Strategic Planning: Bank of Queensland
Strategic Planning: Bank of Queensland
Strategic Planning: Bank of Queensland
Bank of Queensland
+ The point of this project is to focus on a real-world
organization and the identification and analysis of it’s
competitive advantage.
+ This project includes information gained from hours of
research on the selected organization, Bank of
Queensfield, about it’s working and competitive
advantage (Trembizki, et al. 2017).
2/2/20XX 5
SWOT Analysis
Strength Weakness Opportunities Threats
Online banking Stronger brand
Desire of
Multiple money deposit facilities fail to names of other
customers for
schemes provide assistance banking
reliability and trust.
most of the time. competitors
No other
Internet as a
Rate of interest competing banks
Scheme for creating a Zero marketing tool. It
lower than that of are currently
balance account. has to repair its
other banks providing zero
internet server.
balance accounts.
At present other
Higher responsiveness to banks are getting
customer demands negative customer
reviews 6
The Weakness
Although the bank seems to have competing advantage but if
the working and assistance goes on like this then it has a
higher risk of failing commercially.
The recent reviews from the users seems devastating as most
of them are having complaints with the server breakdown of
the bank resulting in a problem for internet banking holders
(Jobs ,2017).
• The threats are increasing as the institute is unable to provide a stable traffic on their
website which are leading to the failure online baking facilities.
• As soon as the number of simultaneous users are increasing on their websites, it is
crashing then and there.
• People will have to get more and more accustomed to the internet which may led to
the collapse of the organization if they do not work on this fault of them (Damenu &
Beaumont, 2017)
• The rate of interest for the savings account in the Bank of Queensland is relatively low
as compared to the other competing organizations.
• The one and only primary reason for its fame is because of its trust and reliability
since over a century but if it does not work on its facilities then its market might fall
down eventually.
• So, the crucial thing to be focused upon is the incrementation of the rate of interest.