Unit-Ii: System Analysis and Design

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System development methodologies, Systems Analysis and Design,
Data flow Diagram (DFD), Decision table, Entity Relationship (ER),
Object Oriented Analysis and Design(OOAD), UML diagram.
• Systems development is the process of defining,
designing, testing, and implementing a new
software application or program.

• It could include the internal development of

customized systems, the creation of database
systems, or the acquisition of third party
developed software.
01 To find out the scope of the problem &
System-Development Life
determine solution. Resources, cost, Cycle
time, benefits should be considered here.


This is where teams consider the functional
requirements of the solution. System analysis or
analyzing the needs of the end user will be done

This phase describes the details of necessary
specification,features and operations to satisfy
functional requirements.
04 This is the end of the initial section process and start
of the production. This stage is also characterized by
instillation and change.
phase involves system integration
and testing of programs and procedures. Cycle
Will be carried out by QA professional to
ensure whether it meets a business goal

In this phase majority of the code for the program will
be written and the project will be put into production
by moving the data and components from old system
to new system.


07 This is when the end user can fine tune the system if
they wish to boos the performance and add new
capabilities or meet additional user requirements.

• The waterfall methodology is a project

management approach that emphasizes a
linear progression from beginning to end of a

• In a waterfall model, each phase must be completed before

the next phase can begin and there is no overlapping in the

• Waterfall approach was first SDLC Model to be used

widely in Software Engineering to ensure success of the
The sequential phases in Waterfall model 
Requirement System Design Implementation
Gathering and analysis System design will be With inputs from the system
prepared using design the system is first
Requirements will
requirements and it helps developed in small programs
be collected and
in overall system called units. Each units will
architecture be tested for functionality. its
called unit testing
Integration and
Deployment of system
Testing Maintenance
All the units developed in the Once the functional and
implementation phase are non-functional testing is Clients issuese will
integrated into a system after done; the product is be fixed . Better
testing of each unit. Post deployed in the customer version may get
integration the entire system environment or released created
will be tested. into the market.
• "A prototype is an early sample, model, or
release of a product built to test a concept or
process or to act as a thing to be replicated or
learned from.“

• A prototype is a sample implementation of the


• It provides limited and main functional

capabilities of the proposed system.
Types of Prototyping Models
Four types of Prototyping models are:

• Rapid Throwaway prototypes

• Evolutionary prototype
• Incremental prototype
• Extreme prototype
Rapid Throwaway prototypes
• Rapid throwaway is based on the preliminary
requirement. It is quickly developed to show how the
requirement will look visually.

• In this method, a developed prototype will be

discarded and will not be a part of the ultimately
accepted prototype.

• This technique is useful for exploring ideas and

getting instant feedback for customer requirements.
EX:Paper prototype
Evolutionary Prototyping
• The prototype developed is incrementally refined based on
customer’s feedback until it is finally accepted.

• It helps you to save time as well as effort. 

• This model is helpful for a project which uses a new technology

that is not well understood.

• It is also used for a complex project where every functionality

must be checked once.

• It is helpful when the requirement is not stable or not

understood clearly at the initial stage.
• In Prototyping
incremental Prototyping, thefinal product is
decimated into different small prototypes and
developed individually.

• Eventually, the different prototypes are merged into

a single product.

• This method is helpful to reduce the feedback time

between the user and the application development
team. Ex: Drawing a picture
Extreme Prototyping
• Extreme prototyping method is mostly used for web development.

• It provides iterative and frequent small releases throughout the

project, allowing both team members and customers to examine
and review the project’s progress throughout the entire SDLC.

• It is consists of three sequential phases.

1. Basic prototype with all the existing page is present in the
HTML format.
2. You can simulate data process using a prototype services layer.
3. The services are implemented and integrated into the final
• Incremental process model is
also know as Successive
version model.

• First, a simple working system

implementing only a few basic
features is built and then that is
delivered to the customer.

• Then thereafter many

successive iterations/ versions
are implemented and delivered
to the customer until the
desired system is released.
• Spiral model is one of the most
important Software Development
Life Cycle models, which provides
support for Risk Handling.

• In its diagrammatic representation,

it looks like a spiral with many

• The exact number of loops of the

spiral is unknown and can vary
from project to project.

