Unit 2 Object Oriented Programming-Inheritance

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• Inheritance allows a software developer to derive a new
class from an existing one
• The existing class is called the parent class, or superclass,
or base class
• The derived class is called the child class or subclass.
• As the name implies, the child inherits characteristics of
the parent
• That is, the child class inherits the methods and data
defined for the parent class
• Inheritance relationships often are shown
graphically in a UML class diagram, with an
arrow with an open arrowhead pointing to the
parent class Vehicle


• Inheritance should create an is-a

relationship, meaning the child is a more
specific version of the parent
Deriving Subclasses
• In Java, we use the reserved word extends
to establish an inheritance relationship

class Car extends Vehicle

// class contents
The protected Modifier
• Visibility modifiers determine which class members are
inherited and which are not
• Variables and methods declared with public visibility
are inherited; those with private visibility are not
• But public variables violate the principle of
• There is a third visibility modifier that helps in
inheritance situations: protected
Inheritance and Constructors

class First {
public First() { System.out.println(“ First class “); }
public class Second extends First {
public Second() { System.out.println(“Second class”); }
public class Third extends Second {
public Third() {System.out.println(“Third class”);}
First class
Second class
Third class

Topmost class constructor is invoked first

(like us …grandparent-->parent-->child->)
super keyword

• refers to the superclass (base class)

• usage:
– with a variable or method (most
common with a method)
– as a function inside a constructor of the
super :: with a method

class Manager extends Employee {

private double bonus;
public void setBonus(double bb) { …}
public void raise(double dd) { //overrides raise()
of Employee
super.raise(dd); // call Employee’s raise()
salary += bonus;
public Manager ( … ) { … }
super :: as a function inside a
constructor of the subclass

class Manager extends Employee {

private double bonus;
public void setBonus(double bb) { …}
public Manager ( String name, double salary, double
bonus ) {
super(name, salary);
this.bonus = bonus;
Multiple Inheritance
• Java supports single inheritance, meaning that a derived
class can have only one parent class
• Multiple inheritance allows a class to be derived from two
or more classes, inheriting the members of all parents
• Collisions, such as the same variable name in two parents,
have to be resolved
• Java does not support multiple inheritance
• In most cases, the use of interfaces gives us aspects of
multiple inheritance without the overhead
Class Hierarchies
• A child class of one parent can be the parent
of another child, forming a class hierarchy

RetailBusiness ServiceBusiness

KMart Macys Kinkos

Class Hierarchies
• Two children of the same parent are called siblings
• Common features should be put as high in the
hierarchy as is reasonable
• An inherited member is passed continually down the
• Therefore, a child class inherits from all its ancestor
• There is no single class hierarchy that is appropriate for
all situations
• Polymorphism means many (poly) shapes (morph)
• In Java, polymorphism refers to the fact that you
can have multiple methods with the same name in
the same class
• There are two kinds of polymorphism:
– Overloading
• Two or more methods with different signatures
– Overriding
• Replacing an inherited method with another having the same
• class Test {
public static void main(String args[]) {
• static void myPrint(int i) {
System.out.println("int i = " + i);
• static void myPrint(double d) { // same name, different parameters
System.out.println("double d = " + d);

