Violation of Privacy in Computers and It'S Prevention: by I Archana

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• Hacking: Gaining knowledge about someone’s private and sensitive

information by getting access to their computer system illegally is known as
hacking. This is different from ethic hacking, which many organizations use
to check their internet security protection. In hacking, a criminal uses a
variety of software so as to enter a person’s computer and that person may
not be aware of his computer being accessed from a remote location
• Cyber Stalking: Cyber stalking is a kind of online harassment where the victim gets unwanted abusive
online messages and emails. Typically, these stalkers know their victims and instead of resorting to
offline stalking, they use the internet to stalk. If they notice that cyber stalking is not having the desired
effect, they begin offline stalking along with yber stalking to make their victim's life miserable
• Identity Theft: This has become a major problem with people using the internet for cash transactions
and banking services. In this cyber crime, a criminal accesses data about a person’s bank account,
credit card, social security card, debit card and other sensitive information to gain money or to buy
things online in the victim’s name that can result in major financial loss for the victim and even spoil
the victim’s credit history.
• Theft: Theft occurs when a person downloads music, movies, games and software by
violating copyright. There are even peer-sharing websites which encourage software
piracy and many of these websites are now being targeted by the Federal Bureau of
Investigation (FBI).
• Malicious Software: These are internet-based software or programs known as pirated
tware that are used to disrupt proper functioning of the network. The software is used
computer system steal sensitive information or data that can cause damage to existing
software .
• Child Pornography: In this cyber crime, defaulters create, distribute or access
materials that sexually exploit underage children. The criminals solicit minors via chat
rooms for the purpose of child pornography. The FBI has been spending a lot of time
monitoring chat rooms frequented by children with the hope of reducing and
preventing child abuse and soliciting.
• Sales and Investment Fraud: With the increase in e-commerce, the application of
digital technology to fraudulent endeavours has become that much greater. The use of
telephone for fraudulent sales pitches, deceptive charitable solicitations or bogus
investment overtures is becoming increasingly common. There are some fraudulent
sites that sell poor quality products at cheaper rates. They also promise the customers
heavy discounts and freebies Electronic Funds.
• Denial of Service (DoS) Attacks: A DoS attack is an attack by which legitimate users ofa
computer are denied access or use of the resources of that computer. Generally, DoSattacks do not
allow the attacker to modify or access information on the computer A DOSattack can be of the
following types:.
• Denial of Access to Information: Refers to an attack in which information sought by a legitimate
user is either destroyed or changed to some encrypted form
• Denial of Access to Applications: Refers to an attack that denies a user from accessing an
application by making it either unusable or unavailable. This is usually done to prevent the user (or
organization) from using applications to perform any task, .
• Denial of Access to Systems: Refers to the unavailability of the system, including all the
applications installed on the system or any data stored on the system.
• Denial of Access to Communications: Refers to a common type of attack that can range from
cutting wires and jamming radio communications to flooding networks with excessive traffic. An
example of this type of attack is flooding a computer with junk mail
• Transfer Fraud: A cyber crime occurs when there is a transfer offunds which may be intercepted
and diverted. Valid credit card numbers can be hackedelectronically and then misused by a
fraudulent person or organization
• Defamation: It involves a cyber crime with the intent of lowering the dignity of someone by
hacking into their email account and sending mails using vulgar language to an unknown person’s
• Assault by Threat: It refers to threatening a person or his family members with disconsequences
through the use of a computer network, or email, videos or phones

• Firewall is a software that protects the private network from unauthorized user access.
The frewall filters the information coming from the internet to the network or a computer
to protect the system. Firewall exists both as a software solution and as a hardware
application. In the form of hardware firewall such as router, it protects the network, and
in terms of software firewall, it helps in preventing the spread of virus from one
computer to another. A firewall is a network security system, either hardware- or
software-based, that controls incoming and outgoing network traffic based on a set of
rules. Various examples of firewalls are CISCO firewall, NetGear firewall, Netscreen 25,

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