• Each loop of the spiral is called

a Phase of the software
development process. 
• Rapid
Development (RAD)
Application scratch each time.
(RAD) is a
development model prioritizes
rapid prototyping and quick
feedback over long drawn out
development and testing

• With rapid application

development, developers can
make multiple iterations and
updates to a software rapidly
without needing to start a
development schedule from
system analysis and design
• System Analysis and Design refers to the process of
examining a business situation with the intent of
improving it through better procedures and

• System analysis and design relates to shaping

organizations, improving performance and achieving
objectives for profitability and growth.
Characteristics of a System

01 Organization 02 Interaction 03 Interdependenc

It implies structure and It refers to the manner in which It meansethat parts of the
order. It is the arrangement each component functions with organization or computer
of components that helps to other components of the system. system depend on one another.
achieve objectives.

05 Central Objective
04 Integration A system should have a central objective. Objectives
may be real or stated. The important point is that users
It refers to the holism of systems.
It is concerned with how a must know the central objective of a computer
system is tied together. application early in the analysis for a successful design
and conversion.
Elements of a System(8)
Inputs : Input is what data the system receives to produce
a certain output.

Outputs : What goes out from the system after being

processed is known as Output.

Processor :The process involved to transform input into

output is known as Processing.

Control : In order to get the desired results it is essential

to monitor and control the input, Processing and the output
of the system.
Elements of a System(8)
Feedback : The Output is checked with the desired
standards of the output set and the necessary steps are
taken for achieving the output as per the standards, this
process is called as Feedback

Boundaries :  The boundaries are nothing but the limit

of the system. 

Environment : The things outside the boundary of the

system are known as environment.

Interface : The interconnections and the interactions

Types of System
1. Physical
2. Abstract System
3. Deterministic System
4. Probabilistic System
5. Social System
6. Human Machine System
7. Machine System
8. Natural System
9. Manufactured System
10. Permanent System
11. Temporary System
12. Adaptive System
13. Non Adaptive System
14. Open System
Types of System
Physical – These are tangible entities that may be static or dynamic
in operation. For example- parts of a computer center are the desks,
chairs etc.

Abstract System – These are conceptual or non physical entities.

For example- the abstract conceptualization of physical situations.

Deterministic System – It operates in a predictable manner and the

interaction between parts is known with certainty. For example: Two
molecules of hydrogen and one molecule of oxygen make water.

Probabilistic System – It shows probable behavior. The exact

output is not known. For example: weather forecasting.
Social System- It is made up of people. For example: social clubs,
Types of System
Human Machine System- When both human and machines are
involved to perform a particular a particular task to achieve a target.
For example: - Computer.

Machine System- Where human interference is neglected. All the

tasks are performed by the machine.

Natural System- The system which is natural. For example- Solar

system, Seasonal System.

Manufactured System- System made by man is called manufactured

system. For example- Rockets, Dams, and Trains.

Permanent System- Which persists for long time. For example-

policies of business.
Types of System
Temporary System- Made for specified time and after that they are
dissolved. For example- setting up DJ system.

Adaptive System- responds to change in the environment in such a

way to improve their performance and to survive. For example-
Human beings, animals.

Non Adaptive System-The system which doesn‘t respond to the

environment. For example- Machines

Open System – It has many interfaces with its environment. It

interacts across its boundaries, it receives inputs from and delivers
outputs to the outside world.
Closed System – It is isolated from the environmental influences. A
completely closed system is rare.
Data flow Diagram (DFD)
• A data flow diagram shows the way information flows through a
process or system.

• A data flow diagram (DFD) maps out the flow of information for
any process or system.

• It uses defined symbols like rectangles, circles and arrows, plus

short text labels, to show data inputs, outputs, storage points and
the routes between each destination.
Data flow Diagram (DFD)
Data flow Diagram (DFD)
There are two types of DFDs, both of which support a
top-down approach to systems analysis

1. Logical data flow diagrams - are implementation-

independent and describe the system, rather than how
activities are accomplished.

2. Physical data flow diagrams - are implementation-

dependent and describe the actual entities (devices,
department, people, etc.) involved in the current
Decision Tables

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