Enterprise Command Centers
Enterprise Command Centers
Enterprise Command Centers
What are Enterprise
Key Features
Command Centers?
High Level
Key Benefits
Useful Links
Oracle Enterprise Command Centers (ECC)
• Interactive visualizations
• Guided navigation
• Tag clouds
• Charts
• Fully integrated with Oracle EBusiness Suite security and page flows
• Improve data
• Deploy rapidly, with no • Leverage out-of-the-
communication with
change to the Oracle E- box UI and security
support for a variety of
Business Suite database integration
visualizations and charts
1. Interactive User Interface layer. ECC development framework allows for code-free creation of dashboards using
drag-and-drop layout design, declarative configuration of all components and automatic rich interactions across
different sections of a dashboard.
2. Service Layer. ECC provides services that allow the client to define a data set, ingest data into it, and control
advanced behaviors using metadata.
3. ECC Core Engine. This is the core component of ECC where the data ingested from the source system, that is,
Oracle EBusiness Suite, is stored. During data storage, analysis is performed to allow fast and advanced data
access supporting several patterns of user queries. Advanced capabilities for language processing can optionally
be employed
•To create an Enterprise Command
Center dashboard, the following steps
are needed:
• Define an application and relevant
data sets. This will include all
metadata required to render pages
and control every attribute
behavior on the user interface.
Data is the core foundation for any dashboard. • Pages that expose ingested data
The data is ingested into the ECC engine from the source system using rules and shapes defined and takes advantage of interactive
by the source system. components available in the ECC
The source of truth of the data is the Oracle E-Business Suite system. component palette to build
ECC architecture relies on the power and flexibility of Oracle E-Business Suite database SQL and business dashboards.
PL/SQL to prepare and retrieve the data in the shape required and run the data load process
from Oracle E-Business Suite into ECC.
Incremental data load follows the same logic and procedure as that for data load with two
main differences.
First, incremental load expects that the data set is already created, and its metadata be
already captured .
Second, incremental data load will pick up only the modified data from Oracle E-Business
Full Load Suite as of the time of the last successful
full or incremental load.
Metadata Load
One of the first steps after installing ECC and import an Metadata load is an advanced feature that allows the definition of dynamic metadata
application for a particular business area is run full data load. at runtime (not shipped in dashboard
A full load for a business dashboard is triggered from a definition). An excellent example of this is Descriptive Flexfields (DFFs) in Oracle E-
concurrent job owned by the same business area. Business Suite. Those cannot be defined at design time as they differ from one
The program triggers the associated data set load rules customer instance to the next. Hence a dynamic metadata definition phase is
defined in ECC. available that allows such metadata to be specified at runtime and later get populated
ECC connects to Oracle E-Business Suite using the with data during the full and incremental loads.
EBS SDK to allow the data load code to run any data
preparation, cleansing and wrangling logic before data is
ingested into ECC.
Oracle Enterprise Command Centers (ECC)
•When a business user accesses an embedded
ECC dashboard, ECC will validate the existence of
a valid and authenticated Oracle E-Business Suite
session before any additional checks are
• Authorization controls are applied next to that
allow granular control over which dashboards
are exposed to user.
ECC relies on security model provided by Oracle E-Business Suite to secure access to dashboards and
the underlying data. It inherits user access privileges from Oracle E-Business Suite and relies on the ECC AUTHORIZATION
user being authenticated before gaining access to the embedded ECC dashboards. •Once authentication is done through an Oracle
E-Business Suite session, then authorization is
verified through matching the ECC data set
privilege name with the FND form function.
Page Level Security
•Pages secured in ECC using
FND_FORM_FUNCTION defined in Oracle E-
Business Suite.
•A shipped Oracle E-Business Suite role (utilizing
Role Based Access Control, RBAC) is used to
assign ECC dashboard access to responsibilities.
•To access data within an ECC data set, the user must
have at least one of the data set privileges (these are
controlled and defined as an Oracle E-Business Suite
form function).
Re oc
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Ind gic ts ar d
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Pr cin bo
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A sse t s Em It e
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O ra c le plo m na
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Asse t R
Oracle Assets
e co ncilia Oracle ReceivablesRe c e iva Oracle Payables
ye A n is sh
t io ns ble s eS aly
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O ut st an O ho
ra c le Pppi Da b oa
Asse t C
Asset Reconciliations
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d ing Re ce
Outstanding Receivables ayngable shb
ivable s Supplier Balance Dashboard
s rd
Tr oa
Supplie r a ck r d
Billing Pr Balance
Asset e t Aging Billing Processo ce ss Holds Dashboear D
r dash
Asse tAging Payme nt Ho lds ar d
Asset Lo cat io n Payment Process Pr o ce s s Discounts
Asse t M Payme nt D o un
s Tr ansac Payment Hist o r y
History PeriodiscClose
t io ns
Pe r io d C Pe r io d C
Asset Asse t Transactions
Mass Pipeline Period Close
lo se lo se
Asset Pipeline
Useful Resources