Teetotaler: Product - Cadbury Gems Surprise
Teetotaler: Product - Cadbury Gems Surprise
Teetotaler: Product - Cadbury Gems Surprise
Children aged between 5-16 years.
Rationale :
It is the age group that is strongly associated with innocent
fun, masti, colors and cartoons (e.g. BEN 10)
Cadbury’s strong brand presence in this segment through
various offerings
Socio economic classification –
Children of middle class and upper middle class families residing
in the urban/semi-urban areas
Why Surprise?
The Ben 10 toy offered
would attach a curiosity to
buy the product and an
element of surprise on
discovery of the toy.
The golden ball with a Gems
logo in bright colors (purple
and white) for easy
identification with the maker
– Cadbury.
Cost Estimates -
Major metros(10* 5 popular malls * Rs30,000*
2 weekends)=30lakhs
Expected reach (10 *5* 5 000* 2)= 5 lakhs
Proposed Promotions
Collectors Items -
Give an incentive to buy
Cadbury Gems Surprise.
Exchange Cadbury Gems
Surprise casings to get BEN10-
Gems T-shirts , Special BEN 10-
Cadbury watches etc.
Cost Estimates –
Metros and Tier 1 & Tier 2 - (10,30)
No of schools-10*50 + 30 * 10
Expected cost per school – Rs.10,000
Expected Reach-800 * 1500 - 12lakhs
Expected cost- 10 lakhs
Proposed Promotions
Internet promotions –
A Cadbury Gems Surprise sponsored
BEN 10 game on popular kids sites like
Cartoon Network,Zapak
Tell us your birthdays on the Cartoon
Network website and lucky winners will
have Pandas visiting their house on
birthdays. Pictures would be uploaded
on the website
Cost Estimates –
A spot on Cartoon Network website
costs Rs. 7500/day. A viewership of
50000 kids/day is guaranteed.
We will be running this promotion for 2
months thereby incurring a cost of Rs.
Thank You