• int i = 5
double d = 5.0
Why overload a method?
• So you can use the same names for methods that do essentially the same
– Example: println(int), println(double), println(boolean), println(String), etc.
• So you can supply defaults for the parameters:
int increment(int amount) {
count = count + amount;
return count;
int increment() {
return increment(1);
– Notice that one method can call another of the same name
• So you can supply additional information:
void printResults() {
System.out.println("total = " + total + ", average = " + average);
void printResult(String message) {
System.out.println(message + ": ");
• class Animal
• { • This is called
public static void main(String args[])
• {
overriding a method
Animal animal = new Animal();
Dog dog = new Dog(); • Method print in Dog
overrides method
void print()
print in Animal
• { • A subclass variable
System.out.println("Superclass Animal");
} can shadow a
• public class Dog extends Animal superclass variable,
• { but a subclass
void print()
• {
method can override
System.out.println("Subclass Dog");
a superclass method
How to override a method
• Create a method in a subclass having the same
signature as a method in a superclass
• That is, create a method in a subclass having the
same name and the same number and types of
– Parameter names don’t matter, just their types
• Restrictions:
– The return type must be the same
– The overriding method cannot be more private than the
method it overrides
Why override a method?
• Dog dog = new Dog();
– Prints something like Dog@feda4c00
– The println method calls the toString
method, which is defined in Java’s top-level
Object class
• Hence, every object can be printed
(though it might not look pretty)
• Java’s method public String toString()
can be overridden
Why override a method?
• If you add to class Dog the following:
public String toString() {
return name;
Then System.out.println(dog); will print the
dog’s name, which may be something like:
Calling an overridden method
• When your class overrides an inherited method,
it basically “hides” the inherited method
• Within this class (but not from a different class),
you can still call the overridden method, by
prefixing the call with super.
– Example: super.printEverything();
• You would most likely do this in order to observe
the DRY principle
– The superclass method will do most of the work, but
you add to it or adjust its results
– This isn’t a call to a constructor, and can occur
anywhere in your class (it doesn’t have to be first)
Overloading vs. Overriding
• Don't confuse the concepts of overloading and overriding
• Overloading deals with multiple methods with the same
name in the same class, but with different signatures
• Overriding deals with two methods, one in a parent class
and one in a child class, that have the same signature
• Overloading lets you define a similar operation in different
ways for different data
• Overriding lets you define a similar operation in different
ways for different object types
Dynamic Binding
• Binding: linking between messages and

Inclusion Polymorphism + Overriding = Binding Question

Dynamic Binding
• The same entity may refer to objects of different
classes, each of which has a different implementation
of the same method
More generally, binding time is the time when an
attribute of some portion of a program, or the
meaning of a particular construct is determined
• Compile Time
• Link Time
• Execution Time:
– Program Init
– Procedure/function begin
– Statement Execution
Static vs. Dynamic Types
• Consider the call: raise_salar
Manager M; y
M.raise_salary(10); print+

• What is the type of this in the called method?

– Static Type: Employee *
• What can be determined in compile time Manager
– Dynamic Type: Manager * print++
• Actual type, as determined in run time
• No simple way for the programmer to examine the dynamic type
• Suppose that raise_salary calls print, then, which version
of print will be called?
– Based on the static type? or,
– Based on the dynamic type?
Static vs. Dynamic Types
• Static Binding: binding based on static type.
– More efficient
– Less flexible
– Static type checking leads to safer programs
• Dynamic Binding: binding based on dynamic type.
– Less efficient
– More flexible
– May need dynamic type checking!
• As it turns out, dynamic binding is the only reasonable choice:
– Why?
– If static typing is so good, why “spoil” it with dynamic binding?
final keyword
• means “constant”
• applies to
– variables (makes a var. constant), or
– methods (makes a method non-
overridable), or
– classes (makes a class non-subclassable
means “objects cannot be created”).
final keyword with a variable

class Math {

public final double pi = 3.1412;

public static double method(double x) {
double x = pi * pi;

note: variable pi is made “read-only”

final keyword with a method
class Employee {
protected String name;
protected double salary;
public final void raise(double dd) {
salary += salary * dd/100;
public Employee ( … ) { … }
then: cannot ovveride method raise() inside
the Manager class
final keyword with a class
final class Employee {
protected String name;
protected double salary;
public void raise(double dd) {
salary += salary * dd/100;
public Employee ( … ) { … }
then: cannot create class Manager as a
subclass of class Employee (all are equal)
abstract classes

