Logic Gates 1. The Inverter (NOT) : Digital Techniques
Logic Gates 1. The Inverter (NOT) : Digital Techniques
Logic Gates 1. The Inverter (NOT) : Digital Techniques
Logic Gates
The inverter (NOT circuit) performs the operation called inversion. The inverter changes
one logic level to the opposite level. In terms of bits, it changes a 1 to a 0 and a 0 to a 1.
Standard logic symbols for the inverter are shown in Figure 1. Part (a) shows the
distinctive shape symbols, and part (b) shows the rectangular outline symbols. The
distinctive shape symbols are generally used; however, the rectangular outline symbols
are found in many industry publications.
Inverter Operation
Figure 2 shows the output of an inverter for a pulse input, where t1 and t2 indicate the
corresponding points on the input and output pulse waveforms.
When the input is LOW, the output is HIGH; when the input is HIGH, the output is LOW,
thereby producing an inverted output pulse.
Digital Techniques
The AND gate is composed of two or more inputs and a single output, as indicated by
the standard logic symbols shown in Figure 5. Inputs are on the left, and the output is on
the right in each symbol. Gates with two inputs are shown; however, an AND gate can
have any number of inputs greater than one. Although examples of both distinctive
shape symbols and rectangular outline symbols are shown, the distinctive shape symbol,
shown in part (a).
FIGURE 5 Standard logic symbols for the AND gate showing two inputs
Operation of an AND Gate
For a 2-input AND gate, output X is HIGH only when inputs A and B are HIGH; X is LOW
when either A or B is LOW, or when both A and B are LOW.
FIGURE 7 Example
AND Gate Operation with Waveform Inputs
For the two input waveforms, A and B, in Figure 9, show the output waveform with its
proper relation to the inputs.
FIGURE 9 Solution
The output waveform is HIGH only when both of the input waveforms are HIGH as
shown in the timing diagram.
3. The OR Gate
The OR gate is another of the basic gates from which all logic functions are constructed.
An OR gate can have two or more inputs and performs what is known as logical
An OR gate has two or more inputs and one output, as indicated by the standard logic
symbols in Figure 10, where OR gates with two inputs are illustrated. An OR gate can
have any number of inputs greater than one. Although both distinctive shape and
rectangular outline symbols are shown.
FIGURE 10 Standard logic symbols for the OR gate showing two inputs
Operation of an OR Gate
For a 2-input OR gate, output X is HIGH when either input A or input B is HIGH, or when
both A and B are HIGH; X is LOW only when both A and B are LOW.
Digital Techniques
FIGURE 12 Example of OR gate operation with a timing diagram showing input and
output time relationships.
Digital Techniques
FIGURE 13 Solution
The output waveform X of a 2-input OR gate is HIGH when either or both input
waveforms are HIGH as shown in the timing diagram. In this case, both input waveforms
are never HIGH at the same time.
4. The NAND Gate
The NAND gate is a popular logic element because it can be used as a universal gate;
that is, NAND gates can be used in combination to perform the AND, OR, and inverter
The term NAND is a contraction of NOT-AND and implies an AND function with a
complemented (inverted) output. The standard logic symbol for a 2-input NAND gate
and its equivalency to an AND gate followed by an inverter are shown in Figure 14 (a),
where the symbol = means equivalent to. A rectangular outline symbol is shown in part
If the two waveforms A and B shown in Figure 16 are applied to the NAND gate inputs,
determine the resulting output waveform.
Solution: Output waveform X is LOW only during the four time intervals when both
input waveforms A and B are HIGH as shown in the timing diagram.
Digital Techniques
FIGURE 18 Solution
Show the output waveform for the 3-input NOR gate in Figure 19 with the proper time
relation to the inputs.
FIGURE 19 Solution
The output X is LOW when any input is HIGH as shown by the output waveform X in the
timing diagram.