CHAPTER 10 Technology For The MICE Industry
CHAPTER 10 Technology For The MICE Industry
CHAPTER 10 Technology For The MICE Industry
1. online systems;
2. PC systems; and
3. distributed data processing.
Online Systems
• the online system is unique because each transaction is entered via a
communication device connected to a computer. A good example of
such systems is magnetic cards. Online systems may or may not be
real-time systems depending on whether transactions are processed
and updated as soon as they occur.
Electronic data interchange (EDI)
• is being adopted by several large MICE companies. EDI is a computer-
to-computer exchange of intercompany Information and data in a
public standard form. In an EDI system, documents such as purchase
orders, invoices, attendance projections, and checks are converted
into standard form, allowing other employees to read and accept
them. The direct and indirect methods are used to implement the
EDI. The direct method connects the computer system of a MICE
company with a major client or supplier, which may be a major
beverage supplier as seen in Figure 10.1. When a MICE company
adjusts its attendance numbers, the system informs the supplier
which helps remove inventory shortages.
Distributed Data Processing
• Several large MICE companies use PCs for analysis. MICE companies
with branches across different locatio networks to process the
transactions of each branch and tra main office through
communication links. Local for different kinds of analysis.
Access Control