Information and Network Security: Topic Name:-Combining Security Associations
Information and Network Security: Topic Name:-Combining Security Associations
Information and Network Security: Topic Name:-Combining Security Associations
Name:-Mohini Chorat
Roll No:-217504
An individual SA can implement either the AH or ESP protocol but not both.
Sometimes a particular traffic flow will call for the services provided by both AH
and ESP. Further, a particular traffic flow may require IPsec services between hosts
and, for that same flow, separate services between security gateways, such as fire-
walls. In all of these cases, multiple SAs must be employed for the same traffic flow
to achieve the desired IPsec services. The term security association bundle refers to
a sequence of SAs through which traffic must be processed to provide a desired set
of IPsec services. The SAs in a bundle may terminate at different endpoints or at
the same endpoints.
Security associations may be combined into bundles in two ways:
• Transport adjacency: Refers to applying more than one security protocol to the same IP packet
without invoking tunneling. This approach to combining AH and ESP allows for only one level of
combination; further nesting yields no added benefit since the processing is performed at one IPsec
instance: the (ultimate) destination.
• Iterated tunneling: Refers to the application of multiple layers of security protocols effected through
IP tunneling. This approach allows for multiple levels of nesting, since each tunnel can originate or
terminate at a different IPsec site along the path.
The two approaches can be combined, for example, by having a transport SA
between hosts travel part of the way through a tunnel SA between security g
ateways. One interesting issue that arises when considering SA bundles is
the order in which authentication and encryption may be applied between a g
iven pair of endpoints and the ways of doing so. We examine that issue next.
Then we look at combinations of SAs that involve at least one tunnel.
Basic Combinations of Security Associations
The IPsec Architecture document lists four examples of combinations of SAs that must be
supported by compliant IPsec hosts (e.g., workstation, server) or security gateways (e.g. firewall,
router). The lower part of each case in the figure represents the physical connectivity of the
elements; the upper part represents logical connectivity via one or more nested SAs. Each SA can
be either AH or ESP. For host-to-host SAs, the mode may be either transport or tunnel; otherwise it
must be tunnel mode.
Case 1. All security is provided between end systems that implement IPsec. For any two end systems to communicate via an SA, they must share
the appropri- ate secret keys. Among the possible combinations are
a. AH in transport mode
We have already discussed how these various combinations can be used to support authentication, encryption, authentication before encryption,
and authenti- cation after encryption