Applied Wellness Studies Presentation
Applied Wellness Studies Presentation
Applied Wellness Studies Presentation
10 minutes after the dive plus supplements and Enzymes consumed with Ionized
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ƥ Autism, Brain Injury, Immune deficiency, Cerebral Palsy, Diabetes, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Chronic
fatigue syndrome, Multiple Sclerosis, FibromyalgiaƦetcƦ
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ƛ The cell can eat better.
ƛ The cell can drink better.
ƛ The cell can breathe better.
ƛ The cell can remove waste better.
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ƛ Now we can study the cellular health through our in house lab to determine:
ƥ Nutritional needs- what supplements and other nutrients your body needs
ƥ Diet modifications- what your body needs to avoid.
ƥ Other Detoxification procedures- What the body needs help eliminating.
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