Introduction To Embedded Systems: Unit-3
Introduction To Embedded Systems: Unit-3
Introduction To Embedded Systems: Unit-3
Definition, key elements of an embedded system,
design metric challenges
Processor technology: General purpose and
custom single purpose processors, ASIC.
IC technology: PLD, VLSI and FPGA.
Design technology: Hardware/software co-
design, integrated development environments
and tool chains.
Embedded system- Overview
Embedded computing systems
◦ Any sort of device which includes a programmable
computer but itself is not intended to be a general-
purpose computer
◦ Computing systems embedded within electronic devices
◦ Software embedded into a hardware module
◦ Nearly any computing system other than a desktop
Block diagram
Types of embedded systems
Real Time Embedded System
Ex. Traffic control system, Medical usage in health sector
Stand Alone Embedded System
Ex. MP3 Players, Calculator, Microwave ovens
Networked Embedded System
Ex. Home Security System, ATM Machine
Mobile Embedded System
Ex. Mobile Phones, Digital Camera
A “short list” of embedded systems
Anti-lock brakes Modems
Auto-focus cameras MPEG decoders
Automatic teller machines Network cards
Automatic toll systems Network switches/routers
Automatic transmission On-board navigation
Avionic systems Pagers
Battery chargers Photocopiers
Camcorders Point-of-sale systems
Cell phones Portable video games
Cell-phone base stations Printers
Cordless phones Satellite phones
Cruise control Scanners
Curbside check-in systems Smart ovens/dishwashers
Digital cameras Speech recognizers
Disk drives Stereo systems
Electronic card readers Teleconferencing systems
Electronic instruments Televisions
Electronic toys/games Temperature controllers
Factory control Theft tracking systems
Fax machines TV set-top boxes
Fingerprint identifiers VCR’s, DVD players
Home security systems Video game consoles
Life-support systems Video phones
Medical testing systems Washers and dryers
Characteristics of embedded systems
◦ Executes a single program, repeatedly
◦ Cost, Power, Size, Speed etc.
Application specific functionality
Deadline constrained operation
Resource challenged
Power efficient
Form factor
Design challenges
Obvious design goal:
◦ Construct an implementation with desired functionality
Design metric
◦ A measurable feature of a system’s implementation
Design metrics
◦ Unit cost: Monetary cost of manufacturing each copy of the
system, excluding NRE cost
◦ Time-to-prototype: the time needed to build a working version of
the system
Design metric competition -
improving one may worsen others
Expertise with both software
and hardware is needed to
optimize design metrics
Performance Size ◦ Not just a hardware or software
expert, as is common
NRE cost ◦ A designer must be comfortable
with various technologies in
order to choose the best for a
given application and constraints
Time-to-market: a
demanding design metric
• Time required to develop a product
to the point it can be sold to
• Market window
– Period during which the product
Revenues (Rs)
triangle, representing market
Market fall
Market rise
– Triangle area equals revenue
• Loss
D W 2W
– The difference between the on-time
On-time Delayed Time
entry entry and delayed triangle areas
$ 1 6 0 ,0 0 0 $160
p er p rod uc t c
$ 1 2 0 ,0 0 0 $120 C
tota l c ost
$ 8 0 ,0 0 0 $80
$ 4 0 ,0 0 0 $40
$0 $0
0 800 1600 2400 0 800 1600 2400
N u m b e r of units (v o lu m e) N u m b e r of units (v ol um e )