Hawassa University: Wondo Genet College of Forestry and Natural Resource

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Hawassa University

Wondo Genet College of Forestry and Natural Resource

Internship Report Presentation on Rural Land Registration and Certificate


Prepared by:
Melkamu Amuwashe

• Introduction to the land registration and certification

• Introduction to the organization
• Materials and Methodology used/Approached Followed
• Focus area/activities that has been practiced/reviewed
during internship period
• Challenges observed at the organization
• Experiences gained and lessons learned
• Conclusion and Recommendation
Introduction to the land registration and certification
 It is a process of official recording of rights in land through deeds or as title on
properties. It gives an answer to the question “who” and “how”.
 It is used by many countries as a tool to enhance tenure security, facilitate land
market transactions, and enable better land administration, taxation and land-use
 In Ethiopia, there has never been a system of systematic rural land registration.
 Registration of landholdings and granting land use certificates to holders has
recently become government policy in Ethiopia.
 The formal registration is started in 1998.
 In the process of land registration, communal lands, forest and grazing areas will
also be delineated, registered and certified.
Introduction to the organization

Dejen Woreda Office of Environmental Protection, Land Administration and Use Bureau was
established in 2000, responsible for land administration.
The Bureau’s main focus is planning and implementation of the land related activity.
To improve the living condition of the community by building a modern land management system in
the woreda, solving land related issues and ensuring equitable land use.
Inheriting undamaged land for future generation to ensure the benefit people.
Establish equitable land compensation for landowners leaving for development for the benefit of the
Collect, organize and maintain cadastral specific data and related information for land administration
and other activity to build land information system and make it accessible for the desired purpose.
Establish a sustainable and legitimate land management and use system for the benefit of the present
generation without compromising the right of the woreda to determine and use the natural resource.
To see the people of the woreda benefit from the result by building a fair land administration and use
SWOT analysis
Strength of the organization
Ability to use the limited budget allotted
The employee social interaction is strong
Ability to send an updated monthly report of the works performed and a quarterly report to the concerned
Weakness of the organization

Due to lack of budget and vehicles of the office, the work has been done down to the kebele expert inability
to support and evaluate.

Due to the lack of a client lounge, the clients have to go outside.

The redundancy between active and dead files in different places

Scarcity of materials in each department
Opportunity of the organization

Makes safe and modernize dejen woreda

Easy to development of land markets

Makes easier for way of tax collection
Threat of the organization
 Corruption
 Illegal land grabbing can occur
 Boundary pushing can occur
 Farmer whose land have been affected by development may not
be rehabilitated
Value of the organization
o Professional Competence
o Objectivity or impartiality
o Benevolence
o Team Work
Structure of institution/organization
Objectives of land registration and certificate process

 To improving tenure security

 To encouraging land and natural resources conservation and rehabilitation.
 To regulate land use and its protection
 To use the certified land as collateral for bank loans.
 To reducing conflicts over land boundaries and user rights among farmers.

Scope of the internship

 The scope of the internship only limited to dejen woreda of east gojjam zone
concerning the land registration and certificate process.
Description of Internship Site
Geographical Location
Its astronomical location is 10 09´ 57" North latitude and 380 09´ 03" East longitude.
• This climates zone divided in to three. These are weina dega 75%, dega 2%, and kola 23% from the
total climate. The annual rainfall amount ranges from 800-1200 mm and the temperature ranges
between 15 0c_30 0C.

Woreda Population Total

Dejen Men Women 129,719
62,430 67,289

Land Use / Land Cover

NO Land Use Area in Hector

1 Agriculture 37023
2 Grazing 1980
3 Forest 4921
4 Bush 2422
5 Residence 12046
6 Useless land 5006


The main crops grown either for consumption or sale are Pea, wheat, barley, chickpea,
teff, sorghum, maize, coffee and chat.
Materials and Methodology used/Approached I Followed
Materials used

NO Material and Purpose/function

software’s used
1 Computer To store, process and analysis of data
2 GPS To take location coordinate point
3 Printer To printing of file on hard copy
4 QGIS 2.8 For digitizing orthophoto image
5 ISLA Used to registration land computerized form
6 NRLAIS Used to make a map
7 Book of holding Used to register land manual form

 Good communication with different officials.

 Attended in the office
 Collected different documents
 Conversation or interview with official.
Source of data
Primary data source

 Communications with members of organization.

 Observational work flow in office.
Secondary data source

 Documents from the organization, Land Registry Book.

 Internet, proclamations
 Aerial photography.
Focus area/activities that has been
practiced/reviewed during internship period
The activities I have been practiced during internship period is land
registration and certification process.