• abstract classes
– may have both implemented and non-
implemented methods
sample abstract class
abstract class TwoDimensionalGeoFigure {
public abstract double area();
public abstract double perimeter();
public abstract void printInfo();
public void setOutlineColor(Color cc) {
// code to set the color
public void setInsideColor(Color cc) {
// code to set the color
The Object Class
• A class called Object is defined in the java.lang
package of the Java standard class library
• All classes are derived from the Object class
• If a class is not explicitly defined to be the child of an
existing class, it is assumed to be the child of the
Object class
• Therefore, the Object class is the ultimate root of
all class hierarchies
The Object Class
• The Object class contains a few useful methods,
which are inherited by all classes
• For example, the toString method is defined in the
Object class
• Every time we have defined toString, we have
actually been overriding an existing definition
• The toString method in the Object class is defined
to return a string that contains the name of the object’s
class together along with some other information
The Object Class
• The equals method of the Object class returns true
if two references are aliases
• We can override equals in any class to define equality
in some more appropriate way
• The String class (as we've seen) defines the equals
method to return true if two String objects contain
the same characters
• Therefore the String class has overridden the
equals method inherited from Object in favor of its
own version
• What exactly is a class?
• It’s a collection of different things, such as:
– Fields
– Methods
– Constructors

• We define these different things with names, types,

parameters, values, expressions, etc while
programming, but in reflection all of this already exists.
Programming vs Reflecting
• We use reflection to manipulate things that
already exist and, normally, are set.
• But unlike programming, we are not tied to
specific names, types or views.
• We have the ability to dynamically change what
things are, regardless of how they were written!
• More specifically, we are modifying objects at
Uses of Reflection
• Some common uses of reflection:
– To load and use classes unknown at compile time,
but have set methods.
• Example: The Critters assignment
– Test programs by forcing specific states
– By debuggers to inspect running programs
– Malicious things
• Hacking
Programming Reflection
• To program with reflection, we must put on
our meta-thinking caps.
• We are going to modify classes from classes
with classes!
• To do this we have a great set of classes in the
following package:
– java.lang.reflect.*;
where do we start?
• To start manipulating a class we must first get a
hold of that class’s “blueprint”.
– Using the java.lang.Class class
• There are two ways to do this, if the class is
already loaded:
– Class<? extends Object> theClass = ClassName.class;

• Or if we need to cause it to load:

– Class theClass = Class.forName(“class.package”);

• We won’t use this second one, its rather complex

at times.
– Example Package: “java.lang.String”
The Parts of the Class
• Fields
• Methods
• Constructors
• Miscellaneous
Getting those sweet fields
• There are two ways to get class fields:
– getFields();
• Returns an array of Field objects, specifically all the
fields that are public for this class and its super classes.
– getDeclaredFields();
• Returns an array of Field objects, regardless of view.
• Optionally if you know the field name:
– getField(String name);
• Returns a Field with the given name
Calling all methods, report for duty
• Like Fields there are two ways to get Methods
– getMethods();
• Returns all the public methods for this class and any it
inherits from super classes.
– getDeclaredMethods();
• Returns all the methods for this class only regardless of
• Like Fields you can also get a specific method,
but it takes more information.
Building blocks
• To get the constructos we have the methods:
– getConstructors()
• Returns all public constructors for the class
– getDeclaredConstructors()
• Returns all constructors for the class, regardless of view

• We can again get specific constructors with:

