Geo Chapter 3, 4 & 5

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Geography of Ethiopia and the Horn

(GeEs 1011)
3.1 General Characteristics of the Ethiopian Physiographic

 It is diverse great diversity

 flat-topped plateaus,
 high and rugged mountains,
 deep river gorges and
 vast plains

 Altitude ranges from 125/116 meters below sea level (Kobar Sink) to the highest
mountain Mount Ras Dejen (4,620 m.a.s.l), which is the fourth highest mountain in

 Ethiopia has the largest proportion of elevated landmass in the African continent.
& hence it is sometimes described as the Roof of East Africa
 More than 50% of the Ethiopian landmass is above 1,000 meters of elevation

 Above 1,500 meters makes 44% of the country. Half of this, in turn, is at more than
2,000 meters above sea level.

 They have been divided into several regions and mountain systems.
 The highlands(56%)

 Rugged mass of Mts, situated in the Horn of Africa

 They have been dissected by several rivers and ravines which have cut deep gorges.

 They have been divided into several regions & Mt. systems.

 Sources of many rivers and streams that made the country to be described as the
“Water Tower of East Africa”.

 Encircled by semi-arid and lowlands

 Moderate and high amount of rainfall (>600 mm per year).

 Lower mean annual temperature (< 200C).

 Favourable climate for biotic life & free from tropical diseases

 Suitable for rain-fed agriculture, and human habitation & settlement .

 Significant throughout Ethiopian history in the economic, cultural and political life
of the people
 Low lands(44%)
 Lower amounts of RF & higher temp.
 High prevalence of tropical diseases and hence lower population densities
 Nomadic and semi-nomadic economic life
 Vast plain lands favourable for irrigation agriculture along the lower river basins
 The Physiographic Divisions of Ethiopia •

I. The Western highlands and lowlands

 West of the Rift Valley & makes up about 44% of the area of the country.

 While Easter parts of the region is bounded by western escarpment of the Rift
Valley, westward the land gradually descends in altitude until it merges into the
western foothills and lowlands, along the Sudan and South Sudan border.

 This region is further subdivided into four groups of highlands (76.3%) and four
groups of lowlands (23.7%)
 Tigrian plateau
 North west central massif(Gonder, Wollo &Gojjam)
 Shewan plateau(b/n Abay and Gibie gorges) -
 South western highlands (Wollega,Jimma, Gamogofa)
Physiographic regions of Ethiopia
a) The Tigray Plateau

 Between Tekezie(S) and Mereb(N) rivers,

 Most places1,000-2,000 m.a.s.l

 Denuded granite hills, rugged topography, and Ambas,

 High Mt. (>3000 meters a.s.l),

 Tsibet (3988),
 Ambalage (3291),
 Assimba (3248 m.a.s.l),and
 Debre Damo (table land & famous monastery climbing with rope)
b) North Central Massifs

 The largest in the western highlands

 B/n Abay (S) and Tekeze gorges(N)

 These rivers & their tributary dissected the region into d/f gorges, steep sided
river valleys, isolated plateau blocks, precipitous tablelands etc

 Much of these plateau and tablelands are still capped by the Trappean lava.

 It accommodates the Lake Tana basin surrounded by plains of Fogera &

Dembia in the north and an upland plain in its south.

 58% is > 2000 meters .a.s.l making it, next to the Shewan Plateau, the
second highest physiographic division.

 The region consists of the Gonder, Wello and Gojjam Massifs.

 Out of the 26 mountain peaks with altitude of > 4,000 m.a.s.l in Ethiopia, 19 mountain
peaks are found in this physiographic region.

 Among these, the most popular ones include:

 The semen Mt. system- highest peak is Mt. Ras Dejen (4,620 m.a.s.l),

 Guna/Debretabor Mt. system-Mt. Guna (4,231m.a.s.l)

 Lasta/Wollo Mt. system-Mt.Abune Yoseph (4,260 m.a.s.l)

 Choke Mt./Gojam Mt. System- Mt. Birhan (4,154 m.a.s.l)

 The Mt. systems in Gondar and Gojjam (western part of these massifs) are separated
from the eastern group of Mts. (Wollo Mt. system) by impenetrable and deep gorges.

 At one point they are connected by Yeju-Wadla Delanta land bridge (ridge).

 This land bridge has been significant in history. It served as a route of penetration by the
Turks, Portuguese, and Italians etc.
c) The Shewa Plateau/central highlands
 Occupies a central geographical position in Ethiopia & bounded by the
 Rift Valley E and SE,
 Abay gorge N and W,
 Omo gorge in the S and W.