Land registration
 Land registration is a process of official recording of rights in land through deeds or
as title on properties.
 Part of a cadastral system,
 Recording of legally recognized interests in land.
 Provide safe and certain foundation for acquisition, enjoyment and disposal of rights
in land.
 Provides documentary evidence for solving property disputes and information to land
valuation and taxation.
Land certification

 The issuance of an official written document certifying that the person(s)

named are the legal users and holders of the land described therein.
 The land title certificate is issued in the name of the husband and wife, and
contains a list of all plots measured and names of family members.
 There are two types of certificates.
In the primary certification phase, individual landholdings are recorded
using traditional measurement and boundary demarcation methods
The permanent certificate will be offered when a map of individual holdings
is prepared, using the land information and data, and given to the holders.
The principles Used By The Office to land registration and certification process:

Registration is systematic and methodological, covering the whole

area, kebele by kebele.
Members of the local Land Administration Committee, LAC, are
elected by the farmers.
 BoEPLAU staff in the woredas compile the registration and issue
Books of Holdings.
 Certificates in the Book of Holding are authorized jointly by the
district BoEPLAU head and the local LAC chair-person.
 The temporary certificates are rapidly issued, thus providing a large
number of land users with tenure rights.
The Steps has been practiced for land registration and
certification in the office
I have observed this seven steps for land registration and certification process
Preparation and awareness raising
•The kebele land evaluation and registration process starts with information to the
woreda and kebele administration and awareness campaigns among the farmers.
•Land Administration Committees (LAC) are then established and members are elected
and trained.
Application and identification
•All farmers are encouraged to apply to the LAC for registration of their land by filling
in their names, number of parcels and total area claimed (given in traditional
measurements, timed).
•The application also contains a description of present land use and gives the names of
the neighbors east, west, north and south.
•The LAC verifies the information in the field and enters the checked information in a
field sheet.
Temporary certificate

Based on the field sheet, the woreda EPLAUO (Environmental Protection, Land Administration
and Use Office) issues temporary a certificate to the farmer. This gives farmers proof of their
tenure rights at an early stage.

Public hearing
After the temporary certificate has been issued to the land users in a kebele, the results are
publicly displayed for one month.
The LAC also invites all concerned farmers to a public hearing during which all the applications
are read out aloud for discussions and, hopefully, agreement. Any justified corrections are added
to the field sheets and approved by the LAC chairperson and the woreda EPLAUO head.

Information from the field sheets is registered in the Land Registry Book, which is kept
at the woreda office. Cases of conflicts will be documented, but the registration process
will proceed while the conflicts are resolved.
Book of Holding and Primary Certificate
Based on the information entered into the Land Registry Book, the woreda
administration office issues a Book of Holding for each registered household.
This booklet contains the name and picture of the owners, list of family members
and address, as well as basic rights and obligations according to the law. It also
contains the official certificate of a household’s right to use their land, the Primary
Secondary Certificate and Mapping
A detailed description of the parcels is still needed for the secondary certificate,
so a survey is carried out, which gives the geographical coordinates of the parcel.
Boundary corners are marked by permanent corner stones.
This survey is carried out using modern surveying techniques and equipment.
Based on this information, maps of the area are created and distributed to the
Some effects of land registration and certification

Studies have shown that in areas where landholdings have been registered and
 There are increased investments in farming equipment.
 People are aware of the value of certified rights to a piece of land.
 Tree planting has increased.
 The number of land disputes has declined.
 Self-esteem of the farmers has been strengthened.
 Because both the husband and the wife are named as land users, women’s
rights are strengthened.
 More land is rented to other users
 Agriculture production has increased
Challenges observed at the organization
Lack of budget
Lack of office
Increased filed coverage
Existence of data handling gaps
Lacks of modernized instruments/materials
Lack of land administration and surveying professional experts in the host organizations.
There is no respecting of work
Workers are not voluntary for field observation
Some clients are arrogated
Lack of internet access
Lack of GIS experts
Unavailability of data and error of data
Experiences gained and lessons learned
 Advance our practical skill

 Enhance theoretical knowledge

 Provide opportunities to develop interpersonal communication skill

 Scale up leadership skill

 Understanding the work ethics skill

 Enabled us to build up team spirit

 Respecting and accepting diversity

 From some worker we gained experience loyalty and punctuality on the work

 I get the knowledge of report writing

 I get good practice how we can ask official employer to get the necessary support during my work time

 I have developed the habit of tolerance and sociability with our colleague.
Conclusion and Recommendation

I have tried to performed different practical activities and gain more work
experiences, skills and knowledge’s from in our host organization
I have developed our theoretical lecture courses within integrated practical
activities in the study area like Land Administration, Land Law, GIS course.
 Creates good opportunities to relationship within the host organization officials to
create job opportunities inside and outside the organization, to develop our work
 In general land administration and surveying is a key role for deciding, managing
and administrations lands in Ethiopia and also it is very important for city
development in infrastructure, in economic and in socially good relationships

Recommended to the institution

 Employed skilled man powers like land administrations and surveying and
GIS professionals.
 Solve the shortage of materials like transportation and land registration.
materials like total station, DGPS, computers.
 Support all executives to use their budgets and vehicles efficiently and leverage
additional support and capacity options.
 Involve people in solving their attitudes, skills and practices and supporting a
strong evaluation and feedback system.
Thank you

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