Unit-V Ratio Analysis: Financial Analysis and Interpretation
Unit-V Ratio Analysis: Financial Analysis and Interpretation
Unit-V Ratio Analysis: Financial Analysis and Interpretation
Financial Analysis and Interpretation
Ratio Analysis
Managerial Economics and Financial Analysis
Financial Analysis and Interpretation
It is the process of analysing and interpreting the financial statements to explain the issue of
Liquidity, Solvency and Profitability based on certain parameters with the help of ratios,
proportions, percentages etc., It is a valuable tool for decision making and forward planning. By
using the ratios,the financial performance of given firm can be analysed and compared from year to
year, with that of other firms and even with that of industry.
Ratio analysis is the process of determining and interpreting numerical relationship
based on financial statements.
It is the technique of interpretation of financial statements with the help of
accounting ratios derived from the balance sheet and profit and loss account.
Objectives of Ratio Analysis
1. Liquidity ratios
2. Solvency ratios/Capital Structure ratios
3. Activity ratios/ Turnover ratios
4. Profitability ratios
Liquidity ratios
1. Current Ratio
4. Fixed Assets to Net worth Ratio (or) Fixed Assets to Shareholder's funds
= Fixed assets
Shareholders' funds
Net worth= Total assets-Outside liabilities(Long term liabilities and Current liabilities)
5. Ratio of Current Assets to Proprietors' funds
= Current assets
Proprietors' funds
Activity Ratios or Turnover Ratios
B) Investment Ratios
1) Earning Per Share(E.P.S.) = Net Profits to equity shareholders
No. of Equity Shares
2) Dividend Per Share(D.P.S.) = Dividends to Equity Share holders
No. Of Equity Shares
3) Price Earning Ratio (P.E.R.) or P/E Ratio= Market Price of the Equity Share
E.P.S(Earning per share)
Profitability Ratios or Efficiency Ratios 21
B) Overall Profitability Ratios