Hema I Chapter 7 - Hemocytometry
Hema I Chapter 7 - Hemocytometry
Hema I Chapter 7 - Hemocytometry
Improved Neubauer
Hemocytometry cont’d
Fuchs-Rosenthal Counting
Designed for counting
eosinophils from whole blood
Also for counting leucocytes
and cells in body fluids
including CSF
It has 16mm2 area divided by
16 smaller squares of 1mm2
The depth is 0.2mm
Hemocytometry cont’d
1. Thomma pipet
small calibrated diluting pipettes designed for WBC
or RBC count
The WBC pipet has an upper numerical value of 11
iii. Principle
Whole blood is diluted 1 in 20 in an acid reagent, which
hemolyzes mature red cells, leaving the white cells to be
counted. Then number of WBCs per liter or per microlitre
of blood is calculated and reported.
*For the test tube method, remix the tube by tapping and charge the
hemocytometer using pasteur pipet or micropipet held at an angle of
about 45o
Method cont’d
11. Fill the chamber smoothly and don't overfill or
under fill it; there should be no bubbles
N.B. if overflow cells will spill into the moat, thus
falsely reducing the cell count. Under filling also
gives a falsely lower cell count
12. Allow cells to settle for 3 minutes
Method cont’d
13. Use 10x (low power) objective with low light by lowering
the condenser
14. Check for even distribution of cells
N.B. Difference in the number of cells among squares
should not exceed 10%
15. Count WBCs in the four large corner squares
Method cont’d
The white cell count is reported as the number of white
cells in 1cubic millimeter (l µl) of undiluted blood (1
mm3= 1µl)
However we diluted the blood and we count the cells
in less than 1 mm3of blood! Therefore we must multiply
our total counted cells by two correction factors:
Dilution correction factor (DCF) and
Volume correction factor (VCF)
DCF compensates for dilution of blood. Since we
diluted the blood 1:20 the dilution factor is 20.
VCF compensates for the volume in which the cells
were counted
Method cont’d
Total number of White cells/ µL = No. WBCs counted x VCF x
VCF=1/V (=volume desired/volume counted)
V= L x W X h (h=depth of the chamber)
Dilution factor = invert dilution used (if 1:20, then DCF is 20; if
1:10, DCF is10)
Alternative formula:
Number of cells X dilution factor X 10*
Area counted
*invert 0.1 depth of chamber
Using the formula, calculate the 2 minutes!
WBC for the following:
WBC dilution using traditional
pipet (1:20)
Diluent 380 L to Sample 20L
WBC counting area
(4 corner squares on each side)
Counted 100 cells on one side of
counting chamber, 110 cells on
the other side
Exercise1 Answer:
WBC Calculation Formula
Using the formula, calculate
the WBC for the following:
Number of cells X dilution factor X 10
WBC dilution using
Area counted
traditional pipette (1:20)
WBC counting area (4
corner squares)
Counted 100 cells on
one side of
Hemacytometer, 110
cells on other side
Using the formula,
calculate the WBC for the
Number of cells X
following: dilution factor X 10
WBC dilution: 1:20 Area counted
Cells counted WBC area
(4 corner squares) =160
total of both sides
2 minutes!
Case Study 2 Answer: WBC
Calculation Formula
Using the formula, calculate the
WBC for the following: Number of cells X
WBC dilution: 1:20
Cells counted WBC area (4
dilution factor X 10
corner squares) =160 total of
both sides
Area counted
160 X 20 X 10 = 4000/μl
8 = 4.0 X 10 9
The corrected Leukocyte count
vi: Method
Dilution and counting techniques are similar to WBC
count (differences are in the dilution fluid, dilution factor
and area of counting)
1. Dilute 1 in 200 using the RBC Thomma pipet (blood to the
0.5 mark, diluting fluid to the 101 mark)
Tube dilution (0.02 ml blood, 3.98 ml diluting fluid)
RBC Count cont’d
2. Fill chamber smoothly and don't overfill
or under fill; there should be no
3. Allow cells to settle for 3 minutes
4. Use 40x (low power) objective
5. Check for even distribution of cells
6. Count RBCs in the five small squares
in the central 1 mm2 area
N.B. for QC purpose you need to increase
counting areas
RBC count cont’d
7. Report the number of Red cells per litre of blood using
the following simple calculation:
DCF compensates for the dilution that we made i.e.
0.5:100 which is 1 in 200
Therefore DCF =200
VCF= Volume desired = 1mm3 = 50
Volume used 0.02mm3
Total Platelet count=
Report the platelet count per 1cubic millimeter (and per 1
liter) undiluted blood
Interpret the result
VCF = volume desired
Volume used
Volume used = Area of 5 P sections X height
= (0.04mm2 X 5) X 0.1 mm
= 0.02mm3
VCF = 1 mm3
= 50
vi. Method:
Make a dilution of blood using Thomma pipette or tube
dilution as described for the white cell count
A Fuchs-Rosenthal chamber (with a total area of 16mm 2 and
depth of 0.2mm) is used for counting
Counting is carried out as soon as the cells are settled.
Usually 10 minutes in a moist atmosphere petri dish will
All the cells in the ruled area are counted (i.e., in 3.2l
Eosinophil count cont’d
Calculation: If E is the number of eosinophils in 16 large
squares (in 3.2l volume), then the absolute eosinophil
count per l of blood is:
E 20 = 6.25E
i. e. The overall correction factor is 6.25
vii. Quality control and sources of error
To increase the accuracy at least 100 cells should be
counted, i.e., both ruled areas should be counted and if
the count is low, the chamber should be cleaned and
QC measures for manual WBC count also apply here
Eosinophil count cont’d
Additional QC measures and the sources or errors for
manual WBC count also apply here
Normal Range: 40-440 106/l