 It accounts the smallest portion of the Western highlands and nearly three-fourth

(75%) of its area is at an altitude of > 2,000 a.s.l

 It drained & dissected by Abay (Guder, Muger, Jema etc. ), Omo, and Awash rivers

& their tributaries, and forms a water divide for these three river basins.

 Has several tablelands, isolated plateau units & deep gorges by these rivers

 Mt. Abuye-Meda (4,000 m.a.s.l) in N/Shewa & Mt.Guraghe (3,721 m.a.s.l) are
highest peaks
d) The South Western Highlands

 Consists Wellega, Illuababora, Jimma, Kaffa, Gamo and Gofa.

 Extends from the Abay gorge (N) to the Kenya border & Chew Bahir (S)

 It is the wettest plateau in Ethiopia & 70% of its area is 1,000-2,000 m.a.s.l

 Drained & dissected by Dabus, Deddessa (tributaries of Abay), Baro, Akobo and the
Ghibe/Omo rivers.

 Highest peak is Mt, Guge (4200 m.a.s.l) in this physiographic subdivision.

 The Western Lowlands

 Narrow stretches of land along Ethio-sudaness border & make 11% of the area of the physiographic

 Elevation ranges between 500 and 1000 meters above sea level.

 Except the Baro lowland, the region is generally characterized by arid or semi-arid conditions.

 Pastoral or semi-pastoral economic activities dominate the area.

 It subdivided into (from N to S)

a) Tekeze-Setit lowland (northern most part of wetern lowlands & crossed by Tekeze river)

b) Abay-Dinder lowland (covers area b/n Metema area/town in the N toSouthern part of Abay river)

c) Baro lowland (largest & wettest of the western lowland)

d) Ghibe lowland

 Cassified in the Western lowlands only by its geographical location

 But structurally it is part the Rift Valley

 It include the lower Gibe Valley & northern section of Turkana basin

 With the exception of the Baro lowland, the region is generally characterized by arid or
semi-arid conditions.

 Towns found in this region include Humera, Metema, Omedla, Kurmuk,
Gambella etc.

II. The S.E Highlands & Lowlands(37%)

 It is 2nd largest physiographic region in terms of area & accounts for 37%
of the area of Ethiopia.

 The highlands make up 46% of the physiographic division while the rest is

 Western & Northern limits is bordered by Eastern escarpment of the rift

Valley and the land gradually descends south eastward into the south eastern
lowlands and then to the plains of Somalia

 Divided into South eastern highlands & South eastern Lowlands

a)The Arsi-Bale-Sidama Highlands

 Located in east of the Lakes region or the south western section of the
physiographic region.

 Make up 28.5% of the area of the region and 62% of the south - Eastern

 They are made up of flat rolling uplands and dissected Mts. Major Mt. are Mt.
Kaka (4,180 m.a.s.l), Mt. Bada (4,139 m.a.s.l) and Mt. Chilalo (4,036 m.a.s.l).
 The Bale highlands are separated from the Arsi highlands by the head and main stream of
Wabishebelle and characterized by-T

 Basaltic plateau in the north-central part and high mountain massif to the south.

 Afro-Alpine summit of Senetti plateau is found on the latter group.

 The highest mt. peaks Tulu-Demtu (4,377) and Mt.Batu (4,307).

a)The Arsi-Bale-Sidama Highlands

 Located in east of the Lakes region or the south western section of the physiographic

 Make up 28.5% of the area of the region and 62% of the south - Eastern Highlands.

 Dissected by Wabishebelle and Ghenale & their tributaries.

 Weyb River (tributary of Ghenale), has cut an underground passage (Sof Omar cave)
through the Mesozoic Limestone rocks. The cave is found near Bale Mountains.

 Erosion features belonging to Pleistocene glaciation but later modified by fluvial processes
are seen in the trough-like gorges, hanging valleys, and depressions

 Bale massif

 The highest peaks include Mt. Tulu Dimtu (4377 m.a.s.l) & Mt. Batu (4307 m.a.s.l)

 Afro Alpine summit of Senetti plateau is found in this lowering highlands of Bale
encompassing the Mt. Tulu Dimtu
 Arsi massif

 Made up of flat rolling uplands and dissected Mt. ranges & degraded extinct volcanoes

 The highest peak include Mt. Kaka (4,180 m.a.s.l), Mt. Bada (4,139 m.a.s.l) and Mt. Chilalo
(4,036 m.a.s.l).