– getConstructor(Class<?>… parameterTypes);
• Returns the constructor that takes the given
The others
• For this session we will only focus on variables
and methods, but there are a number of other
useful methods:
– getEnclosingMethod()
• Gets the method that declared an anonymous class
– getName()
• Returns the class name
– newInstance()
• Creates a new instance of the class
• An interface is a way to describe what classes should
do, without specifying how they should do it.
• It’s not a class but a set of requirements for classes that
want to conform to the interface
E.g. public interface Comparable
int compareTo(Object
this requires that any class implementing the
Comparable interface contains a compareTo
method, and this method must take an Object
parameter and return an integer
Interface declarations
• The declaration consists of a keyword
interface, its name, and the members
• Similar to classes, interfaces can have three
types of members
– constants (fields)
– methods
– nested classes and interfaces
Interface member – constants
• An interface can define named constants, which are
public, static and final (these modifiers are
omitted by convention) automatically. Interfaces never
contain instant fields.
• All the named constants MUST be initialized
An example interface
Interface Verbose {
int SILENT = 0;
int TERSE = 1;
int NORMAL = 2;
int VERBOSE = 3;
void setVerbosity (int level);
int getVerbosity();
Interface member – methods
• They are implicitly abstract (omitted by
convention). So every method declaration
consists of the method header and a
• They are implicitly public (omitted by
convention). No other types of access
modifiers are allowed.
• They can’t be final, nor static
Modifiers of interfaces itself
• An interface can have different modifiers as
– public/package(default)
– abstract
• all interfaces are implicitly abstract
• omitted by convention
To implement interfaces in a class
• Two steps to make a class implement an interface
1. declare that the class intends to implement the given
interface by using the implements keyword
class Employee implements Comparable
{ . . . }
2. supply definitions for all methods in the interface
public int compareTo(Object
otherObject) {
Employee other = (Employee)
if (salary < other.salary) return
if (salary > other.salary) return
return 0; }
To implement interfaces in a class
• If a class leaves any method of the interface
undefined, the class becomes abstract class
and must be declared abstract
• A single class can implement multiple interfaces.
Just separate the interface names by comma
class Employee implements
Comparable, Cloneable {. . .}
Instantiation properties of interfaces
• Interfaces are not classes. You can never use the new
operator to instantiate an interface.
public interface Comparable {
. . . }
Comparable x = new Comparable( );
• You can still declare interface variables
Comparable x;
but they must refer to an object of a class that implements the
class Employee implements Comparable {
. . .
x = new Employee( );
Object Cloning
• Recall that the “=“ operator simply copies Object
references. e.g.,
>> Student s1 = new Student(“Smith”, Jim, 3.13);
>> Student s2 = s1;
>> s1.setGPA(3.2);
>> System.out.println(s2.getGPA());
• What if we want to actually make a copy of an
• Most elegant way is to use the clone() method
inherited from Object.
Student s2 = (Student) s1.clone();
Subtleties of clone() method
• First, note that the clone method is protected
in the Object class.
• This means that it is protected for subclasses
as well.
• Hence, it cannot be called from within an
Object of another class and package.
• To use the clone method, you must override in
your subclass and upgrade visibility to public.
Steps for cloning
• To reiterate, if you would like objects of class C
to support cloning, do the following:
– implement the Cloneable interface
– override the clone method with public access
– call super.clone()
– Handle CloneNotSupported Exception.
• This will get you default cloning, but more
subtleties still lurk.
Shallow Copies
• We haven’t yet said what the default clone()
method does.
• By default, clone makes a shallow copy of all iv’s in
a class.
• Shallow copy means that all native datatype iv’s
are copied in regular way, but iv’s that are objects
are not recursed upon – that is, references are
• This is not what you typically want.
• Must override clone explicitly clone object iv’s!
Immutable Objects
• A special class of Objects are called immutable
because their state cannot be changed once set.
• Common examples are String, Integer, etc.
• Immutable object simplify programming in certain
instances, such as when writing thread safe code.
• They also simplify cloning, since an object that
cannot be changed doesn’t really need to be
• See ShallowCopy2.java in course examples
Deep Copies
• For deep copies that recurse through the
object iv’s, you have to do some more work.
• super.clone() is first called to clone the first
level of iv’s.
• Returned cloned object’s object fields are then
accessed one by one and clone method is
called for each.
• See DeepClone.java example
Additional clone() properties
• Note that the following are typical, but not
strictly required:
– x.clone() != x;
– x.clone().getClass() == x.getClass();
– x.clone().equals(x);

