Bread Manufacturing Process and Its History
Bread Manufacturing Process and Its History
Bread Manufacturing Process and Its History
Lean Dough
• It is the basic ingredient for bread such as flour, yeast, water, a little sugar, and shortening.
• It is used for making Crusty Breads like French Bread and Pan De Sal.
Rich Dough
• It is a dough that contains, fat (butter) , nuts, dried fruits, eggs flavorings, and more sugar.
• It enhances flavor and its nutritive value of bread.
Bread Making Methods
1. Straight dough method
2. Salt delayed method
3. No dough time method
4. Sponge and dough method
5. Ferment and dough method
1. Straight Dough Method
• Straight dough is a single-mix process of making bread.
• The dough is made from all fresh ingredients, and they are all placed
together and combined in one kneading or mixing session.
• After mixing, a bulk fermentation rest of about 1 hour or longer
occurs before division. It is also called the direct dough method.
• Flours which require 2 to 3 hours for maturing should be used for
making bread by straight method.
2. No Time Dough Method
• Made in emergency situation and dough is not fermented.
• Since dough is not fermented the two functions of fermentation (i.e.
production of gas and conditioning of gluten) are achieved to some
extent by increasing the quantity of yeast (2 to 3 times of original
quantity) and by making the dough little slacker and warmer.
• Due to the absence of fermentation the gluten and starch are not
conditioned sufficiently to retain the moisture.
3. Salt Delayed Method
• This slight variation of straight method, where all the ingredients are
mixed except salt and fat.
• The salt is added at a knock back stage. It may be sifted on the dough and
mixed or it may be creamed with fat and salt.
• Whatever way is chosen for mixing the salt, only 3/4 (of actual mixing
time) mixing should be given initially and one fourth mixing at the time of
adding salt.
• Due to absence of salt, the fermentation speed is enhanced and gluten is
matured in a reasonably shorter time.
4. Sponge And Dough Method
• Take 1/3 of ingredients and mix them to make sponge.
• Leave the sponge for 2-3 hours.
• After that 2/3 ingredients are added and mixed.
• This sponge is fermented for a pre determined time.
• The fermentation time is given for 10-15 minutes.
Evolution of Bread
• As long ago as 2,000 BC the Egyptians knew how to make fermented
bread. The practice was to use a little old dough, or leaven, to "start" the
new dough. These two doughs were mixed together and allowed to
ferment (rise) for some hours before baking. They made an astonishing
50 varieties of bread, paid wages with bread, and painted breadmaking
scenes in their tombs.
• A variety of methods have since been developed in making leaven. The
Baker's Patent required the fermentation of hops and scalded malt for at
least two to three days.
• In the early 1900's it was discovered that traditional long fermentation times
could be reduced from 18 to 3-4 hours by the use of very small amounts of
certain chemicals, called oxidants, in bread or flour. Oxidants, when added to
dough, not only speed up the process but also produce a superior loaf.This
loaf of bread is 4000 years old (approximately). The triangular loaf was one of
many objects found under the foundation of Mentuhotep Il's mortuary
temple at Deir el Bahari in Western Thebes. Mentuhotep Il reigned from
c.2008 to 1957 B.C.
• The Egyptians believed the temple was a miniature representation of the
universe. The objects placed in the foundation deposits were intended to
symbolically stabilise and protect the corners and the boundary walls of the
temple. They believed they would be rewarded with a stable universe where
there was an abundance of food such as bread.
History of Bread Production in New
• Bread was the subject of many of New Zealand's earliest food regulations such as the
Sale of Bread Act and Bread Ordinance in 1863. At the turn of the century, seventy
bakehouses were established in the Canterbury Settlement, which were mostly family
businesses and baked throught the night.
• In those days, dough was mixed in a wooden trough by plunging arms into the mixture,
punching and kneading it until all ingredients were mixed. This task required
considerable strength.
• Ovens have developed dramatically since the first European settlers used a camp oven
( a round cauldron) which stood over the hot embers of an open fire. Early bakeries used
small 'beehive' direct fired ovens heated by lighting a fire in them. When the oven was
hot enough the fire was drawn, or taken out and the batch inserted.
• With the help of technology, bread baking methods have changed
considerably. Most of the tedious manual work associated with bread baking
has now been eliminated.
• In New Zealand there are two main processes for making bread. One of these
is called the Bulk Fermentation (BF) method and the other the Mechanical
Dough Development (MDD) method. In the BF method, the mixed dough is
left to rise for approximately two hours until it is ready to be divided into loaf
size pieces. It is then given a final rising and baked, In the MDD method, the
dough is mixed at very high speeds and has higher levels of some essential
ingredients. This cuts down the amout of time the dough needs to rise from
two hours to ten minutes. The dough is then divided, moulded into loaf size
shapes, given a final rising and baked. About 80% of the bread made in New
Zealand is made by the MDD method.
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