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The Effect of Using TikTok

Application to the Eight

Grade Students in Speaking
Skill during Online
01 02
Objectives Results
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03 04
Methodology Conclusions
Here you could Here you could
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The learning media that

is used must adopt to
such as TikTok
changing trend and application
booms at this time, and
course close to students.

TikTok application is a social media that can upload

videos with various editing features so that they can be
created as desired.

The researcher’s experience in observing the

conditions clas VIII at SMPN 2 Jabon:

• Speaking activites did not go well in the

online class because the teacher rarely use
other interesting media to teach english.
• The teacher tends to use in learning english is
text based-assignment so that speaking
teaching become passive and student’s
motivation to speak english getting lower.
Statement of Problem Objective of the Study

"Is there any significant effect of To find out whether there is any
using Tiktok application to the eighth significant effect of using TikTok
grade students in speaking skill application to the eighth grade
during online learning?” students in speaking skill during
online learning”
Research Population
Pre-Experimental as The researcher took the
research design with experiment at SMPN 2 Jabon.
one group pre-test The total population of grade 8
and post-test is 192 students.

The sample of this
research was the eighth-
grade students who took
the "Let's Talk Program
(LTP)" class.
Data Collection Techniques



Data Analysis Techniques

• Validity of the Test

• Data Normality Test
• Inter-Rater Realibility Test
• T-Test
Result Analysis

Validity of the Test

• The result of validation lesson

plan is 82,5% (the category is
very valid and it can be used
without revision)
• The result of validation
worksheet is 88,5% (the category
is very valid it can be used
without revision)
Result Analysis
The Results of the Calculation of the The Results of the Calculation of the
Normality Test of the Pre-Test Normality Test of the Post-Test
(kolmogorov-smirnov) (kolmogorov-smirnov)
Dmax 0.102 Dmax 0.161
Dkritis 0.338 Dkritis 0.338

Kolmogorov-Smirnov statistic value (Dmax) = 0.161.
Kolmogorov-Smirnov statistic value (Dmax) = 0.102.
The critical value of Kolmogorov-Smirnov with n=15 and a
The critical value of Kolmogorov-Smirnov with n=15 and a
significance level α = 0.05 is 0.338.
significance level α = 0.05 is 0.338.
If Dmax < Dkritis, then the data is normally distributed.
If Dmax < Dkritis, then the data is normally distributed.
If Dmax > Dkritis, then the data is not normally distributed.
If Dmax > Dkritis, then the data is not normally distributed.
Dmax = 0.161< Dkritis = 0.338, it means that the pre-test value
Dmax = 0.102< Dkritis = 0.338, it means that the pre-test
data is declared to be normally distributed.
value data is declared to be normally distributed.
Result Analysis
Inter-Rater Realibility Inter-Rater Realibility
Correlation Coefficient (Pearson Correlation) Correlation Coefficient (Pearson Correlation)
Student’s speaking score (Pre-Test) Student’s speaking score (Post-Test)

0.90415 0.8522
r Value 9 R Value 66
Significance Level α 0.05 Significance Level α 0.05
Critical Value 0.514 Critical Value 0.514

Conclusion: Conclusion:
If the value of r is greater than the critical value, If the value of r is greater than the critical value, then
then the correlation is significant. the correlation is significant.
Because the value of r (0.90) is greater than the
Because the value of r (0.90) is greater than the critical
critical value (0.514), then there is a significant
value (0.514), then there is a significant correlation
correlation between the reliability results between
between the reliability results between the two raters.
the two raters.
The value of 0.90 in the correlation coefficient
The value of 0.90 in the correlation coefficient
interpretation guideline is "very strong", and the
interpretation guideline is "very strong", and the
researcher concludes that the instrument is reliable.
researcher concludes that the instrument is reliable.

Conclusion 1 Conclusion 2

● In addition, based on the results of the t-test

● Based on the results of research it
calculation, there is a comparison between t-test
shows that the use of the TikTok
and t-table indicating that the t-test (t-test =
application as a medium for teaching
22.730) is higher than the t-table (t-table 5% =
English speaking has a significant
2.145) or 22.730 > 2.145. This means that Ha is
and positive impact on students
accepted and Ho is rejected. Thus, implementing
during online learning.
learning to speak English through the TikTok
application makes a significant difference in
students' learning achievement in speaking English
during online learning.

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