Bab 2 Ccu
Bab 2 Ccu
Bab 2 Ccu
By Ricky Dian
Saputra TBI 4
Semester IV
State Islamic
University North
Indonesian C u l t u r e
Indonesian culture that was born from the minds of the
Indonesian people, can contribute to the formation of significant
values to develop awareness about the substance of Indonesian
pluralism and multiculturalism culture. Ethnic groups in the
Indonesian archipelago have created regional culture or
geoculture with distinctive original styles, characteristics,
languages, values, and symbols derived from the culture of the
people. In addition, the old Indonesian culture has undergone
several changes and shifts as a result of varying interpretations
and understandings by local residents, both indigenous and
mixed races.
On the other hand, those who
carry the culture, or those who 1. Belief in the one and only
live in a society made up of God
ethnics, have worldviews,
perceptions, and thoughts that 2. Just and civilised
differ from one another. As a humanity
result, the many philosophies,
cultural values, symbols, 3. The unity of
multiculturalism perceptions, and Indonesia
other values may represent some
original Indonesian concepts. 4. Democracy guided by the wisdom
of deliberations among
These five principles stem from
ancient traditions and are said 5. Social justice for all the people
to define Indonesian nationality of Indonesia
or commonly known as
Total Islands : ±
17,500 : ± 54,720 Km
Land : ± 1,904,443 Km2
Area : ±5,100 Km
Length : ± 1,900 Km
Width : 50C to 330C (Mostly Warmer &
Climate Humid)
Ethnic 583
Group : ±480
Population : ± 240
Plant Species : ±40,000
(+ 3,000 Trees and ±
5,000 Orchids)
s i a P o p u l a r
I n d one n
C u lt u r e
Padang restaurants are famous for their spicy food and their
unique way of serving it. It is served in small portions of
various dishes, but constituting, with rice, a complete meal.
The best known Padang dish is Rendang, a spicy meat stew.
Satay or sate