 Arsi-Bale highlands are main grains producing areas like Wheat & Barely, .

 Arsi-Bale massifs are separated by Wabeshebele river

 The Jemjem plateau/ Sidama Highlands

 Consists South-western corners of SE highland groups

 Separated from the Bale highlands by the Ghenale river valley.

 Jemjem plateau, an important coffee growing area.

 Highest Mt. peaks include Mt Dello (3600m.a.s.l) & Mt. Garamba (3400 m.a.s.l)
 The Hararghe Plateau/highland

 It extends in to NE direction from Chercher highlands to Jigjiga in the east.

 Much of the Trappean lava is removed and the Mesozoic rocks are extensively

 It has the smallest proportion of upper highland (>2,000 meters).

 The highest mountain is Mt. Gara-Muleta (3,381 m.a.s.l). & Jebel Tita (3122 m.a.s.l)

 The South eastern Lowlands:

 The most extensive lowlands in Ethiopia

 divided into Wabishebelle plain (60%) and the Ghenale Plain (40%).

 They include the plains of Ogaden, Elkere, and Borena. Plains are SE sloping plains.

 It interrupted here and there, by low hills, low ridges, inselbergs shallow & broad
river valleys and depressions

 They sparsely inhabited by pastoral and semi-pastoral communities. This is because

of harsh climatic conditions,

 Economic activity animal husbandry, irrigation agriculture, and perhaps

exploitation of petroleum and natural gas.
 The Rift Valley(18% of Ethiopia)

 It is a tectonically formed structural depression

 NE-SW orientation covers area of 1,700 km2

 Volcanic rocks, fluvial and lacustrine deposits cover the floor; numerous volcanic

domes, hills and cinder cones rise from the floor,

 Altitude varies from 125-2000 meters. a.s.l

 subdivided into three physiographic sub-regions

1) Afar Triangle(300-700 meters altitude)- temp. is >50°C & consist of

 faulted depressions (grabens),

 volcanic hills,
active volcanoes,
volcanic ridges, l
 lava fields
 Denakil Depression (Kobar Sink)
 Extensive salt plain
 Lakes (Abe, Asale, and Afrera),
 economic importance of this region includes salt extraction, irrigation along the
Awash River and electric potential from geothermal energy.

2) Main Ethiopian Rift/Lakes region,

 from Awash River( in the N) to Lake Chamo(in the S).

 the narrowest and the highest(50-80km &1,000-2,000 m. a.s.l)

 Consists of Cinder cones and volcanic Mts. (E.g Fentale, Boseti-guda (near Adama),
Aletu (N of Lake Ziway) and Chebi (N of Lake Hawasa)

 Rain-fed agriculture is practiced and has a potential for recreation(lakes),and the

geothermal energy
3. Chew Bahir region of Rift valley

 the smallest part of the Rift Valley.

 Gneissic highlands of Konso and the surrounding highlands separate it from the
Main Rift to the north.

 Broad and shallow depression- marshy area covered by tall grass, into which the
Segen and Woito streams enter
 The Impacts of Relief on Biophysical and Socioeconomic Conditions

I) Agricultural practices-The rugged terrain affects

 size and shape of farm (fragment farmland)

 Practice of mechanized farming techniques

 Relief also influences crop production & animal rearing-

 some corps grow at higher altitudes (barley, wheat) and others to

low altitude (sorghum, maize).

 most equines and sheep are reared in the higher altitudes and
camels and goat are well adapted to lower altitudes
II) Settlement pattern

 Highlands with temperate climatic are free from tropical diseases,so densely settled.

 Rugged and difficult terrain hinders the development of settlement and its expansion.

 The highlands of Ethiopia are characterized by sedentary life and permanent

settlements while lowlands that are inhabited by pastoralists have temporary
III) Transportation and communication
 The highly dissected nature of the landscape is a barrier to internal surface
transportation leads to long-term isolation of many communities
 The difficult terrain increase maintenance cost of infrastructure
 TV and radio communications are also highly influenced by relief.
 The rugged topography rendered rivers less navigable due to the waterfalls, deep
gorges and steep cliffs.
IV) Hydroelectric power potential

 Great altitude difference and high RF created a very high potential for hydroelectric
power production in Ethiopia.

V) Socio-cultural feeling- diversity and identity

 The rugged terrain/dissection resulted in the long-term isolation of communities

cultural diversity.

