Pr1 Semasiology - Types of Word Meaning
Pr1 Semasiology - Types of Word Meaning
Pr1 Semasiology - Types of Word Meaning
sound-form referent
In what way does the meaning correlate with each element of
the triangle and in what relation does it stand to each other?
Name Object
LSV1 1.
LSV2 2. not ready to be eaten;
word LSV3 green 3. not experienced;
LSV4 4.
made of green leaves of
Word 1 1. sick
Word 2 2. unwell
Object Word 3 ILL 3. unhealthy
(idea) Word 4 4. ailing
The study of the semantic side of the word
may start with the name (word) or with
the object denoted.
The semasiological approach consists in
considering different meanings of the
word, while the onomasiological approach
consists in analyzing different words
correlated with the certain object or idea.
1. Гинзбург Р.З. Лексикология
английского языка. М. Высшая школа,
1979. – С. 13-19.
2. Зыкова И.В. Практический курс
английской лексикологии. М.:
Академия, 2006. – С. 11-17.
3. Бабич Н.Г. Лексикология английского
языка. Екатеринбург-Москва. 2006. –
С. – 59-61.