SeismicHazard Introduction

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Materi presentasi

• Definition & Type

• Hazard vs Risk
• What to do?
• Practical approaches

Seismic Hazard ???


Seismic Hazard is the probability of occurrence of a specified

level of ground shaking in a specified period of time. But a
more general definition includes anything associated with an
earthquake that may affect the normal activities of people, i.e.
surface faulting, ground shaking, landslides, liquefaction,
tectonic deformation, and tsunamis.

• Ground Rupture

Alaskan pipe after the

Denali quake ruptured

Ground rupture from the M8.1

2001 Tibet earthquake

• Shaking
– Wave
– Wave
– Duration of

• Liquefaction
– Saturated sand Nigata
loses strength Japan
upon shaking

 Tsunami
 Wave wavelength 2004
ocean waves that earthquake
can travel vast

Global seismic hazard

(Allen, 2007)
Hazard vs Risk

The amount of damage and numbers of

earthquake related deaths do not correlate
to magnitude of the earthquake.
Hazard vs Risk

Relation between Risk and Hazard

Risk = Hazard x Vulnerability x Exposure

Seismic Risk is expressed in terms of economic costs, loss

of lives or environmental damage per unit of time.
Vulnerability is the degree of damage caused by various
levels of loading. The vulnerability may be calculated in a
probabilistic or deterministic way for a single structure or
groups of structures.
Exposure is the number of people, buildings, structures that
are exposed to the hazard. This is called an inventory.
Hazard vs Risk

Roles of Scientist and Engineer

Risk = Hazard x Vulnerability x Exposure

• Scientist (Seismologist,Geophysicist, Geologists, etc)
define the seismic hazard
• Engineers (civil eng,architect,masons, etc.) reduce the risk
by decreasing the vulnerability of structures to ground

It is the job of the geophysicists to provide hazard

assessments (- but not risk assessments.)
What to do?

Reducing earthquake risk begins with understanding the

earthquake potential and the ground shaking that is to be
expected in future earthquakes.
Much of the risk may be mitigated by:
• Implementation of Early Warning Systems.
• Improvement and implementation of building codes.
• Fault mapping.
• Hazard Assesment.

What about Prediction?
What to do?

Early Warning System (EWS)

In many cases, the magnitude of an impending

earthquake may be estimated a few tens of seconds
prior to the arrival of the destructive ground motion to
the populated area. In such cases, many lives may be
saved simply by:
• Shutting down power supplies.

• Shutting down of nuclear reactors.

• Stopping or reducing the speed of fast trains.

What to do?

Building codes

• Earthquake don’t kill - buildings do

(but also tsunami).
• Earthquake resistant construction
costs only 10% more than
nonresistant construction.
• Structures in CA built after 1976,
when a new building code was
implemented, suffered very little
damage in the 1989 Loma Prieta
and the 1994 Northridge.
• The implementation gap.
What to do?
Fault mapping

* Earthquakes occur on

* Yet, the location of some

major faults is unknown.
What to do?

Hazard Assessment

• Active fault map

• Historical seismicity
• Earthquake likelihood
What to do?

Lesson from the Hurricane Katrina example:

It is possible to make high probability short term predictions for

hurricanes, as was done in the case of hurricane Katrina. Still an
estimated 1800 people were killed in New Orleans and
neighboring areas. About 50% of New Orleans residences still
have not yet returned to the city.

What about Earthquake Prediction?

Practical Approaches

How would you mitigate damages

• Ground Rupture
• Liquefaction
• Ground Shaking
• Tsunami
Practical Approaches

Ground Rupture
• Avoid construction
• Relocate sensitive facilities
• Implement low use facilities
– Playing fields
– Green space
Practical Approaches

Portola Valley California

Practical Approaches
Practical Approaches

• Recognize liquefaction potential
• In-situ remediation
• Avoid construction in liquefaction prone
Practical Approaches

Tsunami mitigation
• Early warning system
– Broadcast signal to beaches after a major
earthquake anywhere in the ocean basin
• Safetey guidelines
– Go to high ground
– Climb a tree
Practical Approaches

Ground Shaking
• Recognize the degree of probable ground
shaking in the area
• Improve construction methods to
accommodate shaking without collapse
a Earthquake sources b c
Ground motion

peak ground acceleration

M7.6 every 250yrs- 0.004 event/yr Hazard curve
r1 d1

exceeding pga
annual rate of
r2 d2
M 7.6


high seismicity

zone d2
as f

0.25g 0.5g

peak ground acceleration (pga)

u lt


To calculate the hazard curve (annual rate of exceeding ground motions) we:
1. Determine magnitude, M, of earthquake and distance to a point, d2,
2. Calculate ground motion distribution for that M and d2.
3. Calculate the product:
annual rate of earthquake *probability that earthquake will exceed certain ground motion level
4. Sum these rates for all earthquakes in the model at each ground motion to get a hazard curve.
This curve shows the annual rate or probability of exceedance of each ground motion.
• Thank You

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