Sejarah Matematika 2

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Sejarah Awal Matematika
3000 BC
1. first symbolized numbers
2. when does the nile
3. Land tax, daily problems
Phytaghoras 600 BC
Alexandria 400-300 BC
Euclid wrote the Elements,
a compilation of theorems,
axioms in Algebra and
postulates and theorems in
Geometry. With this, he
gained the title, "Father of
200 BC

Archimedes of Syracuse, a Greek

mathematician, physicist, inventor
and astronomer derived a range of
formulas in Geometry including the
area of a circle, the surface area and
volume of a sphere and the area
under a parabola. Archimedes was
the greatest mathematician of the
ancient world.
Ancient Mathematicians 140
B.C.E. Trigonometry of
Hipparchus developed.
Hipparchus of Nicaea was a
Greek astronomer, geographer,
and mathematician considered as
the founder of trigonometry.
Middle Ages
1. 775 C.E. Hindu mathematical works were
translated into Arabic.
2. 830 C.E. Arabic Algebra and Indian
numerals came to Western Europe
through the writings of Muhammad ibn
Musa Al- Khwarizmi.
3. Other Arabic scholars also cultivated
Greek mathematics translating the
writings of Apollonius, Archimedes,
Euclid, Ptolemy, etc. into Arabic.
Modern Era
Middle Ages 1202 C.E. Leonardo of Pisa, also called
Fibonacci, wrote Liber Abaci, a book filled with
arithmetical and algebraic information which he had
collected during his travels.
This was one of the means by which the Hindu-Arabic
System of Numeration was introduced into Western
The best known contribution of Hindu mathematics to
modern mathematics was the decimal position system. o,
1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13
1700. C.E
Modern Era 17th Century John Napier,
and others greatly extended the power of
mathematics as a calculator science with
his discovery of logarithms. 1619 C.E.
Rene Descartes was a notable
mathematician of the 17th century. He
invented the Cartesian coordinate
system, developed analytic geometry and
laid the foundation for the development
of calculus.
1684 C.E
Modern Era 1684 C.E. Leibniz' first
paper on the calculus was published.
Gottfried Leibniz discovered
infinitesimal calculus, along with Sir
Isaac Newton. However, each one
made this discovery alone, not while
working together.
1799 C.E
Modern Era 1799 Carl Friedrich
Gauss German mathematician,
generally regarded as one of the
greatest mathematicians of all
time for his contributions to
number theory, geometry,
probability theory, planetary, and
the theory of functions. In 1799,
he proved the Fundamental
Theorem of Algebra.
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