Predictive Text Entry Method For Somali Language On Mobile Phone
Predictive Text Entry Method For Somali Language On Mobile Phone
Predictive Text Entry Method For Somali Language On Mobile Phone
Submitted by
Mahamed Daud Abdulahi
M.Tech (CSE)
Roll no: 130454049
Under supervision of
Dr. Vishal Goyal (Assistant professor)
• the standard 12 key has only 12 keys and its needed to map the
26 characters to these keys.
• Since there is unequal number of keys and characters, multi_
press is needed to input data.
• The first key press is to select the group of the character and
the second one is to select the position of the character.
• It has five keys, four of these are used to move the cursor to the
directions while the other one is used to select the required
• With higher n-gram orders the keystroke savings for the given
training texts increases constantly.
Author Saalax Xaashi Annarita Pugelielli iyo Yasiin Cismaan DR.liban Ali Diriye Agostini F., A.
Carab Cabdalla Cumar Mansuur Keenadiid Puglielli e Ciise M.
• If the word is not in the database the system adds that word
with a frequency of one.
Components of the system
• The Word Prediction Engine has three main components,
which are participating in the prediction process.
– Start Engine
– Word Selector
– Word Ranker
• If there are matched words the list of words found and their
corresponding frequency will be delivered to the next
• Word Ranker: by considering the frequency of each word,
provides a rank to each word in the list of found words.
• Words with highest frequency will get highest rank and those with
least frequency will get the least rank.
• In the case of two or more words have the same frequency, the
Word Ranker will decide the rank of the words by considering
their alphabetical order.
Start Engine
Matched? Add to database
Same No Predicted
Frequency? List
By Alphabetical Order
Implementation and Experiment
• The development environment for developing mobile
applications is not comparable for the desktop develop
environment because it is more restrictive.
• It can also use the Android SDK without using ADT; it is used
command-line tools instead.
• Both approaches support an emulator that you can use to run,
debug, and test your applications.
• It’s native API is not JDBC, and JDBC might be too much
overhead for a memory-limited device like a phone.
User interfaces
• Since the IDE used for the prototype design of the predictive
system is Android.
• Android comes with XML file to create the user interfaces.
• The user just accesses the database to retrieve data and to add new
words to the dictionary.
Database activity to insert, delete and show data
The predicted words after two-prefix length (bu) is inserted to the
text editor
The predicted words after three prefix length (bul) is inserted to
the text editor
The screenshot of predicted words after 3 words and 4 prefixes
• To check the accuracy of the system which is Somali
text prediction, an experiment was performed.
3-Characters 62 61 1
4-Characters 150 149 1
5-Characters 263 258 5
6-Characters 240 231 9
7-Characters 209 202 7
8-Characters 215 202 13
9-Characters 127 115 12
10-Characters 100 89 11
11-Characters 68 58 10
12-Characters 40 35 5
13-Characters 13 11 2
14-Characters 10 8 2
15-Characters 2 2 0
16-Characters 1 1 0
Total 1500 1422 78
Precession, Recall and F-measure
• Precision, recall, and the F-measure are set-based measures.
• They are computed using unordered sets of documents.
• Given these ingredients, how the system effectiveness measured?
The two most frequent and basic measures for information retrieval
effectiveness are precision and recall.