Dissertation PPT On Turmeric Processing

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Dissertation on

“Experimentation on Turmeric Rhizome Cooking Process Using Vacuum”

Presented by Under the guidance of

Mr. Dhawle Manuraj Suresh Prof. K. S. Gharge
Reg. no. – 18231206 Department of Mechanical Engg.
S.Y. M. Tech (Heat power Engg.) GCE, Karad
(2019 - 20)
 Introduction
 Literature survey
 Concluding remarks
 Objectives
 Methodology
 Fabrication of experimental setup
 Performance of experiment
 Results and Discussion
 Conclusions
 References
Turmeric (Curcuma longa) is an important spice and cash crop of India.

Currently, India is the largest producer and consumer of turmeric in the world.

Curcumin is the main content of turmeric.

Turmeric is widely used in cosmetics, cooking, spices, preparing dye etc.

Turmeric contains anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, which may

offer health benefits and widely used for medical purpose.
Processing of turmeric rhizome involves cleaning, boiling, drying, polishing,
grinding of rhizome.

Traditional method involves boiling of turmeric rhizome in water which leads to

losing nutritional value of turmeric.

Hence it is need to incorporate a system which will hold the nutritional value as
well as uniform cooking is possible.

To overcome this current experiment is focused on steam pressure cooking of

turmeric rhizome using vacuum.
Literature Survey
Sr.no. Year Author Title Concluding Remark

Development of mobile They developed turmeric steam based boiling system .

Wasiya Farzanaa, T. boiling system for Which retain curcumin content up to highest possible
1 2018 Pandiarajanb, S. turmeric (Curcuma level and reduce the cooking time. The drying time for
Ganapathy longa) rhizomes to reduce the moisture content from 75% to

In case of water boiling method, maximum retention of

Processing of turmeric curcumin (5.91%) was obtained for rhizomes cured for
2 2016 E Jayashree, T John (Curcuma longa) by 40 min. While in the case of steam boiling method, the
Zachariah different curing maximum retention of the quality parameters was
methods and its effect obtained at 30 min steaming when the curcumin content
on quality (6%)

Prof. Rajendra Study of design and This review concludes various properties and
Pethkar, Admuthe development of conventional method used for turmeric processing. The
3 2017 Ujwal, Kabure turmeric processing conventional methods for post-processing uses boilers
Siddhesh unit: A review and cookers which are designed without any engineering
and mathematical background.
Sr. Year Author Title Concluding Remark

Improving design and By using concept of steam cooking, time for

Patil P. M. and operation steam based cooking turmeric rhizomes is reduced from 30
4 2013 Chhapkhane N. K. turmeric cooking process min. to 17 min. and quality of turmeric is also

Turmeric boiled in improved boiling pot

K. J. Kamble and A study of improving retained 3.33% essential oils and 2.30%
5 2009 S.B. Soni turmeric processing curcumin as against 2.93% and 2.57%
respectively in traditional boiling pot.

Steam cooking and water boiling of turmeric

Pratik B. Yadao, A Review on rhizome is compared. Due to water boiling
6 2015 Shrikant R. Jachak Optimization of Turmeric essential oil, oleoresin and curcumin leach out
Curing Process with water. Steam cooking of turmeric is the
most advance method which save fuel, time
and labor cost.
Sr. Year Author Title Concluding Remark

Gopal U. Shinde, Process Optimization in In the study it was observed that in steam
Kailas J. Kamble, Turmeric Heat Treatment cooking handling of turmeric is easy and labor
7 2011 Mahesh G. Harkari, by Design and required is half of boiling method. Time
Dr. G.R.More Fabrication of Blancher required for drying of steam-cooked turmeric
is 8 days where as for boiled turmeric 15 days.

Development and Attempts were made to develop different post

U. S. Pal, K. Khan, evaluation of farm level harvest processing equipment to reduce labor
8 2008 N. R. Sahoo, G turmeric processing cost and maintain the quality of the final
Sahoo equipment product.

