Full name (Mot Hennessy Louis Vuitton S.A.) Founded in 1987. Grew in the 1990 under leadership of Bernard Arnault through acquisition and development of new products. 56000 employees in 2003 with 12 billion Euros in revenue.
Wines and Spirits Fashion and Leather Goods Perfumes and Cosmetics Watches and Jewelry Selective Retailing
Luxury market
Traditionally ,luxury sector has been fragmented, characterized by large number of family owned and medium sized enterprises. In the past 20 yrs it has been increasingly dominated by multibrand conglomerates. World luxury goods market sans cars stands at $58 billion.
Market Trends
Luxury sector is cyclical and partially correlates with economic conditions. Current luxury market drivers are Japan, western Europe, and United states Eastern Europe and china are emerging markets for luxury goods.
Growth and acquisition strategy has become the key strategy for all major players in the market. Now the dynamics of the industry are finance focused rather than creativity focused.
With so many brands, will LVMH be successful in making them all profitable? Will standards of creativity be maintained?
Brand Salience: Luxury goods Brand Imagery: Luxury, indulgence, extravagance Brand Performance: High quality, practical, creative Consumer Feelings: satisfaction, pride, confidence Consumer Judgments: Reliable brands, authentication in fashion statement Brand Resonance: High degree of loyalty (money spent despite being in short supply),Strong appeal