assessors (4) brokers and (5)
salespersons The first must be duly registered and licensed by the
PRC, while real estate salespersons need only be accredited
According to the RESA Law, real estate consultants are those who
offer or render professional advice and judgment on the
acquisition, enhancement, preservation, utilization, or disposition
of lands or improvements thereon. They also facilitate the
conception, planning, management, and development of real
estate projects.
1. Who are those deemed to be
practitioners of real estate services and
what do they do?
Real estate appraisers are those who perform services
that involve estimating and rendering an opinion on the
value of the property
Real estate assessors are those who are employed by local
government units (cities, municipalities, and provinces)
and appraise and assess the value of real properties,
which include plants, equipment, and machinery
Appraisers perform their tasks for the purpose of
reporting the values as appraised, assessors perform such
tasks for the purpose of taxation.
1. Who are those deemed to be
practitioners of real estate services and
what do they do?
Real estate brokers are those who act as agents of a
party in a real estate transaction
They facilitate the offer, advertisement, solicitation,
listing, promotion, mediation, negotiation, or the
actual meeting of minds between parties on the sale,
exchange, mortgage, lease, joint venture, or any
similar transaction involving real properties
In a nutshell, they act as middlemen between the
person offering to sell their property and the one
offering to buy it
1. Who are those deemed to be
practitioners of real estate services and
what do they do?
Real estate salespersons are those who
may act on behalf of a real estate broker
to facilitate a real estate transaction
It is not uncommon in the Philippines for
a single real estate broker to have several
salespersons working under him or her.
2. What are the qualifications required under RA 9646?