• Finally, though no one really cares, Object

does not support clone();
Inner Classes
• Inner classes are classes defined within other
– The class that includes the inner class is called the
outer class
– There is no particular location where the
definition of the inner class (or classes) must be
place within the outer class
– Placing it first or last, however, will guarantee that
it is easy to find
Inner/Outer Classes
• public class Outer
• {
• private class Inner
• {
• // inner class instance variables
• // inner class methods

• } // end of inner class definition

• // outer class instance variables

• // outer class methods
• }
Public Inner Classes
• If an inner class is marked public, then it can be used
outside of the outer class
• In the case of a nonstatic inner class, it must be created
using an object of the outer class
BankAccount account = new
BankAccount.Money amount =
account.new Money("41.99");
– Note that the prefix account. must come before new
– The new object amount can now invoke methods from the
inner class, but only from the inner class
Public Inner Classes
• In the case of a static inner class, the
procedure is similar to, but simpler than, that
for nonstatic inner classes
OuterClass.InnerClass innerObject =
– Note that all of the following are acceptable
Static Inner Classes
• A normal inner class has a connection between its
objects and the outer class object that created the inner
class object
– This allows an inner class definition to reference an instance
variable, or invoke a method of the outer class
• There are certain situations, however, when an inner
class must be static
– If an object of the inner class is created within a static method of
the outer class
– If the inner class must have static members
Static Inner Classes
• Since a static inner class has no connection to an object
of the outer class, within an inner class method
– Instance variables of the outer class cannot be referenced
– Nonstatic methods of the outer class cannot be invoked
• To invoke a static method or to name a static variable of a
static inner class within the outer class, preface each
with the name of the inner class and a dot
Inner Classes and Inheritance
• Given an OuterClass that has an InnerClass
– Any DerivedClass of OuterClass will automatically have
InnerClass as an inner class
– In this case, the DerivedClass cannot override the
• An outer class can be a derived class
• An inner class can be a derived class also
Anonymous Classes
• If an object is to be created, but there is no need to name the
object's class, then an anonymous class definition can be used
– The class definition is embedded inside the expression
with the new operator
– An anonymous class is an abbreviated notation for creating
a simple local object "in-line" within any expression, simply
by wrapping the desired code in a "new" expression.
• Anonymous classes are sometimes used when they are to be
assigned to a variable of another type
– The other type must be such that an object of the
anonymous class is also an object of the other type
– The other type is usually a Java interface
– Not every inner class should be anonymous, but very
simple "one-shot" local objects are such a common case
that they merit some syntactic sugar.
Anonymous Classes
Anonymous Classes
• “The agency for another who acts through the agent;
authority to act for another” (Webster)
• “Provide a surrogate or placeholder for another
object to control access to it” (GoF)
• Types of proxies mentioned:
– remote
– “virtual” (e.g. loading on demand)
– protection
– “smart references”
• e.g. ref counting, locking, etc.
“static” proxies
“real” server

uses Interface Forwards to

implements Proxy

By way of

Generates or obtains
Creating a proxy
• Things you need
– A ClassLoader
– An array of interfaces to implement
– An InvocationHandler
• What’s the InvocationHandler?
– Basically, a single method. Could do anything
– Doesn’t usually implement any essential business logic
– Dispatches to an underlying service, possibly after (or before)
providing some additional service.
– Note: underlying service may itself be a proxy!
Proxy Properties
• Can be cast to any interface used in creating the proxy class.
• instanceof works as expected
• Proxy.isProxyClass() is true for the class
• Class name is undetermined, but will probably be something
like Proxy$1.
• Method invocation is encoded and dispatched to the
handler’s invoke method.
• Is Serializable
– This is huge!
– Implications for RMI, JNDI, J2EE

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