Provisions & Contingent Liabilities: John Bo S. Cayetano, CPA, MBA
Provisions & Contingent Liabilities: John Bo S. Cayetano, CPA, MBA
Provisions & Contingent Liabilities: John Bo S. Cayetano, CPA, MBA
Premium payable
Warranty expense
Warranty payable
Provision Contingent Liability
A liability of the company. A liability of the company.
Uncertain timing and/or amount. Uncertain timing and/or amount.
Example of Provision
Lawsuit Payable – the potential payment to plaintiff once
the court decided against the company or in the favor of the
Probable Probable
Measurable Measurable
Probable Versus Possible
The chances that the company will have to pay the liability is higher than
not to pay.
The amount can be measured in peso (or other currency). As long as the
amount can be estimated reliably in peso it is measurable.
Provision Versus Contingent Liability
Disclose to notes
Not Probable
Remote No nothing
Common Types of Provision
Dec. 31, 2021 – On FS preparation date, the lawsuit is still undecided. The company’s lawyer believe that it is probable
that the company will pay the survivor at estimated amount of P800,000.
Scenario 01:
On Feb 14. 2021 the court decided that the company should pay P900,000.
Measurement of Provision
1ST Actual Amount - The confirmed amount that the
company paid or will have to pay.
Known before issuance
Dec. 31, 2021 – On FS preparation date, the lawsuit is still undecided. The company’s lawyer believe that it is probable
that the company will pay the survivor at estimated amount of P800,000.
Scenario 01:
On Feb 14. 2022 the court decided that the company should pay P900,000.
Provision = P900,000
Scenario 02
Involve FS FS
Accident Date Issue
Nov. 1 Dec. 31 Mar. 31
Jan. 1 Dec. 31
2021 2021 2022
2021 2022
Dec. 31, 2021 – On FS preparation date, the lawsuit is still undecided. The company’s lawyer believe that it is probable
that the company will pay the survivor at estimated amount of P800,000.
Scenario 02:
On April 15. 2021 the court decided that the company should pay P900,000.
Measurement of Provision
1ST Actual Amount - The confirmed amount that the
company paid or will have to pay.
Known before issuance
Dec. 31, 2021 – On FS preparation date, the lawsuit is still undecided. The company’s lawyer believe that it is probable
that the company will pay the survivor at estimated amount of P800,000.
Scenario 02:
On April 15. 2021 the court decided that the company should pay P900,000.
Provision = P800,000
Scenario 03
Involve FS FS
Accident Date Issue
Nov. 1 Dec. 31 Mar. 31
Jan. 1 Dec. 31
2021 2021 2022
2021 2022
Nov. 1, 2021 – The company was involved in an accident, on the same day the survivor sued the company and demanding
Scenario 03:
On December 31. 2021, the lawyer’s estimate is between 500,000 to 1,000,000
Measurement of Provision
1ST Actual Amount - The confirmed amount that the company
paid or will have to pay.
Known before issuance
Nov. 1, 2021 – The company was involved in an accident, on the same day the survivor sued the company and demanding
Dec. 31, 2021 – On FS preparation date, the lawsuit is still undecided.
Mar. 31, 2022 – The FS was issued to shareholders.
Scenario 03:
On December 31. 2021, the lawyer’s estimate is between 500,000 to 1,000,000
Nov. 1, 2021 – The company was involved in an accident, on the same day the survivor sued the company and demanding
Dec. 31, 2021 – On FS preparation date, the lawsuit is still undecided.
Scenario 04:
On December. 31. 2021, the lawyer’s estimate is between 20,000 to 20,000,000.
Nov. 1, 2021 – The company was involved in an accident, on the same day the survivor sued the company and demanding
Nov. 1, 2021 – The company was involved in an accident, on the same day the survivor sued the company and demanding
Amount of damages XX
Deductible clause (portion of damages should by the company) (XX)
Recovery from insurance company XX
The amount of recovery is recognize as gain and the amount of gain will offset the amount of
loss from damages.
If this recovery is still uncollected, the company should recognize receivable from insurance
company. The receivable is cannot be offset to any provision.
Scenario 06
On Nov 1, 2021, an explosion in the factory of the company occurred. Ten factory workers lost
their both legs. A lawsuit was filed to court asking for compensation for what they suffered. The
lawyer’s estimated amount 90K with probable chance. Factory is insured with deductible clause
amounting to 30K. How much is provision & expense?
Number 05
Number 07
Number 08
Number 09
Contingent Asset
A possible asset arising from a lawsuit where the company sued another
company for a compensation from damages suffered.
0% 50% 95% 100%
Possible Probable
Do nothing Disclose Record
To notes Asset/income
Number 09
Contingent Asset
A possible asset arising from a lawsuit where the company sued another
company for a compensation from damages suffered.
0% 50% 95% 100%
Possible Probable
Do nothing Disclose Record
To notes Asset/income
Number 09
Loss from lawsuit
Provision from lawsuit
Premium expense
Premium payable
Warranty expense
Warranty payable
Premiums Payable
1. The obligation of the company to deliver promotional merchandise (a.k.a. the premium) like,
T-shirt, calendar planner, etc. This will give his/her right to collect a premium in the future.
The objective of which is to increase sales.
2. Usually in the problem, the customer is required to accumulate specific number of proof of
purchase (e.g., coupons, wrappers, bottle caps) the he/she will use to obtain (redeem) the
premium item.
3. The total expected value of the premium that the company is required to distribute to increase
the current year’s sale is recorded as premium expense.
4. After deducting the value of the distributed premium on the current year, the value of
undistributed premium is recorded as premium payable.
Premium Payable
Company Customer
Coupon Product sold
Company Customer
Premium Payable
In Units x Net cost / unit = In Peso
Method 1:
Method 2:
Method 1:
Method 1:
Method 2:
Premium payable
Warranty expense
Warranty payable
Warranty Payable
1. The obligation of the company to deliver repair services to its customer for goods sold. The
objective of which is to increase the sales.
2. The total expected value of repair services to be rendered for the goods sold for the current
year is recorded as warranty expense.
3. Warranty services rendered for the current period is treated as payment of warranty
liability and for the services to be rendered in the future is record as warranty payable.
4. The cost of warranty services rendered for the current period is referred to as actual
warranty cost.
Warranty Payable
Company Customer
Warranty contract Product sold
Warranty Expense XX
2018 2019
2016 2017
Premium payable
Warranty expense
Warranty payable