5. Participation.
The process needs participation for all officers responsible so
as to reduce resistance because sometimes the process can
end up to demotion, transfers etc.
Guidelines for Effective HRP
6. Information System.
A strong data base is a base for current HRP.
Therefore development of strong HCIMS is
7. Balanced Focus.
The right quality of human resources should be
taken to fill open vacant than merely matching
existing people.
A job is a grouping of tasks, duties, and responsibilities
that constitutes the total work assignment for
employees. These tasks, duties, and responsibilities may
change over time and therefore the job may change.
Topic Four
The Process of Human Resource Planning
i. Forecasting Demand (nature, factors,
techniques and approaches)
ii. Forecasting Supply (nature, techniques)
iii. Determining Manpower Gaps
Managerial judgment
Under this method, experience managers estimate man
power requirement for their respective departments on
the basis of their own knowledge of expected future
workload and employee efficiency. This method is
suitable to small organizations.
Methods of Human Resources Forecasting
Methods of Human Resources Forecasting
Ratio-trend analysis
Under this methods, ratios ( i.e. total output/number of
workers, total sales volume/ number of sales person, direct
workers/ indirect workers, are calculated on the basis of
the past data. Future ratios are calculated on the basis of
the series of time series analysis/extrapolation/projections.
Mathematical models
A mathematical model expresses the relationship between
independent variables (i.e. investment, production, sales
etc) and dependent variables are (i.e. number of employee
Quantitative and Qualitative HRP
Quantitative techniques therefore include;
i. Trend analysis
ii. Employee turnover rates
iii. Employees’ absenteeism rates
iv. Staffing table
v. Markov analysis
vi. Skills inventory
Quantitative Approach
These are statistical techniques for instance
Trend analysis:
Trend analysis projecting hr forecast relaying on
single factor, for instance sales, to the projected
employment need.
Approaches to HR Demand Forecasting
Qualitative Approach
Expert Forecast/Managerial Forecast:
This is the method of forecasting future human resources requirement
based on expertise/managerial experience and judgments.
Delphi Techniques:
These are decisions whereby hr forecast done by a group of preselected
individuals in order to avoid subjectivism. NB while forecasting any
approach can be use (quant quail).
Furthermore the demand can be analyzed on the bases of work study thru:-
i. Labour turnover rate/absenteeism rate etc
ii. Workload analysis
iii. Job analysis
The basic demand forecasting methods are:-
i. Work study techniques
ii. Job analysis
iii. Managerial/Executive judgments
iv. Statistical Techniques Projecting Past Trends in Employment
v. Productivity Measurement Method
vi. Time series
vii. Work Study Techniques:
Defining Markov analysis
This is the percentage and actual number of employees who
remain in each job from one year to the next. Thus markov analysis
is about tracking of employee’s movement through various jobs.
Approaches to HR Demand Forecasting
Staffing Tables
These are graphic representations of all organization jobs,
along with the number of employees currently occupying
these jobs and future employment requirement.
Succession Planning
The process of identifying, developing and tracking key
individuals so that they may eventually assume top level
position. Succession planning may be developed for
management employees, non manager’s employees or