Youth Projects Planning, Implementation and Evaluation
Youth Projects Planning, Implementation and Evaluation
Youth Projects Planning, Implementation and Evaluation
The period between childhood and adult age
A project can be defined as a temporary endeavor, or
series of activities, undertaken to achieve a specific result.
Characteristics of project
Time framework
It is important to determine how much time it will
take to reach the established objectives.
To determine the goal of your project
The outcomes of the project
1. Set Clear Goals : You must identify the goals that the new strategy should achieve. Without
a clear picture of what you’re trying to attain, it can be difficult to establish a plan for
getting there.
2. Determine Roles, Responsibilities, and Relationships: You should build a roadmap for
achieving those goals, set expectations among your team, and clearly communicate your
implementation plan, so there’s no confusion.
3. Delegate the Work: Refer to your original timeline and goal list, and delegate tasks to the
appropriate team members.
Steps of Implementation Phase
4. Monitor Progress and Performance: Monitoring is the measuring of the performance made
according to the project proposal. It is the most important phase of Implementation .
Importance of Monitoring
1. It gather data about timely achievement.
2. New strategies when unforeseen difficulties are faced.
3. Help in the planning of future projects
4. It allows donors to understand how their money has been spent.
5. It helps to engage with participants of the project.
Steps of Implementation Phase
5. Take Corrective Action: It’s more important to be attentive, flexible, and willing to change
or readjust plans for unforeseen issues.
6. Conduct a Retrospective: evaluate how things went. Ask yourself questions like:
Did we achieve our goals?
If not, why? What steps are required to get us to those goals?
What challenges have been anticipated?
How can we avoid these challenges in the future?
Project Evaluation
Evaluation has its origin in the Latin word Valupure which means the
value of a particular thing, idea or action. (Rengasamy, 2008)
Evaluation takes place at the end of the project to find out the weakness
and the results of the project.
Project evaluation assesses activities that are designed to perform a
specified task in a specific period of time.
Purpose of Evaluation
For an accountability perspective
The purpose of evaluation is to make the best possible use of funds by the program
managers who are accountable for the worth of their programs.
Measuring accomplishment in order to avoid weaknesses and future mistakes
Observing the efficiency of the techniques and skills employed
For a knowledge perspective
The purpose of evaluation is to establish new knowledge about social programs and
the effectiveness of policies and programs designed to alleviate them
Evaluation helps to make plans for future work.
Principles of Evaluation