Immuno Deficiencies
Immuno Deficiencies
Immuno Deficiencies
In partial DiGeorge syndrome, hypoparathyroidism is treated with Ca and
vitamin D supplementation; long-term survival is not affected. Complete
DiGeorge syndrome is fatal without treatment, which is transplantation of
cultured thymus tissue.
shows a moderately enlarged heart with
an egg-on-side configuration and
increased pulmonary vascularity. The
superior mediastinum is narrow because
of thymic hypoplasia. Note that the
anterior upper mediastinum is empty in
lateral view
Ataxia-telangiectasia results from a T-cell defect and causes progressive
cerebellar ataxia, oculocutaneous telangiectasias, and recurrent
sinopulmonary infections.
Clinical findings of cerebellar ataxia (particularly when telangiectasias are
present), low levels of IgA, and high levels of serumα1-fetoprotein suggest
the diagnosis. Diagnosis is confirmed by identifying mutations on both alleles
of the gene for ATM protein.
Treatment: Treatment with antibiotics or IV immune globulin may help, but
no treatment is effective for the CNS abnormalities. Thus, neurologic
deterioration progresses, causing death, usually by age 30.
Ocular telangiectasia for a patient with ataxia
telangiectasia patient.