Rotation: by Amjad Khan Khalil Amjad@aup - Amjad@kardan -

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Amjad Khan Khalil
[email protected]
[email protected]
What is Rotation?
 The movement of an object along a curve on
a circular path is known as rotation.
Let we have a point
laying in the xy-plane
making an angle Ф with P (x ,y )
2 2 2
the x-axis. Then its polar P (x ,y )
1 1 1
coordinates are θ
x1 = r cosФ 1 Ф

y1 = r sinФ 2 x-axis
 Where r is the distance of the point from
the origin.
 Now point p1(x1,y1) is rotated through an
angle θ to point p2(x2,y2).
 Thus using geometric identities we have
x2=r cos(θ+ Ф) 3
y2=r sin(θ+ Ф) 4
 By expanding eq-3 and eq-4 we have

x2=r cosθ cosФ – r sinθ sinФ

y2= r sinθ cosФ + r sinФ cosθ
By substituting the values from q-1 and eq-2 we
x2= x1 cosθ – y1 sinθ
y2= x1 sinθ + y1 cosθ
 In matrix form we can write

P2 = R(θ) . P1
 It should be noted that the positive angle will
be measured anti clock wise that is from P1 to
P2 . But if the angle is negative then it is
measured clock wise and then the geometric
identities will become
Cos(- θ)= Cos θ
Sin(- θ)=-Sin θ
And the final equation will be modified
Example-1: A point P1(8,6) is rotated at an angle
of 30° in polar coordinate system to new
position. Find out the Coordinates of the new
position of the point. Also draw the accurate
Example-2: A point P1(7,10) is making an angle of
50° with x-axis initially. Let this point is rotated
at an angle of 45°. Find out the new position of
the point. Also draw the accurate diagram.
 A point P(10,0) is rotated at an angle of
90° in coordinate system. Find out the
new position of the point along with the
suitable diagram.
 A point P(0,7) is rotated an angle of 90°
in coordinate system clockwise. Find out
the new position along with the suitable
What is Scaling?
 The transformation used to alter the size of an
object is called scaling.
 By scaling the size of an object can either be
enlarged or decreased.
 This operation can be carried out for polygon
by multiplying the coordinates value (x1,y1) for
each boundary vertex by scaling factors sx and
sy to produce transformed coordinates (x2,y2).
x2=x1 . Sx
y2=y1 . Sy
In matrix form we can write

Sx 0

0S Sy

P2 = S . P 1
 If S>1 then object size will increase
 If S<1 then object size will decrease
 If S = 1 then object size remains
 If Sx = Sy then such a scaling is known
as uniform scaling.
 If Sx ≠ Sy then such a scaling is known
as differential scaling.
 A polygon having three Vertices P1(2,2)
P2(6,2) and P3(4,6). If the scaling factors 1 and 2
multiplied with P3 then find out the transformed
vertex P3 along with the accurate diagram.
 A polygon having four vertices, P1(3,2) P2(3,10),
P3(10,2) and P4(10,10). If the value of scaling factor
along x-axis is 1 and along y-axis is 2 and the scaling
performed on P3 then find out the transformed
polygon with accurate diagram.
 A polygon having four vertices P1(2,2),
P2(10,2), P3(6,8) and P4(16,8). If the
scaling factor along x-axis and y-axis is
-2, 1 respectively and the scaling
performed on P1 then find out the
transform coordinates along with
accurate diagram.

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