 People who live in the highlands identify themselves as degegnas (highlanders) and
those who live in the lowlands as kollegnas (lowlanders).
VI) Impacts on climate

 The climate of Ethiopia is a result of the tropical position and altitudinal variation.

 Highlands with higher amount of RF and lower rate of evapo-transpiration,

moisture surplus whereas lowlands moisture deficit

VII) Impacts on soil

 Mountainous areas degradation processes and relatively form shallow and little

VIII) Impacts on natural vegetation

 Relief, climate, hydrology affect the type of natural vegetation grown in an area.

4.1 Introduction

• Water(71%),
 97.5% salt-seas & Oceans
 2.5% fresh water(0.4%surface,
68.7% glaciers, 30.1% ground
• Land (29%)
water,0.8 % frost)
 Only around 0.7 % of the total
land mass of Ethiopia is
covered by water bodies due
to rugged topography
 Drainage system and basin

a) Drainage

 the flow of water through well-defined channel. A river system begins at a place
called the source or headwater and ends at a point called mouth

b)Drainage system

 Branched network of streams channels or river channels(principal river and its

tributaries ) together with the adjacent land slopes

 A river system begins at a place called the source or headwater and ends at a point called

 outcome of structure of rocks, topography, slope, amount and the periodicity of the

 Ethiopia possesses three broadly classified drainage systems namely Western, South
eastern & Rift Valley drainage Systems.
c) Drainage basin (catchment area)

 topographic region towards which a river and its tributaries collect both the
surface runoff and subsurface flow

 It is bounded by and separated from other river basins by a water divide or

topographic divide.

d)Drainage pattern

 It is arrangement or flow direction of the main river & its tributary

 The general patterns of major river basins in Ethiopia are determined by topographical
Drainage Basins of Ethiopia(CSA
Drainage system
4.2. The Major Drainage Systems
1.The Western Ethiopia Drainage Systems

 Are the largest of all drainage systems draining 40 % of the total area of the country and carry 60
% of the annual water flow

 This drainage system comprises 4 major river basins namely the Tekeze, Abay, Baro-Akobo,
Ghibe (Omo).

 Unlike other river basins in the system, the Ghibe (Omo) flows southward. The Abay, Tekeze and
Baro flow westward ultimately joining the Nile which finally ends at Mediterranean Sea.
a) Abay river

 largest river both in volumetric discharge and coverage in the western drainage

 Abay river basin covers an area of 199,812 km2, covering parts of Amhara, Oromia
and Benishangul-Gumuz regional states.

 Abay river carries 65 % of the annual water flow of the region.

 Abay which rises from Lake Tana (some sources indicate its origin from Sekela,
Choke mountain) flows about 1,450 kim and joins the White Nile in Khartoum,
Sudan to form the Nile River.

 More than 60 streams drain the Abay within elevation ranging between 500 - 4261
meters above sea level. The largest of these is Ghilgel Abay (LittleAbay).
b) Tekeze river (called Atbara in Sudan)

 Tekeze and its tributaries, carrying 12 % of the annual water flow of the region
drains 82,350 Km2 of land surface.

 The basin has two main tributaries (Angereb and Goang) which rises in the
central highlands of Ethiopia

c) Baro-Akobo (Akobo is tributary of Baro) –join the white Nile in Sudan

d) Ghibe river

 The Ghibe river empties into the Chew-Bahir at the mouth of Lake Turkana (an
elongated RV lake) thereby forming an inland drainage.
2)The S.E Drainage Systems(25% water flow)

 include plateaus of Arsi, Bale, Sidama and Harerghe

 Drained by Wabishebelle and Ghenale rivers

 Genale with catchment area of 202,697 km2 drains parts of Oromia, SNNPR, and Somali

 Wabishebelle ,171,042 km2 catchment drains parts of Oromia, Harari and the Somali regions.

3)The Rift Valley Drainage System/Inland drainage system

 Awash river basin cover a catchment area of 114,123 km2 from Shewan plateau(1250kms)

 Cover Amhara, Oromia, Afar, Somali, Dire Dawa, and Addis Ababa City Administration.

 Awash is the most utilized river & it flows in NE direction and ended at Lake Abbe in the
Ethio-Djibouti border
 Small streams in RV draige system include

 Meki and Katar rivers flow into L. Ziway;

 Bilate river into L. Abaya;

 Segen river into Chew Bahir.

 In addition, some of these lakes are interconnected. Lakes Ziway and Langano drain into
Lake Abijiata through the small streams of Bulbula and Horocolo respectively.

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