Biology Form 5 Chapter 3
Biology Form 5 Chapter 3
Biology Form 5 Chapter 3
Pancreas secretes
lu cos insulin
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Process of
means(involving the
involves the endocrine
Regulating of body temperature by physical
In cold environment In warm environment
(a) action of hair erector
- hair erector muscles are - Hair erector muscles relax
stimulated to contract - hairs lie flat
- hairs become erect - very little air is trapped ,
- a thick layer of air is heat is easily lost by
trapped conduction and radiation.
- air being a poor conducter
of heat prevent heat loss by
conduction and radiation.
(b) Action of blood capillaries
- vasoconstriction - vasodilation
occur;blood capillaries occus;blood capilaries
constrict dilate
- less blood flows close to - more blood flows into
the body surface the capillaries and close
- heat loss by conduction to the body surface
and radiation is reduced - heat loss by conduction
and radiation is
(c) action of sweat glands
. Voluntary muscular
activity is increased . Voluntary muscular
such as rubbing the activity is reduced . less
hands to keep warm. heat is lost.
. Involuntary muscles . Involuntary muscles
contract and relax activity is reduced . Less
frequently to shivering heat is lost.
to produce heat.
(b) Action of adrenal glands