Breeding System in Farm Animals

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Breeding System in

Farm Animals
Breeding System in Farm Animals

• In addition to increasing frequencies of

favorable genes through selection, an animal
breeder have some control over the genetic
make-up of animals by choosing a particular
mating system.
Mating Systems

• Inbreeding- Mating of animals that are more closely related or more alike,
resulting in progenies that are more homozygous than their parents.
• Outbreeding- Mating of animals that are less alike or less closely related,
resulting in progenies that are more heterozygous than their parents.
Difference Between Inbreeding and

• Proportion of identical genes that two animals have because they

are members of the same family.
• Direct Relationship
• Exists between individuals and ancestors and between individuals and
• An individual is related to a parent because ½ of that individual’s genes
were obtained from the parent.
• Collateral Relationship
• It exists between two individuals due to genetic contribution of a
common ancestor.
• Two animals may be related because they received identical genes from
same parent, grandparent or other common ancestor
Principles of Inbreeding

• If parents are related, their progeny are inbred.

• The more closely related the parents, the more
highly inbred the progeny is.
• Intensive inbreeding involves mating of closely related
animals that can be traced to more than one common
• Linebreeding is a kind of inbreeding where the relatives
being mated are chosen because of a particular
common ancestor.
Genetic Effect of Inbreeding

• It increases the number of pairs of genes that exist in the homozygous

• The rate at which homozygosity increases due to inbreeding depends on
the closeness of relationship between the parents.
Consequences of homozygosity

• Inbreeding does not increase the number of recessive

alleles in the population but merely increases
homozygosity regardless of the phenotypic expression of
these genes.
Phenotypic Effects of Inbreeding

• Inbreeding is often associated with a decline in

performance and vigor and occasional appearance of
genetic defects in animals.
• Negative effects of inbreeding is referred to as inbreeding
• Since the incidence of homozygotes increase, more pairs
of recessive genes are expected to occur among inbred
• The greatest amount of inbreeding depression is observed
among traits controlled by non-additive genes
Practical Uses of Inbreeding

• Inbreeding can be used along with selection to uncover

and eliminate detrimental recessive genes.
• It can also increase homozygosity of favorable genes. The
best-performing animals among the inbred population
can be retained for breeding purposes.
• To produce inbred lines to be used in outcrossing
• Benefits from inbreeding can be obtained when used in
conjunction with selection.
Principles of Outbreeding

Categories of outbreeding:
• Linecrossing (outcrossing)-mating of unrelated animals within the same
breed or from two different lines of the same breed.
• Breedcrossing (crossbreeding)- mating of animals from two different
• Grading up- mating of purebred sires to commercial grade females.
• Species cross- least common form of outbreeding, mainly because animals
from different species do not usually interbreed.
• Random mating- selected numbers of males are mated to selected
number of females within a herd/flock
Genetic Effect of Outbreeding

• It increases the proportion of genes that are

heterozygous and reduce the proportion that are
• Crossbreeding generally results in a more rapid
increase in heterozygosity because they are less
likely to be related to one another.
Phenotypic Effect of Outbreeding

• When unrelated animals are mated, their progeny

tend to perform better.
• The advantage observed is referred to as hybrid
vigor or heterosis.
Cross Breeding

• Matings between animals of different breeds or lines.

• Utilise the desired attributes of two or more breeds
• Produce progeny better suited to target markets while
maintaining environmental adaption
• Improve productivity quicker in traits which are slow to change
within a breed i.e. environmental adaption, fertility and carcase
• Take advantage of the production improvements which arise
from heterosis (hybrid vigour) when breeds are crossed.
Objectives of Cross-breeding:

• Production of food products (e.g. dairy, meat, eggs)

• Production of non- food products (e.g. wool, leather)
• Sports
• Companions
Steps in establishing a crossbreeding program

• Steps that need to be followed in setting up a cross breeding program.

• Define your current situation in relation to markets, breeds, nutrition,
environment and management.
• Define the management and nutrition levels it is possible to achieve in
your environment.
• Define what market, or markets, you are aiming for and determine
breeding objectives.
• Decide which breed types will perform best in relation to your desired
production traits.
• Set out a long-term breeding program – the final crossbreeding system
may take up to ten years or more to achieve.
• Stick to your plan once it has been established.
Crossbreeding systems
1) Two breed cross-  two breed cross system produces first cross, or F1,
2) Backcross- Female F1 crossbred progeny are mated to males of one of
the parental breeds.
3) Three breed cross-  requires the input of three separate breeds. 
4) Rotational cross- referred to as sequence breeding, is when males of
two or more breeds are mated to crossbred females. Over a number of
years, each breed will have contributed its strengths and weaknesses
5) Composite breed- results from the crossing of two or more existing

• the phenomenon that progeny of diverse varieties

of a species or crosses between species exhibit
greater biomass, speed of development, and
fertility than both parents.
• These lines are formed by pure breeding or by
crossing different breeds. After the formation of the
line the animals in such a selection line are selected
for a limited number of breeding goal traits
Effects of Heterosis

• Heterosis has a positive effect because in the crossbreds

many genes are heterozygous that were homozygous in
the parent breeds.
• Alleles with a negative effect are often recessive. In the
crossbreds these negative recessive alleles are ruled out.
The amount of heterosis to be expected for a specific
characteristic in a cross of two breeds depends of the
number of loci involved and the differences between the
two breeds in the relevant allele frequencies at these loci
• The higher the difference in gene frequency, the higher
the amount of heterosis

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