The turmeric rhizomes were boiled in open

K.A. Athmaselvi and Heat utilization in steam and also for different duration. They
9 2003 N. Varadharaju different methods of found that energy required for boiling in open
turmeric boiling steam method increased with increase in the
duration of boiling and ranged between 287.45
kJ to 291.87 kJ.
Sr. Year Author Title Concluding Remark

Design and work is carried out to improve the performance of

M.G.Harkare, thermostructural turmeric processing plant.
10 2011 B.M.Dabade, analysis of a mobile The new design of turmeric processing plant improves
V.B.Tungikar blancher for turmeric rate of energy consumption, process time, turmeric
processing contents and its properties, process handling system
and labor cost.
Maria Lucia A. Influence of post Studies were carried out to evaluate the influence of
Bambirra, harvest processing post harvest processing conditions on yield and quality
11 2002 Roberto G. conditions on yield and of ground turmeric. Cooking caused a reduction in
Junqueira, quality of ground dehydration time and provided a powder with lower
Maria Bearriz turmeric (Curcuma moisture content, higher levels of curcuminoid
A. Gloria longa L.) pigments
The study includes Standardization of Curing and
Santosh Standardization of Microwave Drying of Turmeric rhizome Quality of the
12 2015 Gagare, V.D. Curing and Microwave cured turmeric samples (30 min) were observed to be
Mudgal, P.S. Drying of Turmeric the best as the mean score for colour uniformity
Champawat (Curcuma longa) (7.19), appearance (7.21) and skin removal (7.25) was
and Amit Pisal Rhizomes the maximum with affordable loss to the curcumin.
Sr. Year Author Title Concluding Remark
Shibru Zerihun Fenta, Effect of boiling This study was initiated with objective of optimizing the
Ali Mohammed, Girma temperature levels and boiling temperature level (s) and duration (s) of rhizome
Hilemichael and John durations on dry matter, set types of turmeric for its quality improvement.
13 2017 Barnabas total ash, crude protein and Accordingly, the result of this study revealed that almost
crude fiber contents of all of the parameters considered were significantly
different rhizome set types affected by the treatments or their interaction effects.
of turmeric.
Indurani Effect of processing of This study was conducted to assess the impact of
Chandrasekaran, turmeric rhizomes conventional and improved post-harvest operations on
Dharini Manoharan, (Curcuma longa L.) on the the retention of bioactive constituents. The steaming, and
14 Ganapathy concentrations of bioactive solar dried PTS 10 rhizomes resulted in maximum
2019 Shanmugam and constituents curcumin (5.21%), essential oils (5.80%) and oleoresin
Chandra B. (14%) contents.
Evaluation of Curing and A study was conducted to determine the effects of boiling
Drying Methods on the time, rhizome form and drying methods on the physical
Physical Quality of quality characteristics of turmeric. Among the techniques
15 2019 Biruk Hirko Turmeric (Curcuma Longa studied, unsliced rhizome boiled for 15 minutes followed
L.) Rhizome Grown in by poly tunnel solar drying was found superior based on
South Western Ethiopia the physical quality analysis
Concluding remarks
Nutritional value of turmeric rhizome may lose due to water boiling

Higher drying time is required for water boiled rhizome

Uniform boiling may not be possible by conventional boiling method

Time required for post processing of turmeric and labor cost in conventional
method is higher.
Proposed work
Objective of research:

Reduction in boiling time and ultimately lead time for post

processing of turmeric rhizomes.

Optimization of temperature for the boiling of rhizomes.

Maintaining the quality of turmeric rhizome.

Develop steam based pressure cooking system for turmeric rhizome using
Study of existing method used by the farmers for the boiling of turmeric rhizome

by visiting the actual site.

To carry out detail literature survey and to study the different method of post

processing of turmeric.
Defining the objective of research depending on the past data.

 Fabrication of experimental setup for investigation listed objective.

Testing and performance of the experiment.

Analysis and discussion for obtained results.

Conclusion with the suggestion for the future work.

Fabrication of experimental setup
Components of Layout of experimental setup

experimental setup
•Pressure cooker
•Vacuum pump
•Electric heater
•Temperature sensor and
•Pressure gauge
•Connection pipes
Fabrication of experimental setup
Components of Layout of experimental setup

experimental setup
•Pressure cooker
•Vacuum pump
•Electric heater
•Temperature sensor and
•Pressure gauge
•Connection pipes
Components details
Pressure cooker Compound pressure gauge Temp. indicator and sensor

Quantity 2 Quantity 2
Quantity 2
Display type Analog
Volume 7.5 liter 0 to 30 inch of Type K-type
Range Hg vacuum Range -270 to 1260 °C
Material Aluminium 0 to 60 psig
Vacuum pump Electric heater Valve ands pipes

Type Single stage

air cooled Capacity 2 KW
Max. vacuum capacity 26'' of Hg
No. of cylinder 2
Displacement 1600 lit/min
Experimental setup
Performance of experiment
1 kg of turmeric rhizome is cooked at different conditions
Observations taken for the two vacuum condition and rhizomes were cooked
at different pressure condition.
1) Vacuum 10” of Hg
Rhizome cooked at following pressure condition
0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8 kg/cm2 (Gauge)
2) Vacuum of 15” of Hg
Rhizome cooked at following pressure condition
0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8 kg/cm2 (Gauge)
Results and Discussion

Fig: Cooked sample of

turmeric rhizome
Results and Discussion
Vacuum of 10” of Hg
Results and Discussion
Vacuum of 15” of Hg
Results and Discussion
Results and Discussion

Atmospheric condition

Vacuum of 10” of Hg Vacuum of 15” of Hg

Results and Discussion
Vacuum of 10” of Hg
Energy required to cook rhizome Vs different cooking pressure
Results and Discussion
Vacuum of 15” of Hg
Energy required to cook rhizome Vs different cooking pressure
Results and Discussion
Vacuum of 10” of Hg
Heat utilization factor Vs different cooking pressure
Results and Discussion
Vacuum of 15” of Hg
Heat utilization factor Vs different cooking pressure
Drying of sample

Fig: Oven drying of turmeric rhizome

Testing of sample
Testing of sample is done to determine the curcumin content of the turmeric

Testing is done at Sona Analytical and Research Laboratory at Satara .

Method used for testing the sample is IS : 3576 - 2010 & IS : 1797- 2010
given by Indian standard
When turmeric rhizomes are cooked at atmospheric pressure the curcumin
content found to be 2.11 %
Where as in case of,
a) Vacuum of 10” of Hg
Curcumin content at 0.2, 0.4, 0.6 and 0.8 kg/cm2 (gauge) found to be
3.48, 3.4, 3.36 and 3.35 % respectively.
b) Vacuum of 15” of Hg
Curcumin content at 0.2, 0.4, 0.6 and 0.8 kg/cm2 (gauge) found to be
3.5, 3.43, 3.34 and 3.32 % respectively.
This shows that curcumin content is more as compare to cooking at
atmospheric pressure and hence quality of turmeric rhizome is maintained
Total time required to cook the rhizome is reduced due to the use of vacuum
and pressure cooking. It is found that total time required to cook the rhizome at
atmospheric condition, 10" of Hg vacuum at 0.2 kg/cm2 and 15" of Hg vacuum
at 0.2 kg/cm2 is 51 min, 46 min and 42 min respectively.

Due to application of vacuum, the heater is less time in operation compared to

atmospheric pressure and hence energy supplied to cook the turmeric rhizome
is less.
Due to less time required to cook turmeric rhizome the retention of
curcumin is more hence the quality of turmeric rhizome is maintained.

Successfully developed steam based pressure cooking system for turmeric

rhizome with the application